Din sökning på "*" gav 534706 sökträffar
A Regulatory Approach to Foster Bulk Electricity Generation from Renewable Energies in South Africa
Regulations to promote the application of renewable energy in the electricity sector are crucial to achieve the government’s target of increasing the share of renewable energy to 10 TWh within 10 years. Feed-In tariffs provides the highest certainty to accomplish a significant growth of renewable energy since it provide high certainty to investors and are easy to implement. For the design of a Fee
Towards sustainable solid waste management in Jordan
Popular Abstract in English Jordan is a country with a rapidly growing economy, modernization and growing population. The rapid increase in volumes of solid wastes and a steady increase in the cost and logistical difficulties with the associated risk to human health is a source of concern. The increasing solid waste generated in Jordan has not been accompanied with adequate sanitation facilities aJordan is a country with a growing population that is undergoing rapid modernization. The increased volume of solid waste and associated logistical difficulties, the steady growth in the cost of waste management and the risk to human health are sources of concern. The increasing amount of solid waste generated in Jordan has not been accompanied by adequate sanitation facilities or management progr
Cars and Fuels of Tomorrow: strategic choices and policy needs
The Global Race for Foreign Direct Investment: Prospects for the Future
No title
When God moves out - the deserted churches of Mårup and Maglarp: A discussion on the fate and future of deserted churches since the Middle Ages in mainly Scandinavia. The article is departuring from the case of Mårup in Jutland (Denmark) and Maglarp in Scania (Sweden), which were demolished 2007-08.
Tense, aspect and modality: universal hierarchy and universal paths of development
Abstract not available
Is High Tech the Only Way?
Influence of the Workpiece Material Properties on the Cutting Forces
This study focuses on modelling the cutting resistance as a function of the workpiece material properties. Thus, for a workpiece material the cutting resistance may be predicted from the material properties without using any experiments. The cutting resistance may then be used to determine the cutting forces, data which in turn may be used to determine appropriate process parameters and select cut
The domain structure and function of the thylakoid membrane
Redovisning i ett nötskal
ALBEGA: A Decay Spectroscopy Setup for Chemically Separated Samples
Language Use with Blissymbolics
Three young adults with cerebral palsy who used Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs) with Blissymbolics took part in a study where they tried pre-stored phrases for specific activities. Before and after the study, 1 ½ years apart, they took part in semi-structured interviews where they answered open ended questions about the activity shopping. Analyses of the expressions they constructed with t
I stadens tjänst: musikens vandringar i Östersjöområdet
Strategier för lokal förankring i kustnära turismutveckling
Efterordet till Robert Musils essä (ursprungligen ett föredrag hållet 1937) redogör för de begreppsliga, litterära och politiska sammanhang som är relevanta för förståelsen av texten. I synnerhet diskuteras Musils idé om vad han kallar funktionell dumhet. Resonemanget relateras till vad som beskrivs som de två centrala tankarna i Musils hela litterära och essäistiska arbete: teoremet om människans
Contexts of Language Diversity
Sammanställd Redovisning
Privacy, Surveillance and Digital Trust in the American Case
While generally kept out of sight, government surveillance ostensibly to ensure the security of the state from threats (both foreign and domestic) is a hallmark of the American national security state. What types of surveillance are legally allowable is constantly contested as new technologies emerge that must be tested against American constitutional principles and international law. In the wake