

Din sökning på "*" gav 526186 sökträffar

First Person Readings of MAN : On semantic and pragmatic restrictions on an impersonal pronoun

Cinque (1988) notices that Italian impersonal si can be interpreted so as to include the speaker and that such a reading is actually mandatory in certain contexts. A similar conclusion holds for impersonal man in a language such as Swedish, with the difference that, in the relevant contexts, man takes on the reading of 1st person singular, hence ‘I’ and not ‘we’. In this paper, I argue that Cinque

Exploring the collaborative toolbox for the public transport sector – guidelines and living labs as informal methods for achieving efficient collaboration

The purpose of the paper is to analyse informal collaboration in the public transport sector. Two Swedish case studies Living lab Uddevalla and Guidelines for Regional BRT are analysed and compared concerning what kind of learning occurred and what lessons regarding informal collaboration to draw from the two cases. For both cases the analysis indicates that individual, single loop learning is the

Megaprojekt – lärdomar för beslutsfattare: Svensk kortversion av resultaten från OMEGA-projektet

Beslut, planering och genomförande av dyra och storskaliga transportinfrastruktursatsningar, så kallade megaprojekt är komplexa och ofta konfliktfyllda processer som involverar en mängd aktörer och intressenter, utspelar sig över lång tid och får stor påverkan i de områden där de byggs. Vad är det som avgör om megaprojekt blir lyckade eller inte? Vilka lärdomar kan man dra av att studera besluts-

Drills and Diets, Consumption and Conservation– the Role of Primate Meat in Local Diets in and Around Cross River National Park, Nigeria

The study uses household level data from four villages inand around Cross River National Park (CRNP), Nigeria to assess therole of primate meat in local livelihoods and diets. Okwangwo is anenclave community within the national park, Butatong houses theCRNP headquarters. Kanyang1 and Abo Ebam are located fartheraway from the park. 149 respondents were surveyed. Sale ofbushmeat contributed 4 percen

Preparing for War: Democratic Threat Responsiveness and Military Spending in the Long 19th Century

What explains variation in military spending? Conventional wisdom suggests that states arm because of either foreign threats or domestic political institutions. The literature treats these factors as distinct and separate (Nordhaus et. al. 2012, Fordham and Walker 2005, Goldsmith 2003). Less attention is given to how states with different internal constraints respond to similar circumstances. This

Smallholders’ Demand for and Access to Private Sector Extension Services : A Case Study of Contracted Cotton Producers in Northern Tanzania

This paper examines demand for and access to private-sector extension services by contracted cotton producers in northern Tanzania. Data from a non-random survey of 520 smallholders show that only 21.9% received any extension and only 4.6% received extension from the cotton ginnery. Wealthier households were three times more likely to receive extension from any provider. While the public sector re

By Who, for Whom? : Landscape, Process and Economy in the Bloomery Iron Production AD 400-1000

Landscape, process and economy in the bloomery iron production during AD400–1000 are all integrated in this paper initiated by an archaeological excavation of a bloomery site in Motala in Östergötland, southeast Sweden. This site is one among other contemporaneous sites with similar features, such as long-term iron production and a location in the landscape within easy reach of communication routeLandscape, process and economy in the bloomery iron production during AD 400–1000 are all integrated in this paper initiated by an archaeological exca-vation of a bloomery site in Motala in Östergötland, southeast Sweden. This site is one among other contemporaneous sites with similar features, such as long-term iron production and a location in the landscape within easy reach of communication rou

Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line (CSC-40) from a Parkinson's disease patient with a PINK1 p.Q456X mutation

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease with unknown etiology. Here we show the generation of an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line, named CSC-40, from dermal fibroblasts obtained from a 59-year-old male patient with a homozygous p.Q456X mutation in the PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK/PARK6) gene and a confirmed diagnosis of PD, which could be used to model familial PD.

Exciting H2 Molecules for Graphene Functionalization

Hydrogen functionalization of graphene by exposure to vibrationally excited H2 molecules is investigated by combined scanning tunneling microscopy, high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements, and density functional theory calculations. The measurements reveal that vibrationally excited H2 molecules dissociatively adsorb on graphene on Ir(111) r

Near ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron - and impedance spectroscopy study of NiO - Ce 0.9 Gd 0.1 O 2-δ anode reduction using a novel dual-chamber spectroelectrochemical cell

This paper reports an experimental study, where the reduction of NiO-GDC to Ni-GDC is monitored using high temperature (HT) near ambient pressure (NAP) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in combination with simultaneous impedance spectroscopy (IS). The experiment is carried out using a dual chamber (DC)-HT-NAP-XPS cell designed for membrane electrode studies. The dual chamber measurement cell

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I løbet af de sidste to måneder af 2016, havde vi mulighed for at deltage i to konferencer, med fokus på at udvikle og fremme ‘Integrated Reporting’ (IR) og ‘Integrated Thinking’. Denne artikel søger at videregive nogle af de interessante emner og spørgsmål, der blev drøftet ved disse to begivenheder.