

Din sökning på "*" gav 527860 sökträffar

Systematic clinical supervision of home carers working in the care of demented people who are at home: structure, content and effect as experienced by participants

AIM: The aim of this paper is to investigate structure, content and effects of systematic clinical supervision (SCS). BACKGROUND: Home care staff caring for people with dementia were offered SCS because the increasing number of elderly people with dementia increases the demands made on nurses. METHOD: Supervisors (n = 5) and SCS participants (n = 6) were interviewed and an additional 52 SCS partic

Inhibition of leukocyte phagocytosis by serotonin and its possible role in tumor cell destruction

Intraportal tumour cell (TC) injection activates platelets which release serotonin (5-HT). Thrombocytopenia or 5-HT blockade decrease the hepatic lodgement of the injected TCs. A hypothetical explanation of this is 5-HT inhibition of TC killing by phagocytes (e.g. leukocytes and Kupffer cells). In this study, leukocyte phagocytosis was analysed by a chemiluminescence technique at different 5-HT co

Effects of platelet-activating factor, tumor necrosis factor, and interleukin-1alpha on the expression of apolipoprotein M in HepG2 cells.

Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is a recently discovered human apolipoprotein predominantly present in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in plasma, exclusively expressed in liver and in kidney. The function of apoM is yet unknown. The human apoM gene is located in the major histocompatibility complex class III region on chromosome 6. Because many genes located in this region are related to the immune respons

Demographics of tuberculosis in an emerging EU region in Southern Scandinavia

To describe demographics of tuberculosis ( TB) in the circle divide resund region, Southern Scandinavia, a retrospective analysis of epidemiological data from TB registers and population databases, from 1995 to 2002, was performed. A total of 2678 TB cases were reported with an overall incidence of 6.3 per 100,000 person-y of observation. There were major differences in notification rates among im

The mechanical properties of elastic arteries in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

OBJECTIVE: To study whether measurements of wall mechanics can be used as an indicator of disturbed vessel wall integrity and predictor of vessel fragility in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). METHODS: The wall mechanics of the abdominal aorta (AO) and common carotid artery (CCA) were estimated from the indices Ep (pressure strain elastic modulus) and stiffness (beta) in twelve individuals with EDS of

Prey size selection in piscivorous pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) includes active prey choice

Knowledge of the mechanisms behind prey selection in piscivorous fish is important for our understanding of the dynamics of freshwater systems. Prey selection can involve active predator choice or be a passive process. We experimentally studied size-selectivity in pikeperch, feeding on roach and rudd. When given a choice of different prey sizes, pikeperch selected small prey. Passive selection mec

Studier i svensk språkhistoria 8

Studier i svensk språkhistoria 8 är en rapport från konferensen Svenska språkets historia 8 som avhölls i Lund 21-22 maj 2004. Temat för konferensen var Språkförändring på olika nivåer i språket. Tanken var att fokusera på språkförändringsmekanismer i ett brett perspektiv och på alla språkliga nivåer. I detta syfte hade konferensen fyra plenarföreläsningar; en vardera inom fonologi, lexikon, synta

Patients above sixty years of age with Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with a new strategy

In the Swedish National Care Programme for Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) a less intensive chemotherapy regimen with individualized dosing (LVPP/OEPA) was introduced in 1989. In total, 139 patients, 77 between 1985 and 1988 and 62 between 1989 and 1992, were studied. Mean ages were 72 and 71 years, respectively. One hundred and nineteen patients were treated with curative intention, 63 (82%) between 1985

Effect of tissue wounding on the results from calorimetric measurements of vegetable respiration

When plant tissue is wounded a number of protective processes start. We have made a study by isothermal calorimetry of the heat production response of root and tuber tissue to wounding. Samples with different surface to volume ratios were prepared from carrots, potatoes and swedes (rutabaga) and the thermal power was measured in closed glass ampoules in a TAM Air isothermal calorimeter. The evalua

Polyamines inhibit myosin phosphatase and increase LC20 phosphorylation and force in smooth muscle

The increase in Ca(2+)-activated force caused by polyamines in beta-escin-permeabilized guinda pig ileum is shown to be associated with increased myosin 20-kDa light chain (LC20) phosphorylation and shortening velocity. Myosin LC20 dephosphorylation with arrested kinase activity was slower in the presence of 1 mM spermine. Smooth muscle phosphatases (SMP-I, -II, -III, and -IV) isolated from turkey

Discretizations of nonlinear dissipative evolution equations. Order and convergence.

The theme of this thesis is to study discretizations of nonlinear dissipative evolution equations, which arise in e.g. advection-diffusion-reaction processes. The convergence analysis is conducted by first considering an abstract time discretization of the problem, which enables a decoupling of the time and spatial approximations, and secondly by introducing the spatial discretization as an evolut

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with hemophilia B

Surgical procedures in hemophiliacs is a demanding challenge for the surgeon and hematologist. This report deals with a successful laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a young patient with hemophilia B. Despite a prolonged operation time, because of a partially intrahepatic gallbladder, no bleeding complications were registered and the patient recovered well. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy seems to be th

On correlations between the North Atlantic Oscillation, geopotential heights, and geomagnetic activity

We investigate correlations between geomagnetic activity indices, theNorth Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and stratospheric geopotentialheights. It is shown that the correlation between the geomagnetic indexAp and the NAO index is high and significant since about 1970, that itis significant during winter only, that it was not significant beforeabout 1970, and that the correlations are dominated by qu

Prevalences and configurations of mental disorders among institutionalized adolescents

OBJECTIVE: To assess prevalence figures for psychiatric disorders among institutionalized adolescents due to behavioural problems and/or delinquency. METHOD: Participants were recruited from consecutive referrals to/or treated at two Swedish adolescent units, SIS1 (n = 60) and SIS2 (n = 70) with ranging age of 12-20.3 years (mean age = 16.2; SD = 1.8) during 1 year. Clinical and diagnostic info