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Barriärer för ett gott bemötande av personer med demenssjukdom inom somatisk slutenvård. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: idag är det cirka 50 miljoner människor i världen som lever med någon form av demenssjukdom. Det är vanligt att personer med demenssjukdom skrivs in i den somatiska slutenvården där personalen ofta saknar kunskap och resurser för att på ett adekvat sätt bemöta dessa personer och där miljön inte heller är lämpligt anpassad. Syfte: att beskriva barriärer för ett gott bemötande vid omvårdna

Drivers of Technological Innovation in SMEs During Covid-19 Times : An Analysis in the Caribbean Region Using ICONOS Program Database

Technological innovation is still a challenge for SMEs in emerging countries, mainly due to the lack of financial, structural, capital, and proper managerial resources. Covid-19 presented a scenario that increased difficulties for companies, especially of this kind, and at the same time presented a necessity-driven impulse to look for innovative solutions. This study aimed to analyze the drivers o

Decarbonising industry : A places-of-work research agenda

Deep decarbonisation of extractive and foundational industries will involve widespread social and economic change. Research on previous industrial restructuring has demonstrated that resultant changes will be geographically uneven, especially without countervailing state intervention. Such change has been shown to matter for both the nature and location of work in those industries as well as for t

Modeling the Drift Function in Stochastic Differential Equations using Reduced Rank Gaussian Processes

In this paper, we propose a Gaussian process-based nonlinear, time-varying drift model for stochastic differential equations. In particular, we combine eigenfunction expansion of the Gaussian process’ covariance kernel in the spatial input variables with spectral decomposition in the time domain to obtain a reduced rank state space representation of the drift model, which avoids the growing comple

Personalized Neutral-Range Utilitarianism with Incommensurable Lives : What Form Does It Take? And Is It Repugnant?

This paper considers Neutral-Range Utilitarianism (NRU) – a utilitarian theory that posits a range of lives that are neutral in impersonal value, in the sense that adding people with such lives to the world’s population doesn’t make the world, or its population, either better or worse. The paper considers a particular version of this utilitarian axiology, Personalized NRU (PNRU), according to whic

Methane Producing and Oxidizing Microorganisms Display a High Resilience to Drought in a Swedish Hemi-Boreal Mire

An increased frequency of droughts due to anthropogenic climate change can lead to considerable stress for soil microorganisms and their functioning within northern peatlands. A better understanding of the diversity and relative abundance of methane producing and oxidizing taxa, and their functional genes, can help predict the functional potential of peatlands and how the microorganisms respond to

Land use impacts on biodiversity from kiwifruit production in New Zealand assessed with global and national datasets

Purpose: Habitat loss is a significant cause of biodiversity loss, but while its importance is widely recognized, there is no generally accepted method on how to include impacts on biodiversity from land use and land use changes in cycle assessment (LCA), and existing methods are suffering from data gaps. This paper proposes a methodology for assessing the impact of land use on biodiversity using


Objectives: The authors aimed to evaluate whether blood cadmium (B-Cd), lead (B-Pb) and mercury (B-Hg) in children differ regionally in 9 countries, and to identify factors correlating with exposure. Material and Methods: The authors performed a cross-sectional study of children aged 7–14 years, living in 2007–2008 in urban, rural, or potentially polluted (“hot spot”) areas (ca. 50 children from e

Circulating soluble IL-6 receptor associates with plaque inflammation but not with atherosclerosis severity and cardiovascular risk

Background: The residual cardiovascular risk in subjects receiving guideline-recommended therapy is related to persistent vascular inflammation and IL-6 represents a target for its treatment. IL-6 binds to receptors on leukocytes and hepatocytes and/or by forming complexes with soluble IL-6 receptors (sIL-6R) binding to gp130 which is present on all cells. Here we aimed to estimate the association

Cardiovascular dysautonomia in postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to a worldwide pandemic that continues to transform but will not go away. Cardiovascular dysautonomia in postacute sequelae of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection has led to persistent symptoms in a large number of patients. Here, we define the condition and its associated symptoms as well as potential mechanisms responsible. We pro

The effect of statin treatment on intratumoral cholesterol levels and LDL receptor expression : a window-of-opportunity breast cancer trial

BACKGROUND: Deregulated lipid metabolism is common in cancer cells and the mevalonate pathway, which synthesizes cholesterol, is central in lipid metabolism. This study aimed to assess statin-induced changes of the intratumoral levels of cholesterol and the expression of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) to enhance our understanding of the role of the mevalonate pathway in cancer cholest

Safety profile of trastuzumab-emtansine (T-DM1) with concurrent radiation therapy : A systematic review and meta-analysis

Background and Purpose: In recent years, the treatment landscape for breast cancer has undergone significant advancements, with the introduction of several new anticancer agents. One such agent is trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1), an antibody drug conjugate that has shown improved outcomes in both early and advanced breast cancer. However, there is currently a lack of comprehensive evidence regarding

Pick-and-mix information operators for probabilistic ODE solvers

Probabilistic numerical solvers for ordinary differential equations compute posterior distributions over the solution of an initial value problem via Bayesian inference. In this paper, we leverage their probabilistic formulation to seamlessly include additional information as general likelihood terms. We show that second-order differential equations should be directly provided to the solver, inste

Variable splitting methods for constrained state estimation in partially observed markov processes

In this letter, we propose a class of efficient, accurate, and general methods for solving state-estimation problems with equality and inequality constraints. The methods are based on recent developments in variable splitting and partially observed Markov processes. We first present the generalized framework based on variable splitting, then develop efficient methods to solve the state-estimation

Student's t-Filters for Noise Scale Estimation

In this letter, we analyze certain student's t-filters for linear Gaussian systems with misspecified noise covariances. It is shown that under appropriate conditions, the filter both estimates the state and re-scales the noise covariance matrices in a Kullback-Leibler optimal fashion. If the noise covariances are misscaled by a common scalar, then the re-scaling is asymptotically exact. We also co

Artificiella torskrev i Hanöbukten: Förstudie

Torskpopulationen i Östersjön påverkas negativt av övergödning och överfiske. Man vill därav främja torskpopulationen omkring Hanö genom att placera ut artificiella rev. Sedimentprov har samlats in från fyra lokaler där kornstorleksanalys genomfördes på sedimenten för att undersöka möjligheten att placera artificiella rev i området. Två av lokalerna har bra geologiska förutsättningar, hårdbotten mThe cod population in the Baltic Sea is negatively affected by eutrophication and overfishing. The aim is to promote the cod population around Hanö by placing artificial reefs. Sediment samples have been collected from four sites where grain size analysis was performed on the sediments to investigate the possibility of placing artificial reefs in the area. Two of the sites have suitable geological