Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar
’Saliga de som är främlingar!' Om nostalgi i arabisk litteratur
The effect of nutrient stress on developmental instability in leaves of Acer platanoides (Aceraceae) and Betula pendula (Betulaceae)
Studies of developmental stability can provide insights into the amount of genetic or environmental stress experienced by individuals or populations. In the present study, we used young plants of Acer platanoides (Norway maple) and Betula pendula (silver birch), two distantly related tree species with widely different leaf morphologies, to compare the expression of developmental instability in two
Det postkoloniala skiftet. När ”de” inte skrattar när ”vi”skrattar
Improvement of spatial and temporal coherence of a broad area laser diode using an external-cavity design with double grating feedback
We demonstrate a novel technique for narrow bandwidth and highly improved lateral mode operation of a high-power broad area laser diode. The system uses simultaneous feedback from the first diffracted order and the zeroth reflected order of a diffraction grating. The two feedback paths lead to simultaneously improvement of the spectral and spatial properties of the laser diode. The laser system op
Endothelial relaxing 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors in the rat jugular vein: similarity with the 5-hydroxytryptamine1C receptor
Serotonin (5-HT) at low concentrations induces an endothelium-dependent relaxation in the rat jugular vein mediated via a 5-HT1-like receptor. The receptor mediating this relaxation was characterized in vitro using agonists and antagonists in segments precontracted with prostaglandin F2 alpha in the presence of the 5-HT2 receptor antagonist ketanserin. The following substances acted as agonists, w
Små och medelstora energiberäkningsprogram : fortsättning
Energiberäkningsmodellerna som jämförs är BRIS, STAWAD, MEPA och BKL-metoden. Årsenergibehovet har beräknats för olika tunga byggnader i Köpenhamn och Denver.
Villa '95 : ett yt- och energisnålt enfamiljshus
Rapporten behandlar möjligheterna att med de bästa tekniklösningarna som finns i dag komma fram till hur en energieffektiv enfamiljsvilla bör utföras. Värmelagring med golvvärmesystem, extra isolerat övergolv, reglerbarhet, ekonomisk kalkyl.
If nuchal translucency screening is combined with first-trimester serum screening the need for fetal karyotyping decreases
Background. This case-control study was performed to evaluate whether adding first-trimester maternal serum testing to nuchal translucency measurement would improve the antenatal detection of Down's syndrome and decrease the number of women offered fetal karyotyping. Methods. In the Swedish Nuchal Translucency Trial 39,572 pregnant women were randomized to a routine scan at 12-14 gestational weeks
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
Evolution of growth in the development of competence
The article presents the third study of a series that has been designed to manifest consciousness and to measure developed competence. The emphasis of the main hypothesis has been put on the student’s ability to adapt to the main idea of a given story and to express his comprehension verbally. In what way the two students of the previous two experiments have been able to accomplish the experimenta
Laboratory Investigation of Beach Scarp and Dune Recession Due to Notching and Subsequent Failure
Analytical models to calculate notch development and subsequent mass failure of dunes are presented. The notch evolution model is based on a transport equation for sediment from the dune and the sediment volume conservation equation, whereas the models of mass failure are derived using elementary engineering statics and soil mechanics. An empirical transport coefficient in the model describing the
The effect of swirl on spark assisted compression ignition (SACI)
Autoignition with SI compression ratio can be achieved by retaining hot residuals, replacing some of the fresh charge. In this experimental work it is achieved by running with a negative valve overlap (NVO) trapping hot residuals. The experimental engine is equipped with a pneumatic valve train making it possible to change valve lift, phasing and duration, as well as running with valve deactivatio
The indexical 'I': The first person in thought and language
Boken handlar om jag-begreppet i tanke och tal. Huvudfrågan är vad vi menar när vi säger 'jag. Relaterade frågor rör vilka sorters jag-kunskap och självmedvetande som behövs för att kunna tala om sig själv. Betoningen ligger på menings- och referensteorier, men ett stort utrymme ägnas även åt jag-tankar och jagbegreppets roll för tänkande i allmänhet.The subjct of this book is the first person in thought and language. The main question is what we mean when we say 'I'. Related to it are questions about what kinds of self-consciousness and self-knowledge are needed in order for us to have the capacity to talk about ourselves. The emphasis is on theories of meaning and reference for 'I', but a fair amount of space is devoted to 'I'-thoughts and t
Conserved methionines in chloroplasts
Heat shock proteins counteract heat and oxidative stress. In chloroplasts, a small heat shock protein (Hsp21) contains a set of conserved methionines, which date back to early in the emergence of terrestrial plants. Methionines M49, M52, M55, M59, M62, M67 are located on one side of an amphipathic helix, which may fold back over two other conserved methionines (M97 and M101), to form a binding gro
TSLP-mediated fetal B lymphopoiesis?
Conflicts and Contracts : Chinese Intergenerational Relations in Modern Singapore
Popular Abstract in Swedish Conflicts and Contracts är en studie av generationslänken i dagens Singapore med fokus på landets kinesiska befolkning. Det huvudsakliga syftet är att undersöka hur den snabba moderniseringen av samhället har påverkat förehållandet mellan äldre och yngre. På mindre än tre decennier har Singapore etablerat sig som en ekonomiskt framgångsrik stadsstat med en högutbildad bThe main purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact of social change on Chinese intergenerational relations in contemporary Singapore. Within only three decades, Singapore has turned into a wealthy and sophisticated metropolis with a highly educated labor force. The massive transformation, however, has been accompanied by the emergence of a deep and complex generation gap. Apart from the leap
Remedierad vardag. Mediebruk mellan rutin och dagsdröm.
Can care of elderly be measured? A method for estimating the individual care of recipients in community health care
BACKGROUND: Almost every country in the Western world has great difficulties allocating enough financial resources to meet the needs in the care of the increasing elderly population. The main problem is common to all countries and concerns the efforts to meet elderly persons' needs on an individual level while still maintaining society's responsibility for distributing justice. The aim of this stu
A dietary exchange of common bread for tailored bread of low glycaemic index and rich in dietary fibre improved insulin economy in young women with impaired glucose tolerance.
OBJECTIVE: To study the possibility of improving blood lipids, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in women with impaired glucose tolerance and a history of gestational diabetes by merely changing the glycaemic index (GI) and dietary fibre (DF) content of their bread. DESIGN: Randomized crossover study where test subjects were given either low GI/high DF or high GI/low DF bread products duri