

Din sökning på "*" gav 528230 sökträffar

β-Mannanase BoMan26B from Bacteroides ovatus produces mannan-oligosaccharides with prebiotic potential from galactomannan and softwood β-mannans

Galactomannan (GM) in legumes and acetyl-galactoglucomannan (AcGGM) in softwoods are wide-spread β-mannans. Their depolymerisation is catalyzed by β-mannanases. We have investigated a cell-surface exposed and galactose-tolerant β-mannanase (BoMan26B) from the abundant gut bacterium Bacteroides ovatus. Glycosidases from the gut microbiota have potential for production of prebiotics, such as dietary

Evaluation of different coatings of the tibial tray in uncemented total knee arthroplasty. A randomized controlled trial with 5 years follow-up with RSA and DEXA

Background: Regenerex® is a porous titanium construct with a 3D interconnecting pore structure and biomechanical characteristics close to that of normal trabecular bone. This study aimed to compare the Regenerex (VR) to the non-interconnecting pore structure Porous Plasma Spray (VP) on tibial implants for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) at 5 years. Methods: We enrolled and randomized 61 patients (me

Self-Reported Shorter Than Desired Ejaculation Latency and Related Distress—Prevalence and Clinical Correlates : Results From the European Male Ageing Study

Background: Few data have looked at the occurrence and clinical correlates of self-reported shorter than desired ejaculation latency (rapid ejaculation, RE) and its related distress in the general population. Aim: To determine the prevalence and clinical correlates of self-reported RE and RE- related distress in middle age and older European men. Methods: Subjects were recruited from population sa

Thermal history of the southern Central Cordillera and its exhumation record in the Cenozoic deposits of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia

The roughly 600 km long Central Cordillera of Colombia shows a varied tectonic, magmatic, and exhumation history, despite the reasonably homogenous appearance concerning topography, outcropping lithologies, and strike. Here we show with new geo-thermochronological data the thermal evolution of the southern Central Cordillera since the Early Jurassic. Extensive Jurassic magmatism is recorded by U–P

Dioxomolybdenum(VI) complexes of hydrazone phenolate ligands - syntheses and activities in catalytic oxidation reactions

The new cis-dioxomolybdenum (VI) complexes [MoO2(L2)(H2O)] (2) and [MoO2(L3)(H2O)] (3) containing the tridentate hydrazone-based ligands (H2L2 = N'-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-4-methylbenzohydrazide and H2L3 = N'-(2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2-(hydroxyimino)propanehydrazide) have been synthesized and characterized via IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and single crystal X-

Extraction of natural moisturizing factor from the stratum corneum and its implication on skin molecular mobility

The natural moisturizing factor (NMF) is a mixture of small water-soluble compounds present in the upper layer of the skin, stratum corneum (SC). Soaking of SC in water leads to extraction of the NMF molecules, which may influence the SC molecular properties and lead to brittle and dry skin. In this study, we investigate how the molecular dynamics in SC lipid and protein components are affected by

Altered winter conditions impair plant development and yield in oilseed rape

The demand for agricultural products is expected to increase as a result of population growth, changed diets and demands for bioenergy. At the same time, agricultural yields in many regions are expected to be negatively impacted by climate change. Here we show, how altered winter conditions in combination with an extreme weather event impact reproductive development and yield of oilseed rape (Bras

Strängare straff har föga effekt när det gäller våld i nära relationer

Män som slår kvinnor är i regel återfallsbrottslingar, skriver forskaren Ardavan Khoshnood. Eftersom brotten begås i stundens hetta är straffens längd sällan avskräckande.Men who beat women are usually recidivists, writes researcher Ardavan Khoshnood. Because the crimes are committed in the heat of the moment, the length of the sentence is seldom dissuasive.

Orchestrating retail in small cities

The structural transformation of retail is challenging for many small cities. Rather than seeing the retailer as a sole player, this article considers retail in small cities to be shaped in a retail eco system consisting of many different actors besides retailers such as municipalities, landlords, business/city organisations, customers/citizens. The key contribution of the article is to provide ne

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이 글은 스웨덴 부모휴가제도에 대한 리뷰 연재 중 첫 순서로 부모휴가제도의 보편성에 대해 다루고 있다. 부모 휴가제도의 간략한 개요 및 활용 현황을 소개하고, 임금근로자 부모뿐만 아니라 학생, 구직자, 자영업자 부모는 어떤 부모휴가 권리를 갖는지 살펴본다. 또한 부모휴가 도입 이전 시기인 1930~1950년대의 상황, 즉 부모휴가 제도의 전신인 모성보험 도입 상황을 간략하게 살펴봄으로써 스웨덴의 현 부모휴가제도가 어떻게 모든 부모의 보편적 권리로 자리 잡게 되었는지 이해를 돕고자 한다.

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최근 노인의 재가서비스 이용 권리 확대 소식에 더하여 스웨덴 노인 주거복지서비스의 현황과 문제점, 그리고 이에 따른 정부의 대응 방안 등을 살펴본다. 최근 조사에 따르면 스웨덴 노인재가복지시스템은 인력 수급의 안정성과 전문성 부족, 인력 공급 부족, 지자체 간의 서비스 질 간극 확대, 재가서비스 이후 시설 서비스로의 이행 지체 등의 어려움을 안고 있다. 스웨덴 정부는 이와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위해 서비스 공급 인력을 양적으로 확대할 뿐 아니라 서비스 이행의 질을 개선하기 위해 집중하고 있다.

Sustainable architecture in context : STS and design thinking

There has been little emphasis in STS scholarship to date on the design of the built environment. This paper attempts to address this oversight by examining alternative design practices in the growing field of sustainable architecture. We propose a geohistorical framework that includes three design dispositions—context-bound, context-free, and context-rich—and illustrate each with a prominent sust

Pathways of urban nature : diversity in the greening of the twenty-first century city

Nature is a central component of the twenty-first-century city. Beyond parks and open spaces, urban nature is implicated in strategies of economic development, climate change mitigation and adaptation, public art, biodiversity enhancement, local food production, health and livability, social justice, community identity, and more.1 This “pluralization” of urban nature has come about in the last four

The politics of urban experiments : realising radical change or reinforcing business as usual?

When Jean-Francois Mayet was elected mayor of the French city of Châteauroux in 2001, he inherited a mass transit system that was functional but under-used by residents. The city, located about halfway between Paris and Bordeaux, had collective aims that were similar to other medium-sized cities in Europe: to reduce the city’s ecological footprint while improving the local economy and fostering a