

Din sökning på "*" gav 526288 sökträffar

Självomhändertagande: En explorativ studie av självomhändertagande hos kvinnliga studenter inom vårdrelaterade utbildningar

Självomhändertagande; hur man tar hand om sig i vardagen, i utmanande situationer, i ett framtidsperspektiv samt i ett självbildbildsperspektiv, undersöktes hos kvinnliga studenter inom vårdrelaterade utbildningar vid Lunds universitet. Både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder användes i studien. Ett stickprov bestående av 123 kvinnor fyllde i en för studien konstruerad enkät gällande självomhändSelf-care; how you take care of yourself in everyday life, in challenging situations, in a long-term as well as in a self-image perspective, was studied in regards to female students at health profession educations at Lund University. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the study. A sample of 123 women responded to a questionnaire regarding self-care designed for the purpose of

APD-planen för ett ökat logistikmedvetenade - en rapport om hur en byggarbetsplats kan effektiviseras

Bakgrund: Samhällsbyggandet har kritiserats för bristande konkurrens, kvalitet, effektivitet och kompetens. För att effektivisera byggprocessen och sänka byggkostnaderna krävs medvetenhet om logistiken och dess påverkan på en byggarbetsplats. Andra företeelser som påverkar kostnader och effektivitet på byggarbetsplatser är samverkan, kommunikation och planering. En av de planer som tas fram för en

The Need for a 14th Company Law Directive on the Transfer of Registered Office

Etableringsfriheten för företag är en av de mest fundamentala rättigheterna i Lissabonfördraget. Fördragets artiklar utgör grunden för rättigheten och ger företag rätt att starta eller driva verksamhet i vilken medlemsstat som helst i EU utan att diskrimineras. Denna rättighet har ytterligare utökats genom införandet av nya företagsformer och genom harmonisering av bolagsrätten i ett flertal direkThe freedom of establishment for companies is one of the fundamental rights enshrined in the FEU Treaty. The provisions of the Treaty set out the basis for the right and give companies the freedom to take up and pursue activities in any Member State of the EU without being discriminated. This right has been further expanded through the adoption of new company forms as well as harmonised through se

New Generation Nip Equipment

In the laminator there are three laminator stations where protective layers are applied to the paperboard. In each station there are several rollers which help perform the lamination process, the most important rollers to be considered in this thesis are the nip roller and the chill roller. The nip roller is pushed towards the chill roller using hydraulic cylinders , thus creating a narrow contact

Orientering om byggande i Beirut

After a decade of war in Lebanon, the company Solidere has begun with a plan to rebuild and develop the downtown Beirut. The company wants to renovate and restore the old damaged buildings, and build new modern buildings as much as possible so that Beirut once again becomes "Paris of the Middle East". Large projects are always running and the infrastructure is starting to see fairly bett

Barnets bästa och uppehållstillstånd på grund av synnerligen ömmande omständigheter

Begreppet barnets bästa är en av de fyra grundläggande principerna i Förenta Nationernas konvention den 20 november 1989 om barnets rättigheter, Barnkonventionen. Principen om barnets bästa återspeglas även inom utlänningsrätten och enligt 1 kap. 10 § utlänningslagen (2005:716) skall i fall som rör ett barn särskilt beaktas vad hänsynen till barnets hälsa och utveckling samt barnets bästa i övrigtOne of the four fundamental principles of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of a Child is that of devotion to the best interests of the child. This is written in the UNCRC Article 3 as “In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child sh

Energy supply transitions in Swedish municipalities. Transferability of the lessons learnt to Tandil, Argentina

The author of this thesis wishes to contribute to transitions towards more sustainable energy systems in Argentina. In order to do so, two objectives are established. The first one refers to increasing the understanding of the transitions taken place at the local level within energy supply systems in Sweden. The second objective is to increase the understanding of the conditions that need to be in

International governmental organizations aren´t "Swiss" enough

Switzerland has a tradition of holding a political resistance to international governmental organizations. Under the last decades there has been three referendums regarding whether Switzerland should enter the EU or not, with a view of this I will examine those years. The aim of this essay is to explore if there is a discourse regarding national identity in the Swiss media concerning the EU member

Normative South Africa? A study of the norms that the EU aspires to extend to South Africa

The EU has a legacy of being a normative power. They also have a history of cooperating with developing countries trying to promote these normative ideals. This cooperation is for example guided by the promotion of human rights, democracy and the rule of law to mention a few. The study aims to investigate this characteristica concerning the EU’s relations with South Africa. South Africa is a quite

The Greek Tragedy - En studie om Greklands korruption i europeisk press under Greklandskrisen

Inledningen av Eurokrisen var dramatisk på många sätt. När Greklands egentliga ekonomiska situation uppdagades blev relationen till övriga euroländer ansträngda. Solidariteten inom Unionen var nu under prövning, något som inte minst reflekterades i media. Europeisk nyhetsrapportering började alltmer fokusera på den korruption som fanns inom landet och hur detta varit en bidragande orsak till krise

EU och medborgarna - En studie om politisk kommunikation och legitimitet

Valdeltagandet i Europaparlamentsvalen ligger ständigt långt under de siffror som uppmäts till riksdagen. Samtidigt minskar antalet svenska journalister i Bryssel och därmed också bevakningen av EU, den institution som ligger till grund för en majoritet av våra lagar. Utifrån en enkätundersökning på Lunds universitete och intervjuer med såväl Europaparlamentariker som en tjänsteman på näringsdepar

En insats för fred - En fallstudie av fredsbevarande insatser i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo

Demokratiska Republiken Kongo är ett land med en synnerligen blodig historia med upprepade övergrepp, krig och interna etniska motsättningar. Det senaste kriget där både interna och externa aktörer stred är formellt avslutat sedan 2003 men väpnade konflikter pågår fortfarande i delar av landet. Över fem miljoner människor beräknas hittills ha omkommit och miljontals lever som internflyktingar. Båd

Romers rätt till utbildning : en jämförande studie av skolverkets rapporter

The purpose of this essay is to research the Roma People’s present education situation in Sweden. The research is based on a comparison of two reports from the Swedish Education Administration. These two reports focus on the Roma students high absence from school, because this is one if the major reasons why Roma students does not finish primary school. The harassment of the Roma People through t

EU som sekundär rättighetsgivare : en studie av EUs handelspolicy med fokus på socioekonomiskt ansvar för länder i utveckling

The European Union is a major global political actor both in fields of trade as well as that of human rights. While the union is engaged in holding their members responsible for human rights abuses and reducing world poverty through aid and beneficial trade, its trade policy is often subject to criticism. Such critique serves as a valuable gate opener to relevant trade policy documents for this es

Riskanalys av vätgas- och vätgasfabriken vid Ringhals

The report is a risk analysis of the hydrogen production plant at Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant, Sweden. The report also discusses potential hazards from the handling and storage of hydrogen gas. Principles of hydrogen gas detection and sensor technology are presented. A HAZOP-analysis of the plant is carried out, and recommendations of improvements based on the results of the analysis are made. Co

Fullskaleförsök av brand i ett rum med boendesprinkler

A serie of ten full scale fire scenerios has been analysed in a compartment with and without residentiual sprinkler. The production of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen was measered in two different heights in the compartment during the tests. (Swedish)

Släckvattenflödesmätning i Ågesta brandövningshus

A waterflow measurement device has been developed with which it will be possible to simultaeously study both amount of water applied and its effect temperature, during firefighting in an firetraining house. Major part of the applied water is used to cool the surface of the non-flaming fuel. Short showers with the nozzle does not seem to be as effective as the longer showers, regarding both time to

Ett förslag till modell för att mäta kvalitet på brandskydd vid brandsyn

The aim of this project was to develop a model that can be used during fire inspections to measure the quality of the fire safety in a building. The model was created by using method for Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM). Ten factors were identified, each of them contributing to the total fire safety in a building. Each factor was given a weight to specifiy its importance to the fire safet

Riskanalys av AB Elektrokoppar

This report performs a risk analysis of AB Elektrokoppar in Helsingborg with consequence analysis of a few hazards. Theoretical background about risk analysis is given by IEC standards.