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Ny partikeldetektor skådar stormens öga
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Democracy and Argument - Tracking Truth in Complex Social Decisions
A committee has to address a complex question, the answer to which requires answering several sub-questions. Two different voting procedures can be used. On one procedure, the committee members vote on each sub-question and the voting results then are used as premises for the committee’s conclusion on the main issue. This premise-based procedure (pbp) can be contrasted with the conclusion-based pr
Foundations for Nothing and Facts for Free
Sweden : A Pioneer of Acidification Abatement
In Sweden, the combination of the country’s natural ecological vulnerability to acidification and its geographical location has been domestic focal points for the treatment of the ‘acid rain’ issue. Political interest in the acidification issue in Sweden emerged in the late 1960s, when the problems of long-range transport of sulphuric compounds and their harmful environmental effects were first hi
"Rikets frihet, borgerlig frihet, skrif-frihet" : Gjörwell och Den politiske Aristarchus 1769-70
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An edition of the Latin text of a fifteenth-century Birgittine sermon on the Compassion of Mary.
"...or else the lie around". Time, Space and the Everyday in Post-Independence Dublin. Working Paper No. 3 (2014)
This essay aims to understand the time and space of the everyday in postindependence Dublin. Methodologically, the approach is hermeneutic. Theory and method can thus not be separated: it is at the same time a heuristic pursuit as an empirical investigation. The Magdalen Asylums, an urban network of coercive state-religious institutions for unmarried women, forms the empirical focal point for the
Combating Uncertainty, Combating the Global: Scapegoating, Xenophobia and the National/Local Nexus
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Specialized basic courses for engineering students - a necessity or a nuisance
Basic statistics courses for engineering students often focus on general applications in engineering, using course literature intended for ‘engineers’. However, these students are not a homogeneous group, and the differences among engineering programmes appear to be increasing. One way to meet the challenge of the diversity of needs within a discipline is to adapt the courses for different program
A Teachable-Agent Arithmetic Game’s effects on Mathematics Understanding, Attitude and Self-Efficacy
A teachable-agent arithmetic game is presented and evaluated in terms of student performance, attitude and self-efficacy. An experimental pre-post study design was used, enrolling 153 3rd and 5th grade students in Sweden. The playing group showed significantly larger gains in math performance and self-efficacy beliefs, but not in general attitude towards math, than the control groups. The contribu
Verksamhet i förändring - Försäkringsmedicinska verksamhetens roll i sjukskrivningsprocessen och på Försäkringskassan
Rapporten utvärderar och diskuterar situationen för Försäkringskassans försäkringsmedicinska verksamhet efter de senaste årens stora förändringsarbeten; reformen av sjukskrivningsprocessen och Försäkringskassans fusion. På basis av intervjuer med i första hand försäkringsmedicinska rådgivare, behandlar rapporten konsekvenserna för försäkringsmedicinska verksamheten i allmänhet men aktiviteterna i
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer - Molecular Genetics and Biology of Associated Tumors
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancerförekomst i familjen är en riskfaktor för flera vanliga cancerformer. Såväl ärftlig (hereditär) som icke-ärftlig (sporadisk) cancer är resultatet av en ansamling av förändringar (mutationer) i gener vars normala funktion är att reglera cellernas delning, tillväxt och mognad. Vid ärftlig cancer finns den första erforderliga mutationen i kroppens alla celler från föThis thesis focuses on one of the most common types of hereditary cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). This syndrome is characterized by an autosomal dominant inheritance, an increased risk for several types of cancer (especially cancer of the colorectum, small bowel, endometrium, ovary and urinary tract), early age at diagnosis, and frequent development of multiple primary m
Den dubbla blicken. En inledning
From Paris to Reitarskaia. The Significance of Place in Pasternak’s Definition of Poetry
Convergence of a recursive stochastic algorithm with m-dependent observations
Fysikaliska faktorer
Dynamic Optimization of Modelica Models -- Language Extensions and Tools
The Modelica language is currently gaining increased interest, both in industry and in academia. Modelica is an object-oriented, general purpose modeling language, targeted at modeling of complex physical systems. While the main usage of models developed in Modelica is simulation, several other usages emerge. Examples of such usages are dynamic optimization, model reduction, calibration, verificat