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Bo Rothstein: Corruption in the commons interview
Ordagrann återgivning eller klickbete? : Om citatteckenanvändning i tidningsrubriker
Most newspaper readers in Sweden today obtain news from websites rather than printed newspapers. As a consequence of this, headlines on newspaper websites are often read without the reader considering the article they correspond to. Do these headlines faithfully reproduce quotes found in the corresponding article, or are they better thought of as clickbaits, containing sensational quotes that do n
Dysfagipatienters och vårdpersonals följsamhet till logopediska sväljråd efter FUS
Bakgrund. Dysfagi är en vanlig komplikation efter stroke och andra neurologiska sjukdomar. För att minska konsekvenserna av dysfagi får patienter sväljråd av logoped. När sväljråd inte följs kan det leda till negativa konsekvenser för patienten. Syfte. Den föreliggande uppsatsen önskade undersöka följsamheten på en neurologi- och strokeavdelning. Frågeställningar. Följer patienter med sväljningsIntroduction. Dysphagia is a common complication after stroke and other neurological disorders. To lessen the consequences of dysphagia, patients are given compensatory swallowing strategies and bolus consistency modification from a speech language pathologist. If swallowing recommendations are not followed, it can have negative consequences for the patient. Purpose. The present study aimed to ex
Formal Ethics, Content Ethics and Relational Ethics : Three Approaches to Constructing Ethical Sales Cultures and Identities in Retail Banking
Following the global financial crisis, banks have become more regulated to advance ethical sales cultures throughout the sector. Based on case studies of three retail banks, we find that they construct the ‘appropriate advisor’ in different ways. Inspired by Bakhtin’s work on ethics, we propose a vocabulary of relational ethics centered on the ‘answerable self.’ We argue that this vocabulary is ap
Predictive value of Bayley-III Motor Index for later motor difficulties in children born extremely preterm
Aim: To investigate the predictive ability of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III) Motor Index, in children born extremely preterm (
The Rustic Turn during Late Socialism and the Popular Movement against Soviet Rule
The success of mass mobilization in Lithuania against Soviet rule in the late 1980s can be attributed in part to the spread of the ethnographic movement in the post-Stalin era. Characterized in this paper as the “rustic turn,” it began in the late 1950s with the rehabilitation of kraevedenie (local area studies), part of Khrushchev’s effort to rejuvenate grassroots political participation across t
Restorative cell and gene therapies for Parkinson's disease
One of the core pathological features of Parkinson's disease (PD) is the loss of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway which lies at the heart of many of the motor features of this condition as well as some of the cognitive problems. The importance of this pathological event is evident through the clinical benefits that are seen when patients with PD are treated with dopaminergic agents, at least
Orthodox Churches during the Pandemic in Ukraine and Georgia : Narratives and New Practices
While some religious institutions postponed their religious services during the pandemic, Orthodox Christian churches insisted on keeping their doors open. Why did churches challenge social distancing policies, and how did they succeed in defying state authority at any cost? We address this puzzle drawing on an analysis of official statements, media, in-depth interviews, and surveys in Georgia and
Investigating writing processes with keystroke logging.
Oro, idealism och cynism : unga vuxnas engagemang i satir
Undervisning och bedömning i sång. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om sång i högstadiet i relation till Lgr11 och Lgr22 samt lärares metoder för elever i sångsvårigheter
Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap kring musiklärares undervisning och bedömning av sång i årskurs 7–9 i förhållande till den nya läroplanen Lgr22, samt de metoder lärare använder för att hjälpa elever i sångsvårigheter att nå måluppfyllelse och utveckla tilltro till sin förmåga att sjunga; metoder som lärarens uppmuntran, kommunikation och verktyg för tonträffning. Olika perspektiv lyfts fra
Informationsinfrastrukturen : Ofta osynlig men alltid närvarande
Designing a Domain Specific Language for Robotics
Immobilization of reducing sugars as toxin binding agents
A simple and economical procedure for the attachment of reducing sugars to aminated solid supports has been developed. Reaction of the amino groups on the solid support with p-nitrophenyl chloroformate, followed by 1,6-hexanediamine, yields a chain-extended amine to which reducing sugars can be attached while remaining accessible to macromolecules. Immobilization of the reducing sugars involves a
An evidence-based approach to forensic life-threat assessments using spleen injuries as an example
INTRODUCTION: During the judicial process of addressing violent crime, a forensic practitioner may need to assess whether an inflicted injury should be considered life-threatening. This could be important for the classification of the crime. To some extent, these assessments are arbitrary since the natural course of an injury might not be completely known. To guide the assessment, a quantitative a
International comparison of pharmaceutical industry payment disclosures in the UK and Japan: implications for self-regulation, public regulation, and transparency
BackgroundSelf-regulation of payment disclosure by pharmaceutical industry trade groups is a major global approach to increasing transparency of financial relationships between drug companies and healthcare professionals and organisations. Nevertheless, little is known about the relative strengths and weaknesses of self-regulation across countries, especially beyond Europe. To address this gap in
Paludan upprör men flera religioner förstör sina skrifter
N-BAR and F-BAR proteins - Endophilin-A3 and PSTPIP1 - control clathrin-independent endocytosis of L1CAM
Recent advances in the field demonstrate the high diversity and complexity of endocytic pathways. In the current study, we focus on the endocytosis of L1CAM. This glycoprotein plays a major role in the development of the nervous system, and is involved in cancer development and is associated with metastases and poor prognosis. Two L1CAM isoforms are subject to endocytosis: isoform 1, described as
Changes to consultations and diagnosis of osteoarthritis in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic
OBJECTIVE: General practitioners (GP) are often the first medical professionals to treat musculoskeletal complaints. Yet the impact of COVID-19 on primary care utilisation for musculoskeletal complaints is largely unknown. This study quantifies the impact of the pandemic on primary care utilisation for musculoskeletal complaints and specifically osteoarthritis (OA) in the Netherlands.DESIGN: We ex