

Din sökning på "*" gav 527844 sökträffar

Stadens inverkan på vattenmiljön i avrinningsområden

Stadens påverkan på vattenmiljön diskuteras utifrån ett avrinningsområdesperspektiv med i huvudsak Höje å som tillämpningsexempel. Staden påverkar tungmetall- och fosforkoncentrationer i avrinnande åar om staden motsvarar ungefär 100 000 personer i ett 300 km2 stort vrinningsområde.The influence of the city on the water environment on river basin scale is discussed with mainly the Höje River as an example. The city significantly influence the phosphorous and heavy metal conditions if the city is larger than about 100 000 people in an agricultural river basin smaller than 300 km2.

The use of analgesics and hypnotics in relation to self-rated health and disability pension - A prospective study of middle-aged men

Aims: This cohort study on urban middle-aged men investigates the association between the use of analgesics and hypnotics, self-rated health (SRI-I) and disability pension. Methods: Five birth-year cohorts of middle-aged, urban, Swedish men were invited to a screening programme and were followed for approximately 11 years. Results: Out of all the subjects (n = 5798), 12.4% received a disability pe

Spin Hall conductivity of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas with Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction

The spin Hall conductivity of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas has been investigated for a general spin-orbit interaction. We have found that in the diffusive regime of electron transport, the dc spin-Hall conductivity of a homogeneous system is zero due to impurity scattering when the spin-orbit coupling contains only the Rashba interaction, in agreement with existing results. However, w

Mice lacking the extracellular matrix adaptor protein matrilin-2 develop without obvious abnormalities

Matrilins are putative adaptor proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM) which can form both collagen-dependent and collagen-independent filamentous networks. While all known matrilins (matrilin-1, -2, -3, and -4) are expressed in cartilage, only matrilin-2 and matrilin-4 are abundant in non-skeletal tissues. To clarify the biological role of matrilin-2, we have developed a matrilin-2-deficient m

Excited states in Sn-103: Neutron single-particle energies with respect to Sn-100

Gamma-ray lines from Sn-103 have been identified for the first time using EUROBALL and ancillary detectors. The level scheme of Sn-103 has been established by means of particle-gated gamma gamma coincidences. The energy spacing between the g(7/2) and d(5/2) neutron single-particle orbitals is determined from the excited states in Sn-103.

Metabolic effects of diltiazem and atenolol: results from a randomized, double-blind study with parallel groups

In a randomized, double-blind study (n = 58) with parallel groups, the effects of diltiazem (mean dose 329 mg/day) and atenolol (mean dose 67 mg/day) on carbohydrate and lipoprotein metabolism in hypertensive patients were compared. The mean systolic blood pressure (SBP)/diastolic blood pressure (DBP) reductions in the supine position were similar and satisfactory, 9/11 and 11/9 mmHg during atenol

Direct benefits and the evolution of female-biased cooperative breeding in Seychelles warblers

Inclusive fitness benefits have been suggested to be a major selective force behind the evolution of cooperative breeding. We investigated the fitness benefits selecting for cooperative breeding in the Seychelles warbler, Acroccphalus sechellensis. A microsatellite-based genotyping method was used to determine the relatedness of subordinates to group offspring in an isolated population of Seychell

Recognition molecules of the complement system: C1q and mannan-binding lectin in autoimmunity and immune defence

Popular Abstract in Swedish C1q, en delkomponent av C1 molekylen, och mannan-bindande protein (MBL) är igenkänningsmolekyler i komplementsystemet. De har likartad struktur. C1q binder till IgG och IgM och aktiverar den klassiska vägen. MBL binder till kolhydratstrukturer och aktiverar lektinvägen. Autoantikroppar mot C1q förekommer ofta vid svår systemisk lupus erythematosus (SLE) och förekommer oThe C1 subcomponent C1q and the mannan-binding lectin (MBL) are recognition proteins of the complement system, and have similar structure. C1q binds to IgG and IgM and activates the classical pathway. MBL binds to carbohydrate structures and activates the lectin pathway. Autoantibodies to C1q are frequently found in severe systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and are present in virtually all patient

The prevalence of Malassezia Yeasts in patients with atopic dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis and healthy controls

Cultures for Malassezia yeasts were taken from both normal-looking skin and lesional skin in 124 patients with atopic dermatitis, 16 patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis and from normal skin of 31 healthy controls. Positive Malassezia growth was found in fewer patients with atopic dermatitis (56%) than in patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis (88%) or in healthy controls (84%, p < 0.01). In the pat

Plasticity in mice nociceptive spinal circuits -role of cell adhesion molecules.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Medan akut smärta ofta kan bemästras på ett framgångsrikt sätt saknas ofta adekvat behandling av kroniska smärttillstånd. Smärta är ett dominerande symptom vid en mängd sjukdomar såsom till exempel, reumatoid artrit, cancer, migrän, ryggskador, fibromyalgi och tillgängliga analgetika är ofta otillräckliga. Det finns därför ett stort behov att utveckla nya och effektiva Introduction: To understand the function of the genes and their products in the pain system, studies will have to deal with complex issues related to intercellular communication, e.g. plasticity in neuronal networks. To provide a basis for such studies, the present thesis compares basic features of the nociceptive spinal systems including the organization of nociceptive withdrawal reflexes (NWR),

Sex-specific cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in a cohort treated for hypertension.

Objective Incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is higher in men than in women. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the gender differential can be modified by pharmacological intervention in a population-based setting. Design and method In a prospective population-based cohort - the Malmo Diet and Cancer study - a total of 3608 hypertensives (1559 men, 2049 women), 45-73 years old