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Introduktion till fuktmekaniken (informationsskrift i serien: Fuktsäkerhet i byggnader)
Varje år drabbas många byggnader av fuktskador. Mer än 80 procent av alla byggskador anses vara orsakade av fukt på ett eller annat sätt. Orsaken till många fuktproblem är ofta brist på kunskap om vissa grundläggande fuktmekanismer. Syftet med denna skrift är att ge läsaren de grundläggande kunskaperna och att ge förståelse och känsla för olika fenomen inom fuktmekaniken, så att man kan delta i f
Polymorphisms at the ABO locus in subgroup A individuals
BACKGROUND: The common ABO allele sequences are known, but little or no genetic information is available on the rare but important A subgroups. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Blood group ABO polymorphism was analyzed in genomic DNA from 45 rare subgroup A individuals by sequence-specific primer polymerase chain reaction and amplified fragment length polymorphism investigating exons VI and VII in the AB
The Back-scattering Problem in Three Dimensions
In this thesis we study the (inverse) back-scattering problem for the Schr"odinger operator in $R^3$. We introduce the back-scattering transform $B(v)$ of a real-valued potential $vin C_0^infty(R^3)$, and prove that the back-scattering data associated to $v$ determine $B(v)$. Under the assumption that the Schr"odinger operator $H_v=-Delta +v$ has no eigenvectors in $L^2(R^3)$ it is shown that $B(v
The psychological assessment of Swedish retired persons coming from urban and non-urban environments
A Graphical Language for Batch Control
Popular Abstract in SwedishDenna avhandling presenterar ett grafiskt programmeringsspråk och dess användning vid styrning av satsvisa processer.Arbetet i avhandlingen kan delas upp i två delar:- utveckling av ett grafiskt programmeringspråk ämnat för implementering av styrsystem för sekventiella processer. Detta språk har fått namnet Grafchart.- uppvisa hur recept-baserad styrning av satsvisa procIn this thesis a graphical language for sequential control is presented and its application to batch control is examined and discussed. The name of the language is Grafchart. Its main feature is that it makes it possible to express complicated control problems in a compact and intuitive manner.Grafchart exists in two versions; a basic version and a high-level version. The basic version was availab
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Loss rate asymptotics in a GI/G/1 queue with finite buffer
We consider the stationary loss rate l(K) of a GI/G/1 queue with finite buffer of size K. Let X-n = U-n - T-n, n >= 1 where U-n is the service time, T-n is the interarrival time and let rho be the traffic intensity. We derive sharp asymptotics for the loss rate as K -> infinity, in the cases (i): rho > 1, and (ii): rho < 1 and X-n non-lattice with light tails. We also look at another reflection, r
Relevance of philosophy of life and optimism for psychological distress among individuals in a stage where death is approaching
The purpose was to investigate the relevance of philosophy of life as well as optimism for the psychological distress among Swedish individuals in a stage where death is approaching. Sixty-nine persons were included; of these were 42 patients newly diagnosed with advanced gastrointestinal cancer and 26 were partners to these patients. The participants' philosophy of life was studied through a semi
Assessing the Importance of Letter Pairs in Initial, Exterior, and Interior Positions in Reading
Exterior letter pairs (e.g., d_k in dark) play a major role in single-word recognition, but other research (D. Briihl & A. W. Inhoff, 1995) indicates no such role in reading text. This issue was examined by visually degrading letter pairs in three positions in words (initial, exterior, and interior) in text. Each degradation slowed reading rate compared with an undegraded control. However, whe
Colloidal fouling during ultrafiltration
Colloidal fouling causes serious problems in many membrane plants. Two different kinds of flux-reducing phenomena occur when treating colloidal dispersions, When treating stable dispersions the flux is reversible and can be restored after changing the operating parameters, such as the transmembrane pressure or the crossflow velocity. The flux reduction experienced when treating unstable colloidal
Phosphatidylethanol affects inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate levels in NG108-15 neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells
Phosphatidylethanol is formed by phospholipase D in animal cells exposed to ethanol. Previous reports have demonstrated that the degradation of phosphatidylethanol is slow, indicating that this lipid may be present in the cells after ethanol itself has disappeared. Accumulation of an abnormal alcohol metabolite may influence cellular functions. In the present study, cultivation of NG108-15 neurobl
Den onde Wilhelm Busch
Exploring Responsibility : Public and Private in Human Rights Protection
Popular Abstract in Swedish Distinktionen mellan offentligt och privat är en djupt rotad princip för organisering av samhället och dess olika sfärer, såväl inom stater som internationellt. Ett exempel på detta ser vi i utformningen av det internationella försvaret för mänskliga rättigheter som byggts upp sedan det andra världskrigets slut. Här syns distinktionen särskilt tydligt med avseende på atThe theory and practice of international relations are replete with dilemmas related to the distribution of responsibility for human rights protection. Institutionalized notions of public and private empower and shape knowledge of what the spheres of responsibility signify for different kinds of actors. This study examines how the public-private distinction is manifested in controversy concerning
Fluorescence lidar multispectral imaging for diagnosis of historical monuments - Övedskloster, a Swedish case study
A fluorescence lidar measurement has been performed on the castle Övedskloster in Sweden. A mobile system from the Lund University was placed at ~40 m distance from the sandstone façade. The lidar system, which uses a frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser with a 355-nm pulsed beam, induces fluorescence in each target point. Areas were studied by using whisk-broom scans. The possibility of detecting biode
Bryophyte vegetation of Iskur River and its main tributaries.
Test of Common Factors of Identified Models. Application to the Generalized Least Squares Method
High energy angular distribution measurements of the exclusive deuteron photodisintegration reaction
The first complete measurements of the angular distributions of the two-body deuteron photodisintegration differential cross section at photon energies above 1.6 GeV were performed at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The results show a persistent forward-backward asymmetry up to E-gamma=2.4 GeV, the highest-energy measured in this experiment. The Hard Rescattering and the Quark-
The Almelund Shale, a replacement name for the Upper Didymograptus Shale and the Lower Dicellograptus Shale in the lithostratigraphical classification of the Ordovician succession in Scania, Southern Sweden
The formation name Almelund Shale is proposed for a lithostratigraphically defined unit to replace the outdated chronostratigraphical designations Upper Didymograptus Shale and Dicellograptus Shale in the Middle and lowermost Upper Ordovician succession in Scania. The Almelund Shale is a lithologically uniform unit of dark-grey to black shales with rare carbonate interbeds between the Komstad Lime
Probing temporal aspects of high-order harmonic pulses via multi-colour, multi-photon ionization processes
High-order harmonics generated through the interaction of atoms and strong laser fields are a versatile, laboratory-scale source of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation on a femtosecond or even attosecond time-scale. In order to be a useful experimental tool, however, this radiation has to be well characterized, both temporally and spectrally. In this paper we discuss how multi-photon, multi-colour