

Din sökning på "*" gav 528304 sökträffar

Two C-terminal sequence variations determine differential neurotoxicity between human and mouse α-synuclein

Background: α-Synuclein (aSyn) aggregation is thought to play a central role in neurodegenerative disorders termed synucleinopathies, including Parkinson's disease (PD). Mouse aSyn contains a threonine residue at position 53 that mimics the human familial PD substitution A53T, yet in contrast to A53T patients, mice show no evidence of aSyn neuropathology even after aging. Here, we studied the neur

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Related Clinical Studies : A Cross-Sectional Analysis

Objective: The quality and rationality of many recently registered clinical studies related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) needs to be assessed. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the current status of COVID-19 related registered clinical trial. Methods: We did an electronic search of COVID-19 related clinical studies registered between December 1, 2019 and February 21, 2020 (updated to Ma

Does uterine preservation affect survival outcomes of patients with stage I ovarian sex cord-stromal cell tumours? A multi-institutional study

Objective: Sex cord-stromal tumours of the ovary are relatively uncommon neoplasms that account for 3 % of all ovarian cancers. Uterine preservation with careful staging is achievable; however, conservative surgery remains controversial. This study examined the prognostic effects of uterine preservation in patients with stage I sex cord-stromal tumours. Study design: This retrospective cohort stud

Life-cycle assessment of the production of cationized tannins from Norway spruce bark as flocculants in wastewater treatment

It will be necessary to make efficient use of our resources if our society is to be converted into a bio-based economy. Every year large side streams of bark are produced in sawmills and pulp mills. In addition to utilizing the bark for heat and electricity production, as happens today, high-value chemical components could be extracted prior to energy conversion. These components include tannins.

Symmetry breaking in binary Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of an inhomogeneous artificial gauge field

We study a two component Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of an inhomogeneous artificial gauge field. In response to this field, the condensate forms a localised vortex lattice structure that leads to a non-trivial symmetry breaking in the phase separated regime. The underlying physical mechanism can be understood by considering the energy landscape and we present a simplified model that i

Migration and housing regimes in Sweden 1739-1982

This article aims to analyse the changes in migration regimes in Sweden over the period 1739–1982. We have chosen to divide this into four periods where each is characterized as a specific regime: the pre-industrial period (1739–1860), the laissez faire period (1860–1932), the rising ambitions period (1932–1951) and the Rehn-Meidner period (1951–1982). These four periods reveal different approache

An Insight into the Excitation States of Small Molecular Semiconductor Y6

Y6 is a new type of non-fullerene acceptor, which has led to power conversion efficiencies of single-junction polymer solar cells over 17% when combined with a careful choice of polymeric donors. However, the excited state characteristics of Y6, which is closely correlated with its opto-electronic applications, are not clear yet. In this work, we studied the excited state properties of the Y6 solu

Thylakoid membrane reorganizations revealed by small-angle neutron scattering of Monstera deliciosa leaves associated with non-photochemical quenching

Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is an important photoprotective mechanism in plants and algae. Although the process is extensively studied, little is known about its relationship with ultrastructural changes of the thylakoid membranes. In order to better understand this relationship, we studied the effects of illumination on the organization of thylakoid membranes in Monstera deliciosa leaves. T

Society for perioperative assessment and quality improvement (SPAQI) consensus statement on perioperative smoking cessation

Smokers are at increased risk for surgical complications. Despite the known benefits of smoking cessation, many perioperative health care providers do not routinely provide smoking cessation interventions. The variation in delivery of perioperative smoking cessation interventions may be due to limited high-level evidence for whether smoking cessation interventions used in the general population ar

An accelerated multilevel test and design procedure for polymer gears

This paper presents a new accelerated testing procedure for plastic gears that is based on several different levels of testing. The iterative testing procedure fulfils requests from the product development process. The following criteria are considered for testing: reduced number of tests, shorter test time and reliable results for different applications. The proposed method was applied over the f

Influence of temperature- and strain rate-dependent viscoplastic properties of polyoxymethylene on the thermo-mechanical response of a steel-polyoxymethylene spur gear pair

The nonlinear material properties of thermoplastics like polyoxymethylene (POM) can influence the thermo-mechanical response of polymer gears to applied running loads. In the presented study, the non-elastic strain rate- and temperature-dependent mechanical characteristics of POM are examined, along with their influence on the mechanical response of the polymer gear at the tooth root and contact i

Validation of 3d finite element models from simulated Dxa images for Biofidelic simulations of sideways fall impact to the hip

Computed tomography (CT)-derived finite element (FE) models have been proposed as a tool to improve the current clinical assessment of osteoporosis and personalized hip fracture risk by providing an accurate estimate of femoral strength. However, this solution has two main drawbacks, namely: (i) 3D CT images are needed, whereas 2D dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images are more generally av

Evolution of chain migration in an aerial insectivorous bird, the common swift Apus apus

Spectacular long-distance migration has evolved repeatedly in animals enabling exploration of resources separated in time and space. In birds, these patterns are largely driven by seasonality, cost of migration, and asymmetries in competition leading most often to leapfrog migration, where northern breeding populations winter furthest to the south. Here, we show that the highly aerial common swift

Suppressed competitive exclusion enabled the proliferation of Permian/Triassic boundary microbialites

During the earliest Triassic microbial mats flourished in the photic zones of marginal seas, generating widespread microbialites. It has been suggested that anoxic conditions in shallow marine environments, linked to the end-Permian mass extinction, limited mat-inhibiting metazoans allowing for this microbialite expansion. The presence of a diverse suite of proxies indicating oxygenated shallow se

The Effect on Room Acoustical Parameters Using a Combination of Absorbers and Diffusers : An Experimental Study in a Classroom

Several room acoustic parameters have to be considered in ordinary public rooms, such as offices and classrooms, in order to present the actual conditions, thus increasing demands on the acoustic treatment. The most common acoustical treatment in ordinary rooms is a suspended absorbent ceiling. Due to the non-uniform distribution of the absorbent material, the classical diffuse field assumption is

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Pragmadialektiikan maailmanvalloitus alkoi kaksikymmentäviisi vuotta sitten. Tänään se on yhtä tunnettu kuin jo viisikymmentä vuotta täyttäneet Toulminin ja Perelmanin uraauurtavat argumentaation teoriat. Arviot pragmadialektiikasta kuitenkin vaihtelevat huomattavan paljon. J. Anthony Blair on esimerkiksi luonnehtinut sitä maailman tärkeimmäksi argumentaation teoriaksi tänä päivänä. John Woodsin m

Ja har liksom ett budskap från Gud : Nokia Missios retorik

Väckelserörelsen Nokia Missios retorik är en del av både den framgång och den anstöt som rörelsen väckt. Intensiteten och den nästan emotionella upplevelsen i mötena hade man inte kunnat uppnå utan retoriska tekniker. I en analys lyfter Mika Hietanen fram några typiska drag i väckelsemötenas retorik.[In Swedish:] Väckelserörelsen Nokia Missios retorik är en del av både den framgång och den anstöt som rörelsen väckt. Intensiteten och den nästan emotionella upplevelsen i mötena hade man inte kunnat uppnå utan retoriska tekniker. I en analys lyfter Mika Hietanen fram några typiska drag i väckelsemötenas retorik.

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Utbildningsstyrelsen har i samarbete med undervisnings- och kulturministeriet börjat utveckla rektorsutbildningarna mera målmedvetet än tidigare, i synnerhet de utbildningsprogram för läroanstalternas ledning som finansieras via programmet Kunnig (Osaava). En åtgärd som ansetts vara nödvändig som underlag för utvecklingsarbetet har varit att kartlägga olika länders praxis för utbildning av läroansThe Finnish National Board of Education, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture, has started to develop the training of rectors in a more systematic way by utilizing the funds which were allocated for the Osaava programme. One of the pre-liminary measures in this regard included a survey concerning the continuing education practices of school leaders on a worldwide basis. The