

Din sökning på "*" gav 533311 sökträffar

Ris, ros och att må bra på arbetet: En studie om förhållandet mellan medarbetares feedback till chefer samt deras personliga drag och välbefinnande

Denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan chefers upplevelse av uppåtgående feedback och chefers arbetsrelaterade välbefinnande, som utgörs av 1) psykisk hälsa, 2) arbetstillfredställelse och 3) arbetsengagemang. Utöver detta undersöks arbetsrelaterad self-efficacys medierande och modererande effekt. Data samlades in från 207 chefer, en relativt outforskad grupp i feedbackforskning, i Sverige i bådThis study examines the relationship between managers’ perception of upward feedback and managers’ job specific well- being consisting of 1) psychological health, 2) job-satisfaction and 3) work engagement. In addition the mediating and moderating role of occupational self-efficacy is examined. Data were collected from 207 managers, a relatively unexplored group in the context of feedback research

A new business model for customized laminate flooring concepts

The laminate flooring company Pergo (Europe) AB has during the last years identified an increasing market demand for customized flooring solutions. In the autumn of 2004 Pergo had no standardized product offer and the existing administrative process was not suited to produce and deliver customized products. Experiments concerning a new décor production technique with extensive potential based on d


Prodatec is a Mexican company manufacturing office furniture and closets. As the competiveness increases there are higher demands on better quality. The company wishes to compete by heading towards a Lean Manufacturing system. The first step is to implement 5S as a natural corner stone in the production. There is also a wish to be ISO 9000 certified in the future. During autumn 2008 the autst hor

Traditionell telefoni, ett komplement till Voice-over IP?

Med den lavinartade ökningen av Internetanvändning de senaste tio åren har det även kommit nya sätt att utföra telefonsamtal på. VoIP möjliggör telefontrafik över nätverk och integrerar på så sätt telefontrafiken och datatrafiken till ett och samma nät. Vi har undersökt vilka hinder som kan tänkas ligga i vägen för en övergång till VoIP inom Sveriges kommuner. Vi har även lyft fram vilken kunskap

From batch to continuous production in India – A market entry strategy aimed at the pharmaceutical industry

In 2007, the Company launched a continuous reactor in Europe used for producing chemicals. The Product intends to replace the batch reactor for certain chemical processes, which would involve a major change for the customer. The Company wishes to launch the Product in India, but as the technology and the Indian market is young, there are uncertainties regarding how to launch it. Purpose: The purpo

Tryckt vs digitalt

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to investigate and explain an ongoing process on the Swedish book- and publishing-market as a result of the new alternative ways of publishing. The investigation concerns questions about what need the electronic publishing fills for the authors compared to traditional publishing, and what happens to the writer’s role when published digitally on self-publishin

Private Matters: The Effects of Privatization on Adult Mortality in the former Eastern Bloc

The post-communist mortality crisis of the former Eastern Bloc was one of the largest peacetime mortality increases in modern history. Not without controversy, an increasingly large body of research has attributed this mortality surge to stress at the societal level. This paper adds to that research by using panel data from 25 countries between 1959 and 2006. Using difference-in-differences estima

Förnöjer omväxling?- En kvalitativ intervjustudie gjord på ledarskap, och hur ledarskap kan förmedla olika organisationskulturer

I en allt mer konkurrensinriktad marknadsekonomi, sker det allt oftare upphandlingar vilka resulterar i att nya företag tar över anställda från andra företag. Detta är fallet i min undersökning, där en kvalitativ intervju-undersökning med fenomenologisk ansats hjälper mig att undersöka hur ledarskapen vid två olika företag förmedlar olika organisationskulturen till dess medlemmar. Syftet är att un

Personal Autonomy and the Ideal Self

Contrary to what often is implied I believe that autonomous action does not have to be morally or rationally justifiable or performed from volitions that are conscious to the agent. If we are to analyze personal autonomy it follows from the above that we need a supplementary concept to include actions that are based on unconscious or preconscious desires as well as non-moral values as possible con

I´m a Survivor - En studie om dem som får stanna efter företagens nedskärningar

Abstract Författare: Mikael Nilsson, 811104-0419 Titel: I´m a Survivor - en studie om dem som får stanna efter företagens nedskärningar Kandidatuppsats: SOCK01, 15 hp Vårterminen: 2011 Handledare: Anders Järnegren Att vara en survivor inom arbetslivet är att vara den som, när företagen skär ned på sin personal, får stanna. Jag ska därför i denna uppsats genom intervjuer och insamling av tidigare

The impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on disclosure of macroeconomic risks by public firms in China

This paper presents the first empirical study on Chinese firms’ disclosure of macroeconomic risks. We study the impact of mandatory IFRS adoption in 2007 on listed Chinese firms’ disclosure of macroeconomic risks. 45 out of 100 firms improved their quality of disclosure in their 2010 annual report compared to 2005 (or 2006).We also find that that firms which employ Big 4 audit firms, belong to fin

"Stimulation of our five senses through experiences"- The role of event marketing as a communication tool for retail companies when building their brand

Event marketing can be seen as an effective tool building a brand in a retail context since it can enhance brand awareness, brand identity and brand image. This, since it provides experiences stimulating consumers´ five senses adjusted to today's experience demands of consumers. Event marketing is effective catching consumers attention in today's media noise compared to traditional adverti

Value Creation in M&As in Sweden - Is the Stock Market Able to Predict Customer Reactions?

Title: Value Creation in M&As in Sweden - Is the Stock Market able to Predict Customer Reactions? Seminar date: 2011-05-31 Course: BUSM36, Degree Project Master level in Corporate and Financial Management, Business Administration Master level, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS) Authors: Besnike Bahtiri and Ammeli Stigborn Advisor: Rikard Larsson Five key words: M&As, Sweden, customer re

Core values and brand promises – A mixed quantitative and qualitative study of core values, brand promises.

Title: Core values and brand promises – A mixed quantitative and qualitative study of core values, brand promises and their interdependence among 104 Fortune 500 companies. Date of the seminar: May 31, 2011 Course: BUSM08 Degree Project in International Marketing and Brand Management Authors: Per Andersson and Ola Johansson Supervisor: Associate Professor Mats Urde, PhD; Docent Keywords: Core valu

Klassning och statistisk separabilitetsanalys av marktäckningsklasser i Halland : analys av multivariata data Landsat TM och ERS-1 SAR

The objective of this study is to classify Swedish land cover classes using multisource satellite data. Multispectral Landsat TM data from April 1993, and multitemporal ERS-1 SAR data acquired seven times during the growing season of 1993 have been used. Nine agricultural and seven forest land cover classes have been analysed. The statistical separabilities between land cover classes have also bee

Desertification mapping of Horqin sandy land, inner Mongolia, by means of remote sensing

The extent of today's land degradation and desertification in the arid, semi-arid. and sub humid regions of China is a serious threat to the social and economic development in these areas. A national programme for monitoring and classification of drylands has been implemented by the Chinese Academy of Science. Areas are classified into degrees of desertification on the basis of vegetation cove