

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

The legality of humanitarian intervention in customary international law

The aim of this study is to examine whether there exists a right of humanitarian intervention in customary international law. The point of departure is the principle of non-use of force in customary international law. The International Court of Justice established in the Nicaragua Case that the principle of non-use of force not only is a jus cogens norm, but that it also has the basic identity of

Diskriminering i arbetslivet p g a religion eller övertygelse

Sedan vi gick med i den Europeiska unionen har vi en skyldighet att implementera de direktiv som antas av gemenskapens Råd. I november år 2000 antogs Rådets direktiv 2000/78/EG om inrättande av en allmän ram för likabehandling i arbetslivet (arbetslivsdirektivet) som i huvudsak skall vara implementerat senast den 2 december 2003. Direktivet innehåller bland annat ett förbud mot diskriminering p g

Konsekvenser av ett felaktigt fastställt faderskap

I denna uppsats behandlas en rad frågeställningar som kan uppstå då ett felaktigt fastställt faderskap uppdagas och sedermera hävs och de konsekvenser som ett hävt faderskap kan få för det drabbade barnet. Uppsatsen består av tre delar varav den första presenterar gällande rätt inom de i uppsatsen berörda områdena. Här presenteras principen om barnets bästa, dess framväxt och position i svensk rät

Claiming State Responsibility for Climate Change Damages

The anthropogenic climate change that we are experiencing today has primarily been brought on by GHG emissions from developed countries. However, scientific estimates show that some of the most severe adverse impacts of climate change will strike in regions of the world that have made only minor contributions to the making of the current climate change and that have little capacity to adapt to the

Beskattning av inkomst under konkurs

Frågan om skattskyldighet vid konkurs är idag inte reglerad i lag. Före avgörandet RÅ 1955 ref. 21, delades skattskyldigheten mellan konkursgäldenär och konkursbo och hela inkomsten blev beskattad. Men sedan 1955 års avgörande blir konkursboet inte beskattat för inkomst av sådant slag som boet före 1955 blev beskattat för. Ett flertal rättsfall efter år 1955 bekräftar att konkursbo inte ska beskat

Konkurrensbegränsande anställningsavtalsklausuler i Sverige och Danmark - en komparativ studie

The aim of this thesis to produce a comparative illustration of the Swedish and Danish regulations on the permission of restrictive covenant clauses in employment contracts in the private sector. The study is confined to regulation of clauses which concern circumstances after the termination of employment. In this thesis, the term covenant in restraint of competition means a contract provision whi

Avtalsslut de lege lata och de lege ferenda - en studie av avtalsslut enligt Principles of European Contract Law och svensk avtalsrätt med utgångspunkt i diskussionerna om gemensam avtalsrätt inom Europeiska unionen

Avtalsrätten är just nu ett högaktuellt ämne både på EU-nivå och i Sverige. EU började intressera sig för avtalsrätten redan under 1980-talet. Finansiellt stöd har alltsedan dess lämnats åt en skara akademiker kallade Lando-kommissionen, efter den danske initiativtagaren professor Ole Lando, för att hjälpa dem att söka utröna gemensamma grunder i den samlade europeiska avtalsrätten. Under 1999 pub

Miljöanpassad offentlig upphandling - med fokus på tillverkningsprocesser

Offentlig upphandling av varor, tjänster och entreprenader uppgår till cirka 400 miljarder per år i Sverige. Denna enorma summa ger incitament åt att miljöanpassa de offentliga upphandlingarna för att åstadkomma en hållbar ekologisk utveckling. Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån gällande rätt, praxis och doktrin undersöka och analysera vilka möjligheter det finns att ta miljöhänsyn vid en of

Route to success? Case study of Zhongguancun High-tech zone

China’s present economic performance is frequently attributed to market reforms that have opened up the economy to foreign trade and investments. Some people say, "How Far is China from the Information Highway? - Just 150 Meters Ahead.” In this article the cluster approach will be discussed if it suits for analyzing the development of Zhongguancun current success. In the article, it will be d

"It's not a very pink situation" - En studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av arbete med HBT-frågor i Rumänien

The purpose of this study was to examine how Romanian social workers, working with LGBT-people, experience their work situation and the conditions for their work. The questions at issue were; How do the social workers describe their work and the conditions for conducting this work? What kind of attitudes do they meet, regarding their work, from the surrounding society? What kinds of strategies are

"Är jag tjock hörni?" En studie om kommunikationen på ett pro-ana forum.

The purpose of this study was to examine the way of communication and sense of community on an online extreme virtual community called pro-ana. The pro-ana community consists of like-minded people who see Anorexia Nervosa as a choice of lifestyle and not a disease. Through qualitative observations of threads of dis-cussion the communication on a Swedish pro-ana forum has been the focus of the stud

Family in the eyes of officials: Definition and implications of the concept of family

The purpose of this thesis was to explore the way the concept of family is defined in the legislation on family-related migration in Sweden and what implications this definition have for the applicants, for family-related migration and for the view on family in Sweden. The empirical material consisted of five individual, semi-structured interviews with officials working with cases concerning famil

The Politics of Ideology in Information and Communication Technologies for Development: An African Case Study

Information and communication technologies have acquired contemporary prominence and are being introduced as new and technologically innovative devices for rapid African development, becoming key cornerstones of the development assistance interventions of the European Union and the G8. But the Dot Force Initiative of the G8 and the various ICT for development programmes of the EU display a moderni


Stock seems to evolve over time in a structure similar to what is proposed by the Dow Theory. The investigation of intra-day investor behaviour suggests that the return characteristics are different from previous research around market close. It is most likely due to Sweden being a small and open economy affected by the global financial markets. The findings correspond to what is expected in terms

Optimering av energieffektiva byggnadsdelar - studie av Lunds Kommuns Fastighets AB

Byggbranschen står för 36 % av Sveriges totala energianvändning och det är av största vikt att förbrukningen i sektorn minskar. Lagar och regler genomgår ständiga förändringar och kraven på energiprestanda skärps för nybyggnation av bostäder. Det krävs trots det ett intresse för energieffektivisering hos byggherrar och entreprenörer vid nyuppförande av bostäder. Fastighetsförvaltaren Lunds Kommuns

An Artificial neural network approach for process variance change detection for both small and large shifts

Nowadays Statistical process control charts (SPCC) has become powerful tools to monitor process variability of products in manufacturing environments. The artificial neural network (ANN) technique is also nowadays popular to use for monitoring process variability of products as an alternative to SPCC due to its superior performance. This research focus on the ANN technique for monitoring the proce

Investigation of Climbing Performance at a Country Level

This paper investigates the determinants of Climbing World Cup performance at a country level. An unbalanced panel of 76 countries over the years 2005 through 2008 is used. The focus of the paper is on the impact of the demographic, economic, geographic and historic predictors of the success at the Climbing World Cups. We measure the performance by the National Team rankings for each of the three

Analysis of size and power: Comparing the t-test, bootstrap, and permutation test

This thesis compares three different tests by analyzing the difference in sample means between two different data samples, both with small sample sizes. The three tests being examined here are the t-test, nonparametric bootstrap, and permutation test. These tests are employed under several different circumstances, such as varying sample sizes, means, underlying distributions, and variances in the

Kenyas konstitutionella process - En politisk berg och dalbana

The Constitution of Kenya has since the day it was created been a subject for discussion, debating about which political system the Kenyans should run. The thesis aims to investigate what problems the current constitution been dealing with and how these problems have lead to the demand for a new constitution and in what way this new constitution differs from the old. Since independence the constit