

Din sökning på "*" gav 533485 sökträffar

Ravens, New Caledonian crows and jackdaws parallel great apes in motor self-regulation despite smaller brains

Overriding motor impulses instigated by salient perceptual stimuli represent a fundamental inhibitory skill. Such motor self-regulation facilitates more rational behaviour, as it brings economy into the bodily interaction with the physical and social world. It also underlies certain complex cognitive processes including decision making. Recently, MacLean et al. (MacLean et al. 2014 Proc. Natl Acad

A 2.2ps 2-D Gated-Vernier Time-to-Digital Converter with Digital Calibration

This paper presents a 2-dimension (2-D) Vernier time-to-digital converter (TDC) which uses two 3-stage gated-ring-oscillators (GROs) in the X/Y Vernier branches. The already small Vernier quantization noise (~10.6ps) is improved by the 1st-order noise shaping of the GRO. Moreover, since all delay differences between X phases and Y phases can be used (rather than only the diagonal line of the 1-dim

Theory of Auger core-valence-valence processes in simple metals. II. Dynamical and surface effects on Auger line shapes

Auger CVV spectra of simple metals are generally believed to be well described by one-electron-like theories in the bulk which account for matrix elements and, in some cases, also static core-hole screening effects. We present here detailed calculations on Li, Be, Na, Mg, and Al using self-consistent bulk wave functions and proper matrix elements. The resulting spectra differ markedly from experim

Magnetic phases near the Van Hove singularity in s- and d-band Hubbard models

We investigate the magnetic instabilities of the nondegenerate (s-band) and a degenerate (d-band) Hubbard model in two dimensions using many-body effects due to particle-particle diagrams and Hund’s rule local correlations. The density of states and the position of the Van Hove singularity change depending on the value of next-nearest-neighbor hopping t′. The Stoner parameter is strongly reduced i

Integrating microorganism and macroorganism dispersal: modes, techniques and challenges with particular focus on co-dispersal.

Whatever their size and the ecosystem they live in, all organisms may disperse at some stage of their life cycle. Dispersal dynamics are to a varying extent dependent on organismal size, life history, ecological niche, survival capacities and phylogeny. Moves towards a synthesis in dispersal ecology have focused primarily on vertebrates and higher plants, yet recent studies suggest that the disper

Public Relations: Rules, Gamesmanship and the Professional Project : Why Academics Must Confront the Realities of Practice

‘Some textbooks treat PR as though it is a branch of moral philosophy. Such an approach leaves most PR practitioners bemused and is of limited practical use.’ (Morris & Goldsworthy 2012, 41) The grand narrative of the public relations-field in the 20th and 21st century arguably is that of professionalization. The story presented by professional associations and academics alike tells of a pract

After Inclusion : Intellectual Disability as Biopolitics

This dissertation examines contemporary politics targeting people with intellectual disabilities. Since this group first emerged, under labels such as ‘idiocy’ and ‘mental deficiency’, around the turn of the 20th century, its members have been seen as lacking the capacities necessary for citizenship and full societal belonging. For the last forty years, however, liberal democracies and internation

Emerging, Excluding or Caring in the Context of Crisis and Disasters : The Perspective of the Front Line Staff in Swedish Public Social Services

The literature reveals an importance of social work in relation to all phases of crisis and disaster (Desai, 2007; IASSW 2010) and a potential to strengthen its role further (UNISDR 2015; Dominelli, 2012). Yet, little is known as regards the Swedish context. Given the centrality of municipalities in the emergency system and Social Services as a central municipal assignment it could be expected to

Using templates to support the engineering designer performing computer-based design analysis

In their quest for a more efficient and effective utilization of the resources allocated to engineering design projects, and thus to the overall product development project from which the current design task(s) originate, an increasing number of companies allow engineering designers to perform Computer-Based Design Analysis (CBDA) on their own – CBDA is here confined to quantitative analyses using

Socialt medborgarskap och möjligheten till ett självständigt liv : - ekonomiskt bistånd för kvinnor som har lämnat en våldsam partner

Försörjningen är avgörande för kvinnors möjligheter att lämna en våldsam partner, och många hänvisas då till de offentliga försörjningssystemen. Syftet i artikeln är att förstå socialtjänstens handläggning av dessa kvinnor. Studien har ett medborgarskapsperspektiv där kvinnornas beskrivningar analyseras. Detta är en av de första svenska studierna på området.

Lakatos's challenge? : Auxiliary hypotheses and non-monotonous inference

Gerhard Schurz [2001, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 32, 65-107] has proposed to reconstruct auxiliary hypothesis addition, e.g., postulation of Neptune to immunize Newtonian mechanics, with concepts from non-monotonous inference to avoid the retention of false predictions that are among the consequence-set of the deductive model. However, the non-monotonous reconstruction retains the