On Falls in the Elderly –Epidemiological Studies from the Longitudinal General Population Study ‘Good Aging in Skåne’ (GÅS), Sweden
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fallolyckor hos äldre -en tyst epidemi Fallolyckor hos äldre är idag ett omfattande men underrapporterat hälsoproblem. Cirka 1,600 individer, en huvuddel äldre, avlider årligen i Sverige till följd av ett fall. Detta kan jämföras med 1,400 respektive 2,400 individer som avlider årligen av bröst- och prostatacancer. Strax under 300 individer dör årligen i trafiken i SveIn a ‘greying world’ with aging populations, falls in the elderly are a challenge to the health care system as they are associated with substantial mortality and morbidity. Apart from physical injuries, the consequences of falls are broad, with additional psychological and social consequences. The overall objective of this dissertation was to study falls and related risk factors, predictors, and c