

Din sökning på "*" gav 534678 sökträffar

Not All Heros Wear Capes

Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to enhance our understanding of branding communication with mass audiences using ordinary people in myth treatment. Methodology: This qualitative study explores the phenomenon of ordinary people portrayed as heroes in advertisements in an abductive manner. The research has been designed as a case study and the method for coding and analysing has been qua

“I chose the profession of theater not merely as a mode of artistic expression but as a way to participate in society.”

The practice of polymath Shūji Terayama (1935–1983) began with the poetry for which he first became known in his native Japan. However, it is the consequences of the collective as encountered in his films and plays that has framed and informed two collaborations by artists Matthew Lutz-Kinoy (b. 1984, US) and Tobias Madison (b. 1985, Switzerland), first at Kunsthalle Zurich last year and then this

GÅ UT OCH TA EN ÖL? : Om eufemismer för spontant men förberett graffitiskrivande

Under mitt fältarbete kring graffiti var ”ska vi inte gå och ta en öl?” en återkommandeuppmaning bland deltagarna, även formulerad som ”gå ut och röka”, ”ta en promenad”, osv. Även om dessa förslag i sig knappast är unika för graffiti, visade sig deras betydelser och konsekvenser vara just det. I detta kapitel ska jag analysera hur dessa sociala uppmaningar användes som subkulturella eufemismer fö

Frivillig frånvaro – om den luddiga övergången till distansundervisning under covid-19-pandemin

Looking back, it might seem as if all higher education in Sweden switched to remote teaching on March 18, following a government decision the day before. Instead, higher education had started to change from within already a couple of weeks earlier, as teachers and students reacted to the pandemic. To document and to try and understand what was going on, I sent out questionnaires to the students in

Correlation between Surface and Tumour Motion in Lung Cancer - including Deep Learning Perspectives

Av de 70 000 personerna som blev diagnoserade med cancer i Sverige 2021, fick runt 4000 lungcancer. Lungcancer är vanligen elakartade celler som utgår från lungans slemhinna. Behandling innefattar oftast operation eller strålterapi, ibland i kombination med cellgifter eller immunterapi. Inför strålbehandling gör patienten en röntgenundersökning som ger bilder i tre dimensioner, en så kallad datorPurpose: The purpose of this master thesis was to retrospectively investigate correlation between surface and tumour motion in lung cancer patients, alongside deep learning applications of the results. Additional correlations such as age, tumour volume and anatomical placement of the tumour were also investigated. Materials and Methods: 48 lung cancer patients treated with Stereotactic Body Radia

Morphology-Dependent Interactions between α-Synuclein Monomers and Fibrils

Amyloid fibrils may adopt different morphologies depending on the solution conditions and the protein sequence. Here, we show that two chemically identical but morphologically distinct α-synuclein fibrils can form under identical conditions. This was observed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence spectroscopy, as well as by cryo-transmission electron micros

Optimization of High-order Harmonic Generation for Attosecond Science

High-order harmonic generation is a highly nonlinear, though inherently inefficient, process which can lead to emission of coherent, broadband extreme ultraviolet radiation in the form of attosecond pulses. Attosecond pulses are crucial for experiments investigating photoionization dynamics on the femto- and attosecond timescales. As attosecond research tends towards increasingly complex light-mat

After the Beginning, Before the End

An essay revisiting Stephen Andrews's series of works including drawings and video produced from unofficial sources following the United States invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Sounding Pico

Sounding Pico is an art project focussing on the Pico-neighbourhood in Santa Monica, CA in the USA –developed in collaboration between artist Maj Hasager and composer Ask Kæreby during winter 2018-19. In response to the often-mediated image of a troubled area with opportunities lost, rather than gained, countermeasures have been taken – perhaps most notably by the cultural asset database Culture M

Phylogeny of Holocacista capensis (Lepidoptera: Heliozelidae) from Vineyards and Natural Forests in South Africa Inferred from Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genes

In South Africa, the family Heliozelidae in the order Lepidoptera is restricted to four known species. The grapevine leaf miner, Holocacista capensis, feeds between the epidermal layers of a grapevine leaf, predominantly along the leaf margin. A final instar larva will descend from the blotch mine/gallery to attach its cocoon casing (constructed from the epidermal layers of the mined gallery) to a

A Potential Neuroprotective Role for Pyruvate Kinase 2 in Retinal Degeneration

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited disorder that results in vision impairment that specific therapeutic strategies are not available. However, it is widely regarded that the cGMP system, including cGMP and its interactor cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG), acts as a crucial effector during retinal degeneration. We have previously identified a list of cGMP-PKG-dependent genes in the context

The Covid-19 Lesson from Sweden: Don’t Lockdown

The coronavirus pandemic triggered strong political action across Europe. Mandatory restrictions to increase social distancing were imposed, commonly known as lockdowns. In some cases, entire countries were virtually locked down for several weeks at a time, contributing to a very severe downturn in economic activity. To mitigate the policy induced economic crisis, governments responded by introduc

Large Eddy Simulation of Ramjet to Scramjet Transition

The dual-mode ramjet engine is one of the most promising propulsion systems for hypersonic flight because it can be operated in a wide range of flight Mach numbers. This engine type will be quite complicated to use in practice since it requires Ma


The cultural significance of a language is multifaceted and complex. Language exists as not just a means of communication, but also a reflection of the history, traditions, values, and beliefs of a culture. Language holds within it the stories, myths, and art, passed down through generations and contains the nuances and subtleties of a community’s way of life, including their customs, social norms