

Din sökning på "*" gav 526908 sökträffar

Involutionary Growth in a Labour-Scarce Economy. A dialectic interpretation of the boom and bust of cocoa production in Ghana, c. 1890-1970

The use of the analytical tools of classic and neo-classic economics has played a significant role in the study of Africa’s economic history since the 1970s. In this paper, we summon this body of work under the paradigm of Smithian growth models. Although different in techniques and approaches, this work shares a use of markets as the organising principle of the study. The aim of this paper is to

Metastable entangled states of atomic systems in macroscale: radiation dynamics and spectrum

Dynamics of spontaneous decay and corresponding emission spectrum areexactly treated for a system of two identical two-level atoms in 1D.Just a one-dimensional case is considered in order to maximally extractan information on mutual influence of spatially remote atoms through theradiation field. As a result, an effect is revealed and considered indetail that there exist stable (metastable) entangl

Studies of Electrocatalytic Reactions of NADH at Mediator Modified Electrodes and of H2O2 at Peroxidase Modified Electrodes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många biokemiska reaktioner har höga aktiveringsenergier och utan de katalyserande enzymerna skulle de flesta ämnes- omsättningsprocesser fortskrida alldeles för långsamt för att uppehålla liv. Enzymer kallas ofta för biokatalysatorer eftersom de verkar katalytiskt, dvs påskyndar kemiska reaktioner utan att själva förändras. De finns i en enorm variation eftersom vart oThis thesis addresses: (1) studies of direct and mediated electron transfer and kinetics of peroxidases on electrodes and the development of amperometric peroxidase-based biosenors, (2) electrochemical and kinetic studies of NADH oxidation at mediator modified electrodes. The direct and mediated electron transfer of horseradish and tobacco peroxidase were investigated on graphite electrodes by us

A systematic review of research on open source software in commercial software product development

Background: The popularity of the open source software development in the last decade, has brought about an increased interest from the industry on how to use open source components, participate in the open source community, build business models around this type of software development, and learn more about open source development methodologies. Aim: The aim of this study is to review research ca

A wavelet analysis of solar mean magnetic field measurements

Solar mean magnetic field (SMMF) measurements from the Wilcox SolarObservatory and with SOHO/MDI are analyzed using continuous wavelettransforms, SMMF variability is found at a number of temporal scales.Detected SMMF variations with a 1-2 year period is considered to belinked to long-term variations in the internal rotation of the Sun.Intermediate SMMF oscillations with a period of 80-200 days are

Computing with Python

Description: Python® is a free open-source language and environment that has great potential in scientific computing. Computing with Python presents the programming language in close connection wit mathematical applications. The approach of the book is concept based rather than a systematic introduction to the language. It is written for a mathematical readership and is aimed at students with a ma

Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction

The purpose of Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction is to introduce students, teachers, researchers, and practitioners to experimentation and experimental evaluation with a focus on software engineering. The objective is, in particular, to provide guidelines for performing experiments evaluating methods, techniques and tools in software engineering. The introduction is provided

CFD Modeling Considering Different Kinetic Models for Internal Reforming Reactions in an Anode-Supported SOFC

Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that transform chemical energy into electricity. Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are particularly interesting because they can handle the reforming of hydrocarbon fuels directly within the cell. This is possible due to their high operating temperature. The purpose of this study is to develop an anode-supported SOFC model, to enhance the understanding of the in