

Din sökning på "*" gav 528306 sökträffar

Places of Dying and Rituals of Mourning

The purpose of this paper is to explore in what way the place becomes important for those who are affected by disasters or sudden death. According to human geography people have affective bonds to the concrete physical places where they are living and moving in their everyday live. Places are also constructed as meeting places where people create social relations. In the discotheque fire in Gothen

Ära rikedom och reda.

The book describes and discusses the langguage policy and planning in Sweden 1500-1800. It treats the status of Swedish in relation to other languages in Sweden (Latin, German etc.) during that time as well as the standardization of the written language from the 16th century when the reformation bible appeared in Swedish.

The affects towards and perceptions of the self and significant others in hemophiliacs and diabetics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur upplever och ser personer med blödarsjuka eller sockersjuka sig själva och närstående andra. I den första delen av denna avhandling studeras 27 patienter, 16 till 39 år gamla, med blödarsjuka. Av primärt intresse var från början frågan hur sjukdomen kunde tänkas påverka deras känsloliv och i synnerhet deras syn på sig själva och betydelsefulla medmänniskor. DärutöveThe Affects Towards And Perceptions Of The Self And Significant Others in Hemophiliacs and Diabetics The studies in this dissertation investigated the feelings towards and ways of perceiving the self and significant others in twenty-seven patients with hemophilia between the ages of 16-39 to discern how their perceptual-affect states are organized. Secondly, the relationship between bleeds and aff

Multipath propagation simulator for V2X Communication Tests on Cars

Test and evaluation of wireless communication performance with cars can be done in many ways. One approach, for both vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) tests, is to use a multipath propagation simulator to achieve realistic signal environments for the different communication systems under test. Multipath propagation simulators have previously been shown to be useful for t

Effect of Pre-Chamber Volume and Nozzle Diameter on Pre-Chamber Ignition in Heavy Duty Natural Gas Engines

It has previously been shown by the authors that the pre-chamber ignition technique operating with fuel-rich pre-chamber combustion strategy is a very effective means of extending the lean limit of combustion with excess air in heavy duty natural gas engines in order to improve indicated efficiency and reduce emissions. This article presents a study of the influence of pre-chamber volume and nozzl

De ovanligas betydelse

This study is about the relationship between normality and deviance, illustrated by the relation between ordinary people and deviants in the form of local characters.

Sealants between elements of aerated concrete

Because of the low tensile strength of aerated concrete, the sealing of joints between such elements causes special problems. In this paper some main characteristics of sealants for use in aerated concrete joints are discussed. These properties are elongation resistance, elasticity, and ageing. The elongation resistance was examined at different rates and different temperatures. The elasticity wa


Strategi kan vara ett välplanerat tillvägagångssätt – eller modetrender och Följa-John-beteenden. Den här boken går igenom klassiska strategiteoretiska perspektiv och nyare teoribildning. Vi får en inblick i praktiskt strategiarbete inom företag och organisationer och i centrala modeller och analysverktyg. Författarna diskuterar även aktuella strategiska fenomen och frågeställningar, såsom globali

Historia vid skiljevägen : Historiekulturella sonderingar när och fjärran

I Historia vid skiljevägen resonerar ett tjugotal författare på historiekulturella teman. Boken är en festskrift till Klas-Göran Karlsson och är uppdelad i fyra teman: Klas-Göran som historiker - historier om Klas-Göran, Historia, samhälle och vetenskap i förändring, Historia och minnespolitik samt Historiekulturella manifestationer - undervisning och medier.

Implementing microinstruction folding on the BlueJ Java optimized processor

This paper present the work on implementing microinstruction folding on the BlueJEP. The BlueJep is a Java Embedded Processor written entirely in Bluespec SystemVerilog. The folding model is introduced and how it is implemented. The implementation was tested on a Xilinx FPGA and measurements were taken through simulation.