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Shame and Confidence, Knowledge and Social Codes. Interaction in a School with Democratic Ambitions
It is always challenging to try to transmit and transform values and attitudes within a school in a democratic society, and even more challenging to do so in a group of socially disadvantaged pupils. What happens in a classroom where disadvantaged pupils in the upper secondary school meet teachers who have a general obligation to transmit democratic values? This article is a case study of the inte
Entwined visions: Capital, Politics and Nature in the production of Trump International - Scotland's Aberdeenshire golf resort
With planning application for Trump Golf International Links Scotland's (TIGLS) proposed Golf Resort at Menie Estate outside Aberdeen a site is opened up for development to fulfil visions of producing a world class golf resort. Both a Site of Special Scientific Interest and local inhabitants are affected by this, and various protests have been aired during the process. This paper explores the envi
Interactive Language Development for Embedded Systems
Reflector surface modelling - a European collaboration
Lives at Risk; Discrimination of female Children in Modern India
A2-codes and codes for the rank metric
Simmons (1990) has introduced an extended authentication model where caution is taken both against deceptions from an outsider (opponent) and against some forms of deception from the insiders (transmitter and receiver). Codes for this model are called authentication codes with arbitration, or simply A2 codes. A new construction of authentication codes with arbitration is proposed, which uses codes
The tomb of Caecilia Metella: tumulus, tropaeum and thymele
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen utgörs av en detaljerad studie av ett enskilt antikt byggnadsverk – Caecilia Metellas mausoleum. Detta gravmonument tillhörde en högättad romersk kvinna och är beläget intill Via Appia strax utanför Rom. Byggnaden utmärker sig bland annat genom sin storlek, men också genom sin högst ovanliga arkitektoniska utformning. Syftet med studien är att söka förstå dThe present thesis constitutes a close study of a single architectural monument, the tomb of Caecilia Metella. This is a well-preserved cylindrical tomb situated on the Via Appia outside Rome, and it is generally associated with sepulchral buildings of the traditional tumulus type. An inscription reveals that the occupant of the grave was a noble woman belonging to one of the most prestigious fami
A Spiral Process Model for Case Studies on Software Quality Monitoring - Method and Metrics
This article presents a spiral process model for an iterative case study on quality monitoring, conducted in an industrial environment. In a highly iterative project, everything seems to happen at the same time: analysis, design and testing. We propose a spiral process model for case studies, and present a study conducted according to the proposed process. In the study, metrics collected from thre
Fluctuations in Infrastructural Activities in Sweden - A Historical View
Material Models for Concrete, Steel and Concrete/Steel Interactions
An evaluation model for light environments
Contribution of tissue composition and structure to mechanical response of articular cartilage under different loading geometries and strain rates
Mechanical function of articular cartilage in joints between articulating bones is dependent on the composition and structure of the tissue. The mechanical properties of articular cartilage are traditionally tested in compression using one of the three loading geometries, i.e., confined compression, unconfined compression or indentation. The aim of this study was to utilize a composition-based fin
PCP: A Generalized Approach to Optimizing Performance Under Power Constraints through Resource Management
Many computing systems are constrained by power budgets. While they could temporarily draw more power, doing so creates unsustainable temperatures and unwanted electricity consumption. Developing systems that operate within power budgets is a constrained optimization problem: configuring the components within the system to maximize performance while maintaining sustainable power consumption. This
Logistics and Post-Merger Integration: From Theory Towards a Framework
Publikstrategier för Dunkers kulturhus
Tantskräck, gäddhäng och magfläsk : co-bodies och materiellt/diskursiva praktiker i styling och personal shopping
Workload-study of ISA-drivers - A method description.
On the decision of the Swedish government, the Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA) has started a large-scale trial with Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) in urban areas. One of the four test sites is the city of Lund. At the Department of Technology and Society, Lund University, research about ISA has been carried out since 1986 and the first field study was carried out in 1993. The ongoi
Iran and Britain: The Politics of Oil and Coup D’état before the Fall of Reza Shah
British strategy in the Middle East consolidated around a sustained effort to prevent any adversarial penetration into the Persian Gulf, defending its position athwart the principal lines of communication and supply between Northern Europe and British India, and to protect the newly discovered Persian oil that was used to power the Royal Navy. Since the discovery of oil in 1908 by D’Arcy’s oil exp