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Medeltidshuset vid Stora Torg i Halmstad

Up until the mid 1960s you could still find significant remains of a medieval brick house in Halmstad. Since the building was rediscovered in the 1920s, numerous speculations about the house and its owners have been presented. It has been linked to the Kalente guild as well as to the guild of St. Gertrud. These hypotheses rest, however, on very flimsy basis. Thus, this article examines a whole newUp until the mid 1960s you could still findsignificant remains of a medieval brick housein Halmstad. Since the building was rediscoveredin the 1920s, numerous speculationsabout the house and its owners have beenpresented. It has been linked to the Kalenteguild as well as to the guild of St. Gertrud.These hypotheses rest, however, on veryflimsy basis. Thus, this article examines awhole new hypothes

Hjälp bina på rätt sätt : satsa på blommor istället för bikupor

På senare tid har allt fler aktörer engagerat sig för att ”hjälpa bina” och motverka bidöd. Men när köpcentrum, snabbmatskedjor och fastighetsbolag satsar på bikupor för honungsbin i stället för att hjälpa vilda bin riskerar man att göra mer skada än nytta, skriver fyra Lundaforskare, som uppmanar företagen att hjälpa till på rätt sätt.

The global mobility infrastructure : Reconceptualising the externalisation of migration control

Since the end of the Cold War, migration law and policy of the global North has been characterised by externalisation, privatisation and securitisation. These developments have been conceptualised as denying access to migrants and as politics of non-entrée. This article proposes to broaden the analysis, and to analyse unwanted migration as merely one form of international human mobility by relying

The Single State Solution: Vision, Obstacles and Dilemmas of a Re-Emergent Alternative in Flux

In this chapter I begin by giving a brief snapshot of the recent re-emer- gence of the single-state solution as a potential political force, and of its alternative intellectual worldview against the Oslo Accords. Predominantly powered forward by the Palestinian Diaspora within the international arena today, it is this unified vision that holds the whole of the alternative together as a movement of

The Re-Emergence of the Single State Solution in Palestine/Israel : Countering an illusion

Providing the first in-depth intellectual and organizational mapping of the single state idea’s recent resurgence in Palestine/Israel, this book enquires into its nature as a phenomenon of resistance, as well as into its potential as a counterhegemonic force in the making against the processes of Zionism.Reconstructing this moment of re-emergence through primary material and interviews with divers

A covariant formulation of finite plasticity with plasticity-induced evolution of anisotropy : Modeling, algorithmics, simulation, and comparison to experiments

Motivated by experimental findings on sheet-metal forming, this article concerns the modeling of evolving anisotropies in finite plasticity. A covariant formulation of plasticity is employed in conjunction with evolution equations for the structural tensors that characterize the symmetry group of the yield function. A specific model is implemented into a finite element code to simulate tension and

Rapid nitrogen and phosphorus homeostasis transformation in Eupatorium adenophorum during invasion

Exotic plants can compete well with native species because many invasive species are considered better nutrient users in both low- and high-resource environments. However, whether invasive plants can outperform native plants at all stages of invasion is not very clear. We investigated the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and N:P homeostasis of an invasive Eupatorium adenophorum and a co-occurring nati

Pharmacotherapy for mood and anxiety disorders in older people with intellectual disability in comparison with the general population

BACKGROUND: People with intellectual disability (ID) have high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, but even higher rates of prescription of psychotropic drugs. METHODS: Using Swedish national registers, we identified a group of older people with ID and diagnosis of mood disorders (ICD-10 codes F32-F39) and/or anxiety (ICD-10 code F4) during 2006-2012 (n = 587) and a referent group of people from

Influence of the mutation "diabetes" on insulin release and islet morphology in mice of different genetic backgrounds

Mice, 7-8-mo old, of the C57BL/KsJ-db strain and homozygotic for the mutant gene db, exhibited marked hyperglycemia and moderately elevated serum insulin levels. Light and electron microscopy provided evidence of a slightly decreased proportion of β cells in the pancreatic islets, irregular islet architecture with intraislet ducts, and degenerative as well as hypertrophic changes in the individua

The pancreatic β-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues-III. Effects of substituting sulphur for oxygen in the d-glucose molecule

Sulphur-containing analogues of d-glucose were tested for effects on insulin release, d-glucose transport and d-glucose oxidation in microdissected pancreatic islets of obese-hyperglycemic mice. Substituting sulphur for oxygen in the ring structure of d-glucose (5-thio-d-glucose) resulted in a total loss of insulin-releasing ability. 5-Thio-d-glucose inhibited d-glucose-stimulated insulin release,

Transport and storage of 5-hydroxytryptamine in pancreatic β-cells

To elucidate the role of biogenic amines in insulin secretion, pancreatic islets rich in β-cells were microdissected from obese-hyperglycemic mice and were incubated with 14C-labelled 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). The saturability of uptake and the fact that 5-HT was accumulated to high levels indicated that the β-cells possess a transport system with great capacity for this amine. The initial uptak

Isolated mouse islets as a model for studying insulin release

An in vitro system with microdissected mouse islets was employed for studying insulin release. Islets from obese-hyperglycemic mice were considered particularly useful in view of their high content of adequately functioning β-cells. After freeze-drying and weighing each of the incubated islets it was possible to express the rate of insulin release per islet dry weight. Insulin released from a sing

Visualization in freeze-dried tissue sections of structures to be studied by quantitative histochemistry.

The limiting factor for quantitative histochemistry employing freeze-dried tissue sections is the ability to identify morphologic structures. Satisfactory staining of freeze-dried tissue specimens intended for further microanalysis was achieved by using isopentane solutions of free dye bases. The practical details of this rapid histologic control are outlined and its usefulness is illustrated by m

The β-cell capacity for insulin secretion in microdissected pancreatic islets from obese-hyperglycemic mice

The pancreatic islets in obese-hyperglycemic mice display a normal response of insulin secretion when stimulated with glucose in vitro. This indicates that the impaired glucose metabolism is due to extra-pancreatic factors rather than to deficient β-cell function. In fact, the pancreas of these mice is a useful source from which to isolate large numbers of mammalian β-cells suitable for studies of

Evidence for an inhibitor of insulin release in the pancreatic islets

The release of insulin in vitro from isolated mouse islets was significantly inhibited in the presence of an islet protein extract equivalent to more than 100 times the normal serum level of insulin. The nature of the inhibitory islet substance remains unclear. The possibility that the blood circulation through the islets may be important for the local regulation of insulin release by reducing hig

SMAC mimetics promote NIK-dependent inhibition of CD4+ TH17 cell differentiation

Second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase (SMAC) mimetics (SMs) are selective antagonists of the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs), which activate noncanonical NF-B signaling and promote tumor cell death. Through gene expression analysis, we found that treatment of CD4+ T cells with SMs during T helper 17 (TH17) cell differentiation disrupted the balance between two antagonistic transc

Detection of pre-plaque amyloid aggregation using FTIR

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by misfolding and aggregation of naturally occurring beta-amyloid peptides (Aβ). These aggregates are thought to be pathogenic to neurons, although the conformation of the pathogenic Aβ species remains unclear. Biochemical extraction methods and different microscopy techniques (TEM, confocal) can be used to identify pathogenic Aβ species in the

Underlying Differences in Health Spending Within the World Health Organisation Europe Region-Comparing EU15, EU Post-2004, CIS, EU Candidate, and CARINFONET Countries

This study examined the differences in health spending within the World Health Organization (WHO) Europe region by comparing the EU15, the EU post-2004, CIS, EU Candidate and CARINFONET countries. The WHO European Region (53 countries) has been divided into the following sub-groups: EU15, EU post-2004, CIS, EU Candidate countries and CARINFONET countries. The study period, based on the availabilit