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Abstract in RussianАннотация. Рост социального неравенства, который наблюдается внаши дни в равной мере как в постсоветских странах, так и в странахлиберальной демократии и развитой рыночной экономикой, связан спарадоксальной политической ситуацией. Приоритетной вполитической повестке дня выступает борьба с «экзистенциальнымнеравенством» (Й. Терборн), при этом именно экономическоенеравенство все бThe growth of economic and social inequality, which is observed nowadays in equal measure in both post-Soviet and states with developed market economies and liberal democracy, is connected to a paradoxical political situation. The priority in the political agenda is the fight against "existential inequality" (G. Therborn), while economic inequality is increasingly perceived as one of the greatest

De danska judarna i Theresienstadt

Recension av Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini, Danske jøders liv og død i Theresienstadt.Review of Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini: Danske jøders liv og død i Theresienstadt. Köpenhamn: Gyldendal, 2023.

New finds of European bison identified through the systematic DNA-based species identification of archaeological remains of large bovines from Scandinavia

It is clear from the subfossil record that aurochs (Bos primigenius) and European bison (Bison bonasus) coexisted in southern Scandinavia during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. However, the two species are unevenly represented, especially in zooarchaeological assemblages where the aurochs is the only identified bovine. By applying genetic taxonomic assignment from mitochondrial and shallo

Phosphorus driven embrittlement and atomistic crack behavior in tungsten grain boundaries

We investigated the role of phosphorus (P) impurities on the fracture toughness and underlying failure mechanisms by means of classical atomistic modeling for a set of ⟨110⟩ symmetric tilt tungsten grain boundaries (GBs). This entailed the utilization of a quasi-static mode I displacement-controlled setup with cohesive zone volume elements (CZVEs) to study failure mechanisms and evaluate the fract

Why does youth unemployment lead to scarring of depressive symptoms in adulthood? The importance of early adulthood drinking

Aim: The aim of the paper is to analyse if alcohol consumption could explain the scarring effect of youth unemployment on later depressive symptoms. Methods: The analyses are based on the 24-year follow-up of school leavers in a municipality in Northern Sweden (the Northern Swedish Cohort). Four-way decomposition analyses were performed to analyse if alcohol use at age 30 years could mediate and/o

Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases and Risk of Dementia : A Nested Case-Control Study

Objective: To investigate the associations between rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) and incident dementia using population register-based data. Methods: This nested case-control study was conducted based on a cohort of residents in the Skåne region, Sweden, aged 50 years and older in 2009 without doctor-diagnosed dementia during 1998 to 2009 (n = 402,825). Individuals with a new main

The boundless body : Cultural perspectives on xenotransplantation

Today's technology is able to intervene in biological processes in a highly concrete way. Technology thus shapes and reshapes our world in a very special way, not just biologically but also culturally. This raises questions relevant to the cultural sciences. In this article I discuss biotechnology and cultural transformation by considering xenotransplantation. The focus is on patients who have rec

"Ett pris man får betala...": En rättssociologisk intervjustudie om polisanställdas uppfattningar kring Hemliga tvångsmedel

The study consists of an underlying desire to examine the different factors regarding covert surveillance methods police in Sweden use. Sweden's police force uses of the methods have had different implications and been a part of the criminal policymaking-debate with those for and against the capacity of the law. This study wants to examine this law-changes and capacities from the perspective o

Tensor-valued diffusion MRI of human acute stroke

Purpose: Tensor-valued diffusion encoding can disentangle orientation dispersion and subvoxel anisotropy, potentially offering insight into microstructural changes after cerebral ischemia. The purpose was to evaluate tensor-valued diffusion MRI in human acute ischemic stroke, assess potential confounders from diffusion time dependencies, and compare to Monte Carlo diffusion simulations of axon bea

Hydraulic Parameter Estimation for District Heating Based on Laboratory Experiments

In this paper we consider calibration of hydraulic models for district heating networks based on operational data. We extend previous theoretical work on the topic to handle real-world complications, namely unknown valve characteristics and hysteresis. We generate two datasets in the Smart Water Infrastructure Laboratory in Aalborg, Denmark, on which we evaluate the proposed procedure. In the firs

Mot en "gemensam tratt"? En intervjustudie om samverkan i kommunalt brottsförebyggande arbete

Since the 1990s, Swedish crime prevention has been characterised by decentralisation and responsabilisation of a growing number of actors such as county councils, municipalities, the business community and civil society. This tendency has also called for increased cooperation. On 1 July 2023, the municipal role and responsibility in this area was stipulated through the Act (SFS 2023:196) on munici

Digitalisation in EU Competition Law and the Swedish Principle of Transparency

The procedural and institutional rights granted by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights have an important impact at national level in the application and interpretation of competition law by national courts and national authorities. In Sweden, the situation is particularly fascinating since the principle of openness – which affords a maximum standard of human right protection – may conflict with t

Grundtvig som vägberedare för katolicismen i Norden

Prästen, psalmdiktaren och folkhögskolepionjären Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig och den rörelse som utgick från honom kom att spela en central roll för formandet av den danska religiösa och nationella identiteten från mitten av 1800-talet och framåt. Detta är ett känt faktum. Mindre känt är att grundtvigianismen även kom att få betydelse för katolsk identitetsformering i Danmark och indirekt ä

Sensing system for ISAC based on mmWave base station

The increased density of base stations within cities provides improved radar coverage opportunities. The new generation of communication technology has given radar and other functions more room to maneuver. The work presented in this report aims to utilize existing communication base stations to implement radar functions to provide sensing services. In this way, the utilization of current dev

"Oroliga för varenda en" - En diskursanalys & intervjustudie om hedersnormer

Aims and methods: This study examines the discourse surrounding honour-related violence and oppression, referred to as honour violence. A discourse analysis was conducted on material from the state and organisations working with HRVF, collaborating with midwives. Two in-depth interviews with midwives gathered firsthand experiences from professionals encountering potential victims of honour violenc