

Din sökning på "*" gav 527955 sökträffar

Ett fett problem: en diskursanalys kring medias rapportering kring övervikt

Our essay focuses on media's coverage on the topic of overweight. We investigated how media portrays the picture of the ideal body and person and how the overweight person deviate from those pictures. We also tried to uncover how the media addresses specific types of subjects which we interpret to represent the normative way of being. From the way media presents their message we distinguished

Stress, coping och utbrändhet: en undersökning av anställda inom hemtjänsten

Undersökningen handlade om stress, coping och utbrändhet bland anställda inom den kommunala hemtjänsten. Syftet med undersökningen var dels att undersöka sambanden mellan upplevd stress och tre dimensioner av utbrändhet (emotionell utmattning, cynism och prestationsförmåga), dels att undersöka vilka copingstrategier som är associerade med dessa utbrändhetsdimensioner. Ytterliggare ett syfte var at

Women Hold Up More Than Half the Sky : Analyzing the wife abuse in Shanghai

Cultural change and modernization should directly undermine traditional patriarchal norms and, by stimulating industrialization, should indirectly set off a series of socioeconomic changes favorable to women, and together these changes should give women more autonomy, resources, and a sense of self-sufficiency, thereby resulting in a marked improvement in the status of women. (Lee&Clark 2000:


The roles of government have long been discussed in economic development. Rather than discussing the existence of government intervention in China's telecommunications industry, the thesis was to identify how the government actually intervened to help bolster the industry. The research question is in what ways did the Chinese government intervene to promote its telecommunications industry? To

Kuratorns position i sjukhushierarkin: en studie av professioners kamp om revir, makt och positioner i vårdteamet

Previous reaserch has indicated that the almoners position in the somatic hospital hierarchy is poor. The purpose of this study was to investigate the position of the almoner in the hospital hierarch today, together with what this position is based upon. The questions at issue were: - Has the almoners position in the hospital hierarchy changed, or is it still poor? - In what way can the almoner

Att göra förändring: en studie av ledarskap och organisation vid förändringsarbete

The purpose of this essay is to analyse how the leadership and the structure of the organization affect the process of changes within a specific department in Lunds kommun socialdepartment, from the director of social work to the co-workers at Utredningsenheten för ungdom och familj. We aim to answer the following questions; How does the structure of organisation affect the process of change? Wh

Detta är inte Afrika - Västafrikanska undervisningsmetoder i Sverige

Title: This is not Africa - West African teaching methods in Sweden. This is a work of "translation". The study started with a musical journey to Guinea, West Africa. It was a field study where I had the opportunity to open my senses towards another culture and another kind of music. I found another learning tradition and decided to try to bring it with me back to Sweden, into the Swedis

Vanua and Fijian Paramountcy -a Minor Field Study on the Fijian Land Issue

The aim of the thesis is to understand the Fijian land issue and relate it to the ethnical tensions that dominate the society. To theoretically understand the problem, Horowitz's theoretical tools are used together with Fijian scholar work, such as Ratuva's assessment on the Fijian understanding of land. Out in the field, material was gathered to enlighten the situation on a micro perspect

Studier av genomföringsdelen i symfonier komponerade av W. A. Mozart - ett försök att konkretisera musikalisk form

Title: Studies on the development section in symphonies composed by W.A. Mozart ? An attempt to concretize musical form. This study, which has an earlier work by the author as its starting point, aims to concretize the development section by examining symphonies composed by W.A. Mozart. To accomplish this, factors like themes, harmony progressions and emphasized keys have been examined. Analyses a

Föroreningsreduktioner i dagvattendammar i Lunds kommun

Fyra dagvattendammar i Lunds kommun har studerats med avseende på förmågan att uppta föroreningar som kommer med dagvattnet. Vilken betydelse för upptaget har ålder, storlek eller utformning på dammen. I vilken grad påverkar föregående torrperioder, regnintensitet och avrinningsområde. En litteratur studie har genomförts för att ta reda på hur en damm bör utformas på bästa sätt.

Att Inkludera De Exkluderade- Om allas rätt till mänskliga rättigheter

De mänskliga rättigheterna brister i sin universalism. Många människor som lever i demokratier nekas grundläggande rättigheter därför att de inte är medborgare i den stat där de bor. Anledningen till detta är att nationalstater, som har ansvar för att de mänskliga rättigheterna efterföljs, traditionellt endast anses ha ansvar för sina medborgare. Uppsatsen utreder och synliggör motsättningen mella

Den romerska arméns logistik - utifrån verk av Caesar, Tacitus och Ammianus Marcellinus

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur den romerska arméns logistik fungerade och vad för slags mat den romerska legionären åt i fält. Den tidsperiod uppsatsen behandlar är 50 f. Kr, 100 e. Kr och 350/70 e. Kr. Resultatet av uppsatsen är att den romerska arméns logistik byggde till största del på att man antingen förde med sig allt man behövde i fält eller att man samlade proviant allt eftersom man

Kunskapens värde. Mot en dygdepistemologisk position

"The Value of Knowledge - Towards a Virtue Epistemological Position" The classical question, first posed in Plato's Meno, concerning the value of knowledge constitutes the starting point of this essay. Value analysis has long been neglected in epistemologist's accounts until its re-emergence with the tradition called ?virtue epistemology?, in particular with scholars following Er

Musik inte bara roligt utan även nödvändigt - En studie om ungdomarnas relation till musik

Music not only fun but also necessary. This paper investigates how young people describe their relationship to music. The young people - students - in this study are coming from two different districts of Malmö: One with a population with mainly ethnical Swedish background and the other with a multicultural population. The research question is how we can describe young people's relationship to


The purpose of this study was to examine the acculturation preferences among first and second generation Bangladeshi immigrants in Malmoe and London. The sample comprised 22 immigrants (11 from London and 11 from Malmoe). Data were obtained through interviews and analyzed by use of Berry's (1997) four fold acculturation model and on the basis of a new classification developed by Lathi, Liebkin

The Emergence of a Bioenergy Company - A business case examining TallOil AB

The EU needs to be less dependent on fossil fuels. One of the alternatives is bioenergy. The Bioenergy industry is still emerging and companies within it may face different obstacles. This thesis presents a chronological analysis of the foundational process and development of a bioenergy company named TallOil, based in Sweden. This company is one of the leading suppliers of biofuels in Sweden and

Arbetsminneskapacitet: relation till verbalt flöde och indirekt minne för inhiberat material

Processing information in complex everyday life recruites different abilities than limited storage capacity. Working memory, the central executive and inhibition are constructs that have been used to describe this ability of adaptation. This paper investigates the connection between working memory capacity and performances in tasks closely associated to real life situations, i. e. verbal fluency t

Klassiska violinister möter folkmusik- fokus på fotstamp och rytm

In this work I have examined how two violin students, who are used to the classical music tradition, think when they learn to play Swedish folk music, with focus on rhythm and beating the time with their feet. One of the students is studying on her first year to be a classical violin teacher and the other student is studying on her third year to be a classical musician, both are studying at Malmö