

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Bladder exstrophy : Clinical and experimental aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blåsexstrofi är en ovanlig och mångfasetterad missbildning. I hela Sverige föds cirka tre barn om året med blåsexstrofi. Bukvägg och urinblåsa är öppna nedanför naveln, så att man ser blåsans insida samt rinnande urin. Flickorna har en delad clitoris, framflyttad och trång slidöppning samt framflyttad ändtarmsöppning. Pojkarna har en kort, öppen penis, som ligger uppfälBladder exstrophy is a complex malformation seen in 1/30 000. Most children are subject to repeated operations, including pelvic osteotomy, genital and bladder neck reconstruction and sometimes bladder augmentation or a urinary reservoir, to achieve continence and a normal genital function. A retrospective study of all Swedish children born 1970-89 showed a low continence rate, 17% , and a high r

System dynamics and goal-oriented measurement: a hybrid approach

Goal-oriented measurement following the Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) approach is a well-defined and powerful tool in software management and decision-support. This chapter proposes the integration of GQM with a mature software process simulation approach, System Dynamics, in order to further enhance software managers' analytic, explorative, and decision-making capability. The proposed hybrid approac

Peak and Power Reduction in Multicarrier Communication Systems

Broadband multicarrier communication suffers from a large signal span, causing problems in both wireless and wireline systems. This is commonly referred to as a high peak to average ratio (PAR), and leads to a high power consumption, which is an important limitation in many communication systems. This thesis puts focus on PAR reduction for wireline communication systems, in particular for the mul

Teoritraditioner om rättfärdiga krig

Rättfärdigande av krig har i alla tider varit ett centralt inslag i internationell politik. Kan militärt våld rättfärdigas? För vilka ändamål kan militära interventioner legitimeras? Hur rättfärdigas humanitära interventioner? Med vilka etiska kriterier försvaras krigen i Afghanistan, Irak och Israel-Palestina? Dessa är några av de många intressanta frågor som behandlas i denna bok. Antologin utg

Echocardiographic assessment of atrioventricular plane displacement, Clinical application in patients with coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation and aortic stenosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Studier har visat att rörelsen i atrioventrikulära planet (AVPD) är korrelerat med såväl vänster kammares (VK) systoliska, mätt som ejections fraktion (EF), som diastoliska funktion. Ålder, hjärtfrekvens, VK storlek, vänster förmaks storlek, myokardiets tjocklek, kroppsyta och afterload är andra faktorer som påverkar AVPD. I denna avhandling studeras relationen mellan ALeft atrioventricular plane displacement (AVPD) has been shown to correlate well with left ventricular (LV) systolic function measured as ejection fraction (EF). AVPD has also been shown to be related to diastolic performance. Other factors related to AVPD include age, heart rate, LV and atrial dimensions, myocardial thickness, bodysurface, and afterload. In this thesis the left AVPD was studied i

Att gestalta och omgestalta sitt ledarskap : Verksamhetsnära chefer inom kommunal omsorgsverksamhet reflekterar över chefsroll och arbetets innehåll

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen utforskar vad det innebär att vara verksamhetsnära chef i en svensk kommunal omsorgsorganisation. Det forskningsprojekt som utgör avhandlings empiriska bas tillkom för att de medverkande cheferna upplevde att de hade en svår arbetssituation. Resultaten från projektet belyser chefskapets innebörd och förutsättningar, sett ur chefernas perspektiv. Det allra The present doctoral thesis aimed to explore what it means to be a first-level manages in a Swedish municipal social care administration, seen from the managers’ perspective. The empirical data derives from a participative, constructivist project which intended to contribute to new practice-based knowledge and to the learning and development of the participating managers. The participating manager

Function of contractile and cytoskeletal proteins in smooth muscle: Effects of hypertrophy and age and desmin removal in a transgenic animal.

Popular Abstract in Swedish I människokroppen finns tre typer av muskulatur, skelettmuskel, hjärtmuskel och glatt muskulatur. Skelettmuskulatur kan styras med tanken, och vi kan använda den när vi t.ex. skall lyfta tekoppen på morgonen. Hjärtmuskel finns i hjärtat och slår oavbrutet så länge vi lever. Glatt muskulatur är ej viljestyrd och finns i de flesta inre organ, t.ex. blodkärlens väggar, lufIn man, the urinary bladder responds to an urinary outflow obstruction with a pronounced dilatation and growth of the bladder wall. This clinical situation can be mimicked in rat by creation of a partial urinary outflow obstruction and the papers included in the present thesis use this animal model to address questions regarding the adaptive changes in the smooth muscle of the growing bladder. In

Adaptive dual control

The paper discusses the solution to the optimal adaptive control problem over an extended time horizon. This leads to a controller that have dual features, i.e., tt uses control actions as well as probing actions. The solution of the optimal dual control problem is intractable from a computational point of view. Approximations to obtain simpler suboptimal dual controllers are thus important. There

Young people and social exclusion in Sweden

The chapter gives an overall picture of the conditions of labour market entry for young people (16-19 years) and young adults (20-24 years) and their social exclusion in Sweden from the early 1990s until now. The chapter consists of three sections. The first section provides background information on the entry of young people on the Swedish labour market. The overview summarizes research findings

On the bijectivity of thin-plate splines

The thin-plate spline (TPS) has been widely used in a number of areas such as image warping, shape analysis and scattered data interpolation. Introduced by Bookstein (IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(6):567–585 1989), it is a natural interpolating function in two dimensions, parameterized by a finite number of landmarks. However, even though the thin-plate spline has a very intuitive int

A fundamental problem of causation (with no solution)

Traditional views of causation are cause-effect views. Among other things, what is claimed is that when a causal report is true, a cause and an effect exist. Similarly with theories of causal beliefs, such as Gärdenfors's (1988) view that - by looking at the contraction with respect to the cause of the given epistemic state - we can apply the simple criterion that the occurrence of C raises the pr

Competitive adsorption of macromolecules during emulsification

The adsorption behavior of macromolecular emulsifiers is important in the understanding of their functionality. Understanding of the adsorption behavior can ultimately enable us to control emulsion properties. Adsorption during emulsification differs from many adsorption processes as the interface at which adsorption occurs is created in parallel with the adsorption. In this thesis two different m