

Din sökning på "*" gav 527845 sökträffar

Deletion of a major neutralizing epitope of human papillomavirus type 16 virus-like particles.

Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) is a major cause of human cancer. Effective prophylactic vaccines are based on type-specific neutralizing antibodies. A major neutralizing epitope has been defined by the monoclonal antibody H16.V5. To investigate the importance of this epitope for overall immunogenicity of HPV-16, HPV-16 virus-like particles devoid of the H16.V5 epitope were engineered by sit

A human phenome-interactome network of protein complexes implicated in genetic disorders

We performed a systematic, large-scale analysis of human protein complexes comprising gene products implicated in many different categories of human disease to create a phenome-interactome network. This was done by integrating quality-controlled interactions of human proteins with a validated, computationally derived phenotype similarity score, permitting identification of previously unknown compl

Advancing Bioenergy in Europe: Exploring bioenergy systems and socio-political issues

Popular Abstract in Swedish Detta är en avhandling om bioenergi (eller biomassa som används för produktion av värme, el eller som drivmedel), om dess betydande potential och viktiga alternativ. Biomassa kan ses som solenergi som fångats genom fotosyntes och lagrats i växande biomassa. Men bra förutsättningar kan bioenergi starkt bidra till minskad klimatpåverkan, ökad förbättrad försörjningstrygghThis thesis concentrates on bioenergy (or biomass utilised for heat, electricity and fuels for transport) as a renewable energy with significant potentials and options. Biomass can be considered as 'stored' solar energy because the process of photosynthesis 'captures' energy from the sun in growing plants. Bioenergy systems under the 'right' conditions can greatly contribute to climate mitigation,

Mikrobiell påväxt på fasader

I huvudsak har putsade fasader undersökts. Tre nybyggda hus i Stockholmsområdet, ett ca. 20 år gammalt provhus i Dalby samt ett objekt i Ärvinge har undersökts med avseende på missfärgningar förorsakade av bland annat mögelsvamp men även av lavor, mossor och alger. Denna inledande undersökning behandlar, i alla väsentliga delar, vad för sorts påväxt som bidrar till missfärgningar av fasader. I skr

Novel peptide surface for reversible immobilization of concanavalin A

Concanavalin A (Con A) was spontaneously adsorbed on polymyxin B surface. This peptide-lectin interaction was strong, K-D = 1-9 X 10(-10), based predominantly on creation of hydrophobic bonds, and was completely reversible. Concanavalin A on polymyxin B (PmB) retained higher binding capacity for yeast mannan, compared with covalently immobilized lectin. Kinetics of mannan-concanavalin A interactio

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in pelagic systems

Several studies show that there are interactive processes between eutrophication and uptake of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in aquatic biota. The main concept is that the increased biomass and production in aquatic ecosystems, due to excess discharge of nutrients, causes a chain event that results in reduced uptake of POPs in primary producers (phytoplankton). This effect is then transferr

Domain swapping in N-truncated human cystatin C

Human cystatin C (HCC) inhibits papain-like cysteine proteases by a binding epitope composed of two beta-hairpin loops and the N-terminal segment. HCC is found in all body fluids and is present at a particularly high level in the cerebrospinal fluid. Oligomerization of HCC leads to amyloid deposits in brain arteries at advanced age but this pathological process is greatly accelerated with a natura

Holocene geomagnetic paleointensities: A blind test of absolute paleointensity techniques and materials

Through several decades of research, absolute paleointensity estimates have been obtained from a wide range of rocks with varying ages, covering the last 3.45 Ga years. These paleointensity data are crucial to study the past geodynamo and the geological evolution of the Earth's deep interior. However, paleointensity data are often difficult to interpret, and on-going discussions concerning the pas

Establishment and expansion of a Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) (Lep. Notodontidae), population with a shifted life cycle in a production pine forest, Central-Coastal Portugal

In 1997, a temporally shifted population of Thaumetopoea pilyocampa (Den. & Schiff.), was recorded for the first time in a restricted area of the oldest National Pine Forest of Portugal-the National Pine Forest of Leiria. This new population larval development takes place during the summer (summer population-SP), while in the normal population it takes place during the winter (winter populatio

Streptococcus pneumoniae evades complement attack and opsonophagocytosis by expressing the pspC locus-encoded Hic protein that binds to short consensus repeats 8-11 of factor H

Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important cause of upper and lower respiratory tract infections, meningitis, peritonitis, bacterial arthritis, and sepsis. Here we have studied a novel immune evasion mechanism of serotype 3 pneumococci, which are particularly resistant to phagocytosis. On their surfaces the bacteria express the factor H-binding inhibitor of complement (Hie), a protein of the pneumoc

NOUR - Daylighting and thermal effects of windows in desert houses

This study is on a combined effect of window, the daylighting and the thermal effects, in desert houses. It is comprised of two complementary studies. In the introduction a historical review on the development of use daylight has been carried out in order to place the case study in a historical perspective. The first study is comprehensive and contains two main parts. In the first part a study was

Laser diode systems for photodynamic therapy and medical diagnostics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetet i denna avhandling syftar till att utveckla bättre ljuskällor för fluorescensavbildning och fotodynamisk behandling av cancertumörer. Små kompakta diodlasrar är ideala ljuskällor för detta, men en del kliniska användningar kräver att deras prestanda förbättras. Gemensamt för de bägge diagnostik- och behandlingsmetoderna är att man behöver uppnå högre strålkvalitThis work concerns techniques for improvement of the coherence properties of diode lasers so that they may be used in two specific medical applications: (Interstitial) photodynamic therapy (PDT) and laser-induced fluorescence diagnostics. In the first application, spatial coherence is crucial, since the treatment light should be delivered through relatively thin optical fibers to optimize treatmen

On the limb darkening, spectral energy distribution, and temperature structure of procyon

We have fit synthetic visibilities from three-dimensional ((COBOLD)-B-5+PHOENIX) and one-dimensional (PHOENIX, ATLAS 12) model stellar atmospheres of Procyon (F5 IV) to high-precision interferometric data from the VLT Interferometer (K band) and from the Mark III interferometer (500 and 800 nm). These data sets provide a test of theoretical wavelength-dependent limb-darkening predictions. The work