

Din sökning på "*" gav 527857 sökträffar

Isocam observations of globular clusters in the Magellanic Clouds: The data

Seventeen globular clusters in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds were observed in the mid-infrared wavelength region with the ISOCAM instrument on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). Observations were made using the broadband filters LW1, LW2, and LW10, corresponding to the effective wavelengths of 4.5, 6.7, and 12 mum, respectively. We present the photometry of point sources in each c

Managing risk factors for atherosclerosis in critical limb ischaemia

Objective. To review the best medical management of critical limb ischaemia (CLI). Methods. Published studies dealing with CLI and risk factors were searched for via PUBMED. Findings and conclusions. Patients with critical limb ischaemia (CLI) have a one and ten year mortality of approximately 20% and 75% respectively. Risk factors for the development of peripheral atherosclerosis are the same as

A high-resolution core-level photoemission study of the Au/4H-SiC(0001)-(root 3 x root 3) interface

We present a systematic study of different reconstructions obtained after deposition of Au on the (root 3 x root 3)- R30 degrees- 4H- SiC( 0001) surface. For 1-2 monolayers ( ML) Au and annealing temperature T-anneal similar to 675 degrees C, a 3 x 3 reconstruction was observed. For 4 ML Au and T-anneal similar to 650 degrees C, a ( 2 root 3 x 2 root 3)- R30 degrees. reconstruction appeared, while

Phosphorus-31 NMR studies of smooth muscle from guinea-pig taenia coli

Phosphorus-31 NMR spectra of superfused isometrically mounted guinea-pig taenia coli were obtained using a horizontal probe at 103.2 MHz. The spectra showed resonances for ATP, phosphocreatine (PCr), and a sugar phosphate resonance. The PCr/ATP ratio was between 1.5 and 2.0 consistent with chemical analysis of tissue extracts. The level of PCr, but not of ATP, decreases reversibly during contracti

Fine and Ultrafine Particles from Combustion Sources - Investigations with In-situ Techniques

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns samband mellan halten av små luftburna partiklar och negativa hälsoeffekter i befolkningen. Målsättningen med avhandlingen var att utveckla och utvärdera metoder för in-situ karakterisering av fina (< 1 um) och ultrafina (Fine airborne particles are associated with adverse health effects in the human population. The aim of this research was to develop and evaluate methods for in-situ characterisation of fine and ultrafine particles and to determine their deposition in the human airways. The aim was also to increase knowledge about health and environmentally relevant properties of aerosols from biomass combustion an

Pedagogiskt drama med fokus på personlig utveckling och yrkesmässig växt: En studie inom sjuksköterske- och vårdlärarutbildningen

The aim of this study is to describe how ”drama in training” is experienced by student nurses and nurse tutors as well as to describe whether the students feel that there is a connection between their participation in drama, their personal development and their own preparation for their future profession. The study´s starting point has been that the students need support with regard to their perso

See and Seen : Seeing Landscape through Artistic Practice

The point of departure for See and Seen text, website and exhibition) is the conventions of the Ideal Landscapes painted in Rome during the 17th century by artists such as Claude Lorrain and Nicolas Poussin. In 18th century England this translated into a particular gaze that became the fashion for how, and the parameters within which, the landscape was to be seen and that subsequently gave rise to

Mätteknik med spårgas : aktiva metoder för bestämning av volymer, luftflöden, flödesvägar och strömningssätt i småhus

I denna avhandling behandlas mätning av ventilation, flöden, volymer, luftomsättning samt luftutbytestid och kolvströmningsgrad för olika flödesvägar och strömningssätt i småhus med spårgas. Teori och mät- och beräkningsmetoder utvecklas och tillämpas vid fältmätningar i småhus. Som mätobjekt används allergikeranpassade enplansvillor byggda av LB-hus i Talldalen som är frånluftsventilerade och zon

Generation of renal tubules at the interface of an artificial interstitium

During kidney development a multitude of tubular portions is formed. Little knowledge is available by which cellbiological mechanism a cluster of embryonic cells is able to generate the threedimensional structure of a tubule. However, this know-how is most important in tissue engineering approaches such as the generation of an artificial kidney module or for the therapy of renal diseases using ste

En internationell fredspolitiker vid 1900-talets början - Anna Bugge Wicksell.

Letters and notes that expose collaboration in and between different creative networks and ethical-political theorists, governmental counsellors and personalities from 1886 to 1928 are now more accessible in the Anna Bugge Wicksell collection at the University Library of Lund. Anna Bugge Wicksell had central functions in The Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation, after which she was co-opted

First stars. I. The extreme r-element rich, iron-poor halo giant CS31082-001. Implications for the r--process site(s) and radioactive cosmochronology

We present a high-resolution ( R= 75 000, S/ N ) spectroscopic analysis of the bright ( V= 11.7), extreme halo giant CS 31082-001([Fe/H] = -2.9), obtained in an ESO-VLT Large Programme dedicated to very metal-poor stars. We find CS 31082-001 to be extremely rich in r-process elements, comparable in this respect only to the similarly metal-poor, but carbon-enriched, giant CS 22892-052. As a result

Abundances of RGB stars in NGC 6752

Abundances of O, Fe, Al, Mg, Na and Li determined from high-resolutionand high signal-to-noise spectra of 21 red giant branch (RGB) stars inthe globular cluster NGC 6752 are presented. We demonstrate that theStrömgren c1 index correlates extremely well with themeasured NH, CH and CN indices and that variations in c1 aredue to differences in UV NH band strengths. As shown by Grundahl et al.(cite{gr