

Din sökning på "*" gav 423729 sökträffar

Calculation of Clothing Insulation by Serial and Parallel Methods: Effects on Clothing Choice by IREQ and Thermal Responses in the Cold

Cold protective clothing was studied in 2 European Union projects. The objectives were (a) to examine different insulation calculation methods as measured on a manikin (serial or parallel), for the prediction of cold stress (IREQ); (b) to consider the effects of cold protective clothing on metabolic rate; (c) to evaluate the movement and wind correction of clothing insulation values. Tests were ca

The polyamines spermidine and spermine retard the platination rate of single-stranded DNA oligomers and plasmid

The presence of polyamines in living cells is crucial for survival. Due to their high net charge at physiological pH, polyamines effectively charge neutralize the phosphodiester backbone of DNA in an interaction that also may protect the DNA from external damage. We here present a study illustrating the influence of spermidine and spermine on the platination reactions of the model oligonucleotides

Survey of the management of patients with minor head injuries in hospitals in Sweden

OBJECTIVES: Development of guidelines for quality assurance in head injury care has to be based on knowledge about how today's management is organized. To address the need for guidelines in minor head injury (MHI), the authors studied management practice in Sweden. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional mail survey including all 76 hospitals treating head-injured patients. The questionnaire outli

An Emerging Product Approach in Environmental Law: Incorporating the life cycle perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under senare år har produkternas roll uppmärksammats mer och mer inom miljöpolitiken. Det talas allt oftare om behovet av ett livscykeltänkande där produktens påverkan på miljön under olika faser av livscykeln blir en utgångspunkt för politiska åtgärder. I en värld där leverantörskedjorna ofta är långa och involverar aktörer i ett flertal länder kan ett livscykeltänkandOne of the noticeable trends in recent years is that products have received increasing attention in environmental policy. The focus on products and their life cycle impacts is often referred to as ?life cycle thinking?. This implies a shift away from the traditional focus on production processes and the environmental impacts of point-source pollution, towards a stronger focus on emissions from the

Stratigraphic evidence for a high marine shore-line during the Late Weichselian deglaciation on the Kullen Peninsula, southern Sweden

Mineral magnetic properties and the carbon content of a sediment sequence in Lake Kullatorpssjon on the Kullen Peninsula in northwest Scania, southern Sweden, were investigated. Diatom and ostracod analyses were undertaken for palaeoecological reconstruction and a chronology was constructed from accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating of terrestrial plant remains and mosses. Five st

Water Absorption in Two-Layer Masonry Systems - Properties, profiles and predictions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många beständighetsproblem uppträder i gränsytor mellan material. Exempel är lossfrysning av puts på tegel, avflagning av färg, sprickbildning hos ytskikt, vidhäftningsbrott mellan reparationsmaterial och underlag. I nästan alla fall är nedbrytningen kopplad till alltför höga fuktnivåer i gränsytan. Flera beständighetsproblem, t.ex. frostnedbrytning, uppstår enbart om mThe main impetus for this research was the desire to verify models for determining transient moisture profiles in the capillary range. For the evaluations, transient moisture profiles were both simulated and measured, after which the results of the two methods were compared. The study was performed for on specimens exposed to continuous water absorption, using specimens of both single and combined

Self-concept and introversion in adolescents with cleft lip and palate.

The purpose of this study was to investigate if adolescents with cleft lip, or palate, or both (CLP), have an altered self-concept, and to assess their degree of introversion, compared with a control group. The CLP group consisted of 55 adolescents (aged 17-20 years) and the control group consisted of 31 adolescents (16-19 years). The Tennessee Self Concept Scale (TSCS) was used to measure the sub

Synthesis, characterisation and catalytic investigation of a new type of PC(sp(3))P pincer Pd(II) complex

The diphosphine cis-1,3-bis[(di-tert-butylphosphino)methyl]cyclohexane (2) has been synthesised and its complexation in palladium chemistry has been investigated. Ligand 2 is capable of tricoordination, for instance as demonstrated by an X-ray crystal structure determination of the complex [Pd(2)I], and it is a rare example of a PC(sp(3))P pincer ligand. A catalytic study of the Heck reaction reve

Object characterization with refractometric digital Fourier holography

We demonstrate a digital holographic method in which two different substances in a blend are discerned. The method requires only one set of exposures and one reconstruction in the plane of focus. The phase is unwrapped by Flynn's discontinuity algorithm to produce an image of the variation of the optical distance of the illuminating wave. Objects with indices of refraction that are higher and lowe

CO2 utilization options .1. An emission assessment framework

The utilization of CO2 in various products and services must be carefully assessed in order to achieve reduced CO2 emissions and simultaneously to add to the net economic benefit of society. In this paper, a framework for the assessment of CO2 utilization options in the chemical industry is outlined in which the total CO2 emission is estimated in four steps. First, the processes under study are su

Lymphocyte CC chemokine receptor 9 and epithelial thymus-expressed chemokine (TECK) expression distinguish the small intestinal immune compartment: Epithelial expression of tissue-specific chemokines as an organizing principle in regional immunity

The immune system has evolved specialized cellular and molecular mechanisms for targeting and regulating immune responses at epithelial surfaces. Here we show that small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes and lamina propria lymphocytes migrate to thymus-expressed chemokine (TECK). This attraction is mediated by CC chemokine receptor (CCR)9, a chemoattractant receptor expressed at high levels b

Wireless Multi Hop Access Networks and Protocols

As more and more applications and services in our society now depend on the Internet, it is important that dynamically deployed wireless multi hop networks are able to gain access to the Internet and other infrastructure networks and services. This thesis proposes and evaluates solutions for providing multi hop Internet Access. It investigates how ad hoc networks can be combined with wireless and

Pressure-induced phase transitions in alpha-ZrMo2O8

We report high-pressure Raman, infrared (IR), and optical-absorption spectra of alpha-ZrMo2O8 (trigonal) up to 38 GPa at room temperature. The spectroscopic studies are consistent with diffraction results that show that alpha-ZrMo2O8 transforms into delta-ZrMo2O8 (monoclinic) at about 1 GPa and the delta phase converts to the epsilon phase (trielinic) at about 2.0 GPa. Optical-absorption measureme