

Din sökning på "*" gav 534569 sökträffar

Den missbrukande mannen & avvikande kvinnan. En kritisk diskursanalys om könsskillnader i domstolsbeslut om tvångsvård enligt LVM

The study aimed to investigate gender differences in court decisions about compulsory care according to LVM through a gender perspective. Normative notions about women and men exist and are reproduced throughout society. These normative notions can be found within the judiciary and social services, which affects the professional's assessment regarding addicted men and women in court orders con

Self-Preferential Behaviour of Internet Platforms -Comparing European and Chinese Competition law

This thesis discusses how self-preferential behaviour of Internet platforms is regulated in the EU and China under the competition law framework. The purpose of the study is to compare the strategies and practices of these two jurisdictions in terms of legislation and enforcement in order to answer the following research questions: what are the limits on self- preferential behaviour of Internet pl

Surface analysis of industrial materials by synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy

This thesis presents an in-depth investigation into the behaviour of two distinct industrial material systems under specialized conditions: diamond tools machining titanium alloys and the annealing of alumina-forming steels. The observation of two sub-projects was finished by two state-of-the-art synchrotron facilities FlexPES and MAXPEEM respectively at the MAX IV laboratory. The study elucidates

War inflation and taxation

Warfare has been commonly associated with increasing levels of inflation, with important implications for tax systems. In this chapter, we first review the literature on war finance and inflation, considering both the fiscal causes of inflation during wartimes and the effects of inflation on tax revenues. Second, we focus on developments in the income tax during the World Wars, building upon our p

Äldre rödgods från Studentholmen i Uppsala - en undersökning av proveniens genom pXRF- och ICP-analys

The assemblage of pottery from Studentholmen, excavated by Knut Stjerna in 1907, contains one of the largest and most varied collections of medieval ledglazed redwares from the medieval town of Uppsala. Previous have pointed to the similarities in form and technology with the larger productions centers in western Europe as well as to the possibilities that some of the less elaborately decorated pi

Synergies in the Cybersecurity profession: Exploring the Interplay of Hard Skills, Soft Skills, and Team Organization in Penetration Testing

This thesis investigates the enhancement of technical tasks in penetration testing through the integration of soft skills, contrasting them with hard skills within the cybersecurity profession. The research utilized a conceptual framework developed for this study, alongside empirical data gathered from semi-structured, qualitative interviews with 3 penetration testers and 2 in-formation security s

Ekonomiskt våld utifrån olika professionsperspektiv

Financial abuse is a type of domestic abuse that consists of a partner taking control of your money with the intent to control you. This study aimed to examine how different professionals construct financial abuse and what kind of jurisdiction claims they do. This study is based on a gender perspective. The method decided on for this study was a qualitative study with a thematic analysis. 10 diffe

The Relation Between Covid-19 Vaccination and Voting Trends in Lithuania: A Spatial Analysis

In the face of global challenges such as regional conflicts, climate change and economic recession, the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic added a unique dimension to the complex landscape that governments had to navigate. Unlike other challenges, the pandemic's solution was theoretically straightforward – the only way to stop it was mass vaccination. However, the issue of vaccine hesitancy by

Privatinförsel eller detaljhandel? – Juridisk analys av förutsättningarna för privatinförsel av alkohol till Sverige efter Winefinder-målet

Sverige har under lång tid haft en restriktiv alkoholpolitik. Sverige är också medlem i Europeiska unionen, där huvudregeln är fri rörlighet av varor. Denna skiljelinje har inneburit att Sverige visserligen fått behålla ett detaljhandelsmonopol (Systembolaget), men också att en möjlighet för svenskar att privat importera alkoholhaltiga drycker för eget bruk införts. År 2023 lämnade Högsta domstoleSweden has long pursued a restrictive alcohol policy. Sweden is also a member of the European Union, where the the free movement of goods is a general principle. This dividing line has resulted in Sweden getting to retain a retail monopoly (Systembolaget), however the possibility for Swedes to privately import alcoholic beverages for their private consumption was introduced. In 2023, the Swedish S

Cross-Border Investment Protection under EU Law and International Investment Agreements - Guiding EU-Based Investors Through the Intra-EU and Extra-EU Landscapes

Cross-border investment protection and dispute settlement mechanisms have sustained significant transformations, both within (intra-EU) and outside (extra-EU) of the European Union (EU). This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the legal frameworks safeguarding EU-based investors and their investments. It delves into the interplay between EU law and international investment agree

Genesis of the Digital Euro - The Relationship Between the Central Bank Digital Currency and Data Protection Law

This thesis conducts a legal investigation and critical analysis of the creation and establishment of a digital currency in the transactional agora of the European Union. The implementation of the digital euro as a new method of the European numismatic zone is a revolutionary neoteric strategy for efficiency in monetary transactions. A profound problem at the epicentre of this novel concept is the

Krigets ord: en kritisk diskursanalys mellan SVT Nyheter och TNKVRT på Instagram

Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker strategisk kommunikation inom nyhetsförmedling på sociala medier, med fokus på Instagram. Med en abduktiv ansats och en kritisk diskursanalys syftar studien till att jämföra kommunikation mellan två aktörer: det svenska public service-kontot SVT Nyheter och det opinionsdrivna kontot TNKVRT. Genom att granska språket, teman och inramningen av nyhetsrapporteringarThis qualitative study investigates strategic communication practices of news portrayal on social media, focusing on Instagram. Employing an abductive approach with a critical discourse analysis, the study aims to compare communication between two actors: the Swedish public service account SVT Nyheter and the opinion-driven account TNKVRT. By examining the language, themes, and framing of news rep

BEFIT: Harmoniserande eller komplicerande - en studie av BEFIT och dess potentiella inverkningar på svensk bolagsbeskattning

Under en längre tid har EU-kommissionen utan framgång försökt införa en gemensam skattebas för koncerner som verkar inom EU. Det senaste för-söket, direktivförslaget BEFIT, presenterades 2023. Syftet med BEFIT är att införa bestämmelser som resulterar i en gemensam skattebas för större koncerner inom EU, att möjliggöra enklare gränsöverskridande resultatutjämning för dessa samt underlätta och effeFor a long time, the European Commission has unsuccessfully tried to in-troduce a common consolidated tax base for groups operating within the EU. The latest attempt, the directive proposal BEFIT, was presented in 2023. The purpose of BEFIT is to introduce regulations that result in a common consolidated tax base for larger groups within the EU, enable cross-border loss relief for these and reduce

Fungerar familjeterapi som behandling för depression hos barn och ungdomar? En systematisk litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka det vetenskapliga stödet for familjeterapi och familjebaserade interventioner vid behandling för depression hos barn och ungdomar. Dessutom ville vi belysa hur olika forskningsperspektiv och utfallsmått kan påverka rekommendationerna för val av behandling. Nio artiklar undersöktes och bedömdes efter dess vetenskapliga kvalitet. Fem av artiklarna The aim of this literature study was to examine the evidence of family therapy and familybased interventions for children and adolescents with depression. Additionally, this study highlights how different research perspectives and outcome measures may affect the recommendations of treatment interventions. Nine articles were reviewed and assessed for their scientific quality. Five of the articles w

Patientupplevelser av Feedback-informerad terapi (FIT) - en kvalitativ studie

Syftet med studien var att få fördjupad kunskap om patienters upplevelser av att delta i psykoterapi på en psykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning där Feedback-informerad terapi (FIT) användes. Sju deltagare intervjuades och intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades sedan med hjälp av tematisk analys där 27 kategorier kunde identifieras och sju övergripande teman kunde utkristalliseras. Deltagarna utThe aim of the study was to gain deeper insight into patients' experiences of participating in psychotherapy at a psychiatric outpatient clinic where Feedback-Informed Therapy (FIT) was used. Seven participants were interviewed, and their interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis, resulting in 27 categories and seven overarching themes. Participants expressed that the FI

När mobbning drabbar: strategier för hur föräldrar hanterar skol- respektive nätmobbning

Att under sin uppväxt bli utsatt för mobbning av jämnåriga kan innebära långtgående negativa konsekvenser för hälsa och mående för den utsatta. Fortfarande är det många barns vardag att vara utsatta för mobbning. Mobbningen sker idag inte enbart i skolmiljö utan även på nätet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka föräldrars syn på deras möjlighet att agera vid sitt eget barns utsatthet för skol- eDuring childhood and adolescence, being subjected to bullying by peers can have far-reaching negative consequences for the health and well-being of the victim. Unfortunately, many children continue to experience bullying, which now occurs not only in school environments but also online. The purpose of this study was to explore parents' perspectives on their ability to respond when their own ch

Äntligen kände jag en tillhörighet... - en kvalitativ studie om individers syfte och anledningar till kriminalitet utifrån självbiografier

Criminality has always been a problem within society. During the last couple of years, we have seen an increase in young people's involvement in crime, which could indicate that the ongoing preventive work is not successful enough. The aim of this study was therefore to explore how people, who have been involved in illegal activities, describe the purpose of criminality and its reasons. We cho

I bid you farewell - Cultural life of young Bosnians and "the state of things"

This thesis aims to investigate how individuals structure their life within a post-conflict precarious country. Bosnia consists of three autonomous regions called Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine, Republika Srpska and Brčko Distrikt BiH. Since the early nineties, Bosnia has experienced ongoing emigration, encompassing both diaspora and migration communities as evidenced by the 1991 and 2013 censuses