

Din sökning på "*" gav 535384 sökträffar

N-BAR and F-BAR proteins - Endophilin-A3 and PSTPIP1 - control clathrin-independent endocytosis of L1CAM

Recent advances in the field demonstrate the high diversity and complexity of endocytic pathways. In the current study, we focus on the endocytosis of L1CAM. This glycoprotein plays a major role in the development of the nervous system, and is involved in cancer development and is associated with metastases and poor prognosis. Two L1CAM isoforms are subject to endocytosis: isoform 1, described as

Changes to consultations and diagnosis of osteoarthritis in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic

OBJECTIVE: General practitioners (GP) are often the first medical professionals to treat musculoskeletal complaints. Yet the impact of COVID-19 on primary care utilisation for musculoskeletal complaints is largely unknown. This study quantifies the impact of the pandemic on primary care utilisation for musculoskeletal complaints and specifically osteoarthritis (OA) in the Netherlands.DESIGN: We ex

Det vibrerande rummet – akustik, atmosfär och arkitektur

Ljud är, för de flesta, någonting självklart. Vi omges ständigt av ljud, våra egna och andras, och kanske märker vi inte av vår ljudmiljö förrän den blir direkt obehaglig. Detta speglas även i vår gärning och vårt tankesätt som arkitekter, där bilden, ljuset och den visuella estetiken har företräde i våra kreativa processer. Det är just detta som Juhani Pallasmaa går till angrepp mot i ”The Eyes oSound is, for most people, something obvious. We are constantly surrounded by sounds, our own and others’, and perhaps we do not notice our sound environment before it has become directly unpleasant. This is reflected in our work and our way of thinking as architects, where the image, light and visual aesthetics has precedence in our creative processes. This is what Juhani Pallasmaa chriticizes in

Fear and anxiety differ in construal level and scope

The fear-anxiety distinction has been extensively discussed and debated among emotion researchers. In this study, we tested this distinction from a social-cognitive perspective. Drawing on construal level theory and regulatory scope theory, we examined whether fear and anxiety differ in their underlying level of construal and scope. Results from a preregistered autobiographical recall study (N = 2

Immune-cell infiltration in high-grade soft tissue sarcomas; prognostic implications of tumor-associated macrophages and B-cells

Background: Soft tissue sarcomas are rare, morphologically, and genetically heterogenous. Though the tumors display abundant tumor stroma with infiltrating immune cells, the prognostic impact of various immunologic markers in sarcoma remains poorly defined. We aimed to characterize the immune landscape of a treatment-naïve cohort of soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities and the trunk wall with co

The entanglements of media and health in everyday life

Just as the title above suggests, it is difficult to address health issues without considering the role of the media and everyday life; the time and space when health is produced and cared for or put at risk and exposed. In the introduction to this special issue, ‘Media and health in everyday life’, we will discuss the three components of the theme. We will offer some definitions, but also problem

Antibacterial Nanomaterials : Mechanisms, Impacts on Antimicrobial Resistance and Design Principles

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the biggest threats to the environment and health. AMR rapidly invalidates conventional antibiotics, and antimicrobial nanomaterials have been increasingly explored as alternatives. Interestingly, several antimicrobial nanomaterials show AMR-independent antimicrobial effects without detectable new resistance and have therefore been suggested to prevent AMR

Time for Tea : Factors of Service Quality, Memorable Tourism Experience and Loyalty in Sustainable Tea Tourism Destination

Underpinned by Script Theory and the S-O-R model, this research enhances the green tourism consumption literature to identify how destination service quality contributes to visitors’ memorable experiences and loyalty towards a place-based food tourism attraction. A total of 202 tourists who visited the Best of Highlands tea plantation in Malaysia were surveyed using an online questionnaire. Using

The specific co-ion effect on gelling and surface charging of silica nanoparticles : Speculation or reality?

Based on extensive experimental investigations on many different oxide nanoparticles, it is now a well-established view that the counter-ions exhibit ion specific effects due to their high charge density and strong interaction with oppositively charged surfaces. On the other hand, studies regarding co-ion effects are scarcely reported in the literature. In this study we have measured the surface c

Real-time Bayesian control of reactive brain computer interfaces

This paper introduces an improved method for real-time brain computer interface control. We demonstrate how Bayesian optimization and feedback can be used to achieve faster statistical convergence by controlling the sequence of stimuli shown in a brain computer interface based on a visual oddball paradigm.

Rebuilding Communities after Displacement : Sustainable and Resilience Approaches

This book presents a collection of double-blind peer reviewed papers under the scope of sustainable and resilient approaches for rebuilding displaced and host communities. Forced displacement is a major development challenge, not only a humanitarian concern. A surge in violent conflict, as well as increasing levels of disaster risk and environmental degradation driven by climate change, has forced

Språkligt stöd vid rutiner och lek - en enkätundersökning bland förskollärare på reguljär förskola och språkförskola

Studiens syfte är att kartlägga om och hur det språkliga stödet som ges av förskollärare till barn med språkstörning/DLD skiljer sig, beroende på om barnen är placerade på en sedvanlig förskola eller en språkförskola. För att göra detta har vi genomfört en pilotstudie av en enkät som forskargruppen SPETS vid Karolinska Institutet avser att använda i sin studie. Där utvärderas huruvida våra tre tilThe purpose of the study is to map whether and how the language support given by preschool teachers to children with language disorder/Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) differs, depending on whether the children are placed in a regular preschool or a language preschool. To do this, we have conducted a pilot study of a survey that the research group SPETS at Karolinska Institutet intends to use