

Din sökning på "*" gav 534686 sökträffar

Grönt är skönt? En fallstudie av Die Grünen och Miljöpartiet de gröna

Varför är vissa gröna partier framgångsrika och andra inte? Denna studie har för avsikt att besvara denna frågeställning genom en jämförelse mellan två fall. Dessa fall utgörs av två länder, Sverige och Tyskland, som liknar varandra vad gäller flera relevanta aspekter, men vars gröna partier ändå har rönt olika stor framgång. Vår studie utgår från en hypotes om att det krävs såväl gynnsamma politi

Öppna hjärtan eller stängda gränser? - En analys av Moderaternas och Socialdemokraternas migrationspolitik under 2010-talet

Denna uppsats ämnar att undersöka hur Moderaternas och Socialdemokraternas migrationspolitik har förändrats under 2010-talet. Med hjälp av de två partiernas valmanifest är ambitionen även att undersöka om forskaren Bonnie Meguid’s teori, om mainstreampartiernas strategier mot nischpartier kan användas i detta fall. 2010 fick Sverige ett nytt parti i riksdagen, Sverigedemokraterna med fokus på migr

Do young adults with cancer receive information about treatment-related impact on sex life? Results from a population-based study

Background: Sexual dysfunction is common following a cancer diagnosis in young adulthood (18–39 years) and problems related to sex life are ranked among the core concerns in this age group. Yet, few studies have investigated to what extent adults younger than 40, receive information from healthcare providers about the potential impact of cancer and its treatment on their sex life. Methods: A popul

The use of implants in female pelvic floor reconstructive surgery. Short and long term efficacy and safety.

Pelvic floor reconstructive surgery (PFRS) has suffered from high recurrence rates ever since its birth. Implants were thus quickly employed, initially autologous grafts and allografts. Technological development led to the manufacturing of synthetic implants that were believed to provide the support needed during urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) surgery. However, due to a surge

Protracted oxygenation across the Cambrian–Ordovician transition : A key initiator of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event?

Fluctuations in marine oxygen concentrations have been invoked as a primary driver for changes in biodiversity throughout Earth history. Expansions in reducing marine conditions are commonly invoked as key causal mechanisms for mass extinctions, while increases in marine oxygenation are becoming an increasingly common causal mechanism invoked for biodiversification events. Here we utilize a multip

Assessing the importance of predictors of adherence to a digital self‑management intervention for osteoarthritis

OBJECTIVE: Treatment adherence is suggested to be associated with greater improvement in patient outcomes. Despite the growing use of digital therapeutics in osteoarthritis management, there is limited evidence of person-level factors influencing adherence to these interventions in real-world settings. We aimed to determine the relative importance of factors influencing adherence to a digital self