Assessments of well-being in caring of patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal cancer. Studies of nutrition, activities of daily living and health related quality of life
Popular Abstract in Swedish Att bedöma välbefinnande hos patienter med mag/tarmcancer Avhandlingen handlar om undernäring, beroende/oberoende i det dagliga livet och uppfattningar om hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos patienter som opereras pga cancer i mag/tarmkanalen. Enligt journaldokumentation hos 45 patienter som opererades 1985-89, för cancer i bukspottkörteln, hade patienterna ett försämrat nThe aim was to study some aspects of patients´ well-being, related to nutrition, activities of daily living and health related quality of life, when undergoing major gastrointestinal cancer surgery. Chart documentations (N=45) of patients undergoing subtotal pancreatectomy were studied, and showed the patients' well-being to be affected, although it was not possible to fully evaluate the results o