Din sökning på "*" gav 526139 sökträffar
Hunter-gatherer olfaction is special
People struggle to name odors [1–4]. This has been attributed to a diminution of olfaction in trade-off to vision [5–10]. This presumption has been challenged recently by data from the hunter-gatherer Jahai who, unlike English speakers, find odors as easy to name as colors [4]. Is the superior olfactory performance among the Jahai because of their ecology (tropical rainforest), their language fami
Concordance between different amyloid immunoassays and Visual amyloid positron emission tomographic assessment
IMPORTANCE: Visual assessment of amyloid positron emission tomographic (PET) images has been approved by regulatory authorities for clinical use. Several immunoassays have been developed to measure β-amyloid (Aβ) 42 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The agreement between CSF Aβ42 measures from different immunoassays and visual PET readings may influence the use of CSF biomarkers and/or amyloid PET ass
Current pharmacologic approaches in painful bladder research : An update
The symptoms of interstitial cystitis (IC)/bladder pain syndrome (BPS) may have multiple causes and involve many contributing factors. Traditional treatments (intravesical instillations) have had a primary focus on the bladder as origin of symptoms without adequately considering the potential influence of other local (pelvic) or systemic factors. Systemic pharmacological treatments have had modest
Effects of growth and aging on the reference values of pulmonary nitric oxide dynamics in healthy subjects
The lung just like all other organs is affected by age. The lung matures by the age of 20 and age-related changes start around middle age, at 40-50 years. Exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) has been shown to be age, height and gender dependent. We hypothesize that the nitric oxide (NO) parameters alveolar NO (CANO), airway flux (JawNO), airway diffusing capacity (DawNO) and airway wall content (CawNO) wi
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Oxygen consumption in platelets as an adjunct diagnostic method for pediatric mitochondrial disease
Diagnosing mitochondrial disease (MD) is a challenge. In addition to genetic analyses, clinical practice is to perform invasive procedures such as muscle biopsy for biochemical and histochemical analyses. Blood cell respirometry is rapid and noninvasive. Our aim was to explore its possible role in diagnosing MD.MethodsBlood samples were collected from 113 pediatric patients, for whom MD was a diff
Translation from literary texts to moving images : intersemiotics from a theoretical perspective
Dynamic Allocation or Diversification : A Regime-Based Approach to Multiple Assets
This article investigates whether regime-based asset allocation can effectively respond to changes in financial regimes at the portfolio level in an effort to provide better long-term results when compared to a static 60/40 benchmark. The potential benefit from taking large positions in a few assets at a time comes at the cost of reduced diversification. The authors analyze this trade-off in a mul
The Materiality of Affect in North Africa: Politics in Flux: Workshop and roundtable report
Den amerikanska mardrömmen
No Child Left Behind och Race to the Top är namnen på två stora skolreformer i USA. Common Core är namnet på den nationellt övergripande standardiseringen av de tester som kopplats till reformarbetet. Hur har reformerna utfallit? Martin Malmström kommenterar den amerikanska utvecklingen. (red)
Litteraturnyckeln : från Aforism till Överdrift
Boken är en lärobok avsedd för litteraturanalys i gymnasiets kurser i svenska.
Internremiss ingiven till Utbildningsnämnden: Kvalitetssäkring och kvalitetsutveckling av utbildning vid Lunds universitet
You Are not Alone : Culture and Civilization
Once the Cultural Studies made its presence felt, the concept of culture was broadened so as to include the so-called “pop-culture”. It was very profitable to humanize culture and make it available to all, not only to elites. Extremes are discouraging. A middle ground should be established between the ups and downs. Culture should be democratic, which doesn’t mean it has to be confused with civili
Pre-settlement coral-reef fish larvae respond to magnetic field changes during the day
Observations of coral-reef fish larvae have revealed remarkably consistent orientation behaviour while swimming offshore, requiring large-scale orientation cues. However, the mechanisms underlying this behaviour are still being investigated. One potential large-scale cue for orientation is the Earth's geomagnetic field. Here, we examined the effect of magnetic field manipulations on the orientatio
Performance and manufacturability tradeoffs of different electrical machine designs
This work addresses the manufacturability challenges in traction machine production systems and design. The tradeoffs between performance and manufacturability of a heavy duty traction machine for buses and trucks, are investigated for four different winding designs, with multiple stator combinations, all using the same interior permanent magnet rotor. We present an analysis of electromagnetic, th
Structural and optical properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 films obtained by magnetron sputtering of a Cu2ZnSn alloy target
Results of the study of structural and optical properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin films obtained by sulfitation (selenization) of Cu2ZnSn films which were sputtered by target direct current magnetron sputtering using a stoichiometric Cu2ZnSn (99.99%) target are presented. It has been found that Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin films are polycrystalline with a grain size of ~60 nm. The optical bandgap of Cu2ZnSn
Light-induced eye-fluke behavior enhances parasite life cycle
Skydd för berättigade förväntningar i svensk förvaltningsrätt? - Negativ rättskraft, EU-rätt och styrning av förvaltningen
En grundläggande fråga i den allmänna förvaltningsrätten är var gränserna ska gå för möjligheten att ändra meddelade beslut. I svensk förvaltningsrätt har denna fråga traditionellt besvarats med hjälp av principer om (förvaltningsrättslig) negativ rättskraft. I EU-rätten har det däremot under inflytande av andra medlemsstaters rättstraditioner utvecklats en unionsrättslig princip om skydd för berä
Climate warming and land-use changes drive broad-scale floristic changes in Southern Sweden
Land-use changes, pollution and climate warming during the 20th century havecaused changes in biodiversity across the world. However, in many cases, the environmental drivers are poorly understood. To identify and rank the drivers currentlycausing broad-scale floristic changes in N Europe, we analysed data from two vascularplant surveys of 200 randomly selected 2.5 9 2.5 km grid-squares in Scania,