

Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar

Hur långtgående är arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar? - En jämförelse mellan fysisk arbetsskada och alkoholberoende av sjukdomskaraktär

Uppsatsen syftar till att förstå hur långtgående arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar är vid sjukdom och mer specifikt jämförs alkoholberoende av sjukdomskaraktär med fysisk arbetsskada. Vidare har vi valt att rikta in oss på arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar ur ett civilrättsligt perspektiv. För att uppnå syftet så har vi valt att använda en rättsdogmatisk metod och den främsta källan i uppsatThis essay aims to understand an employer's rehabilitation responsibilities when an employee gets sick. The focus on this essay is to study the difference between the rehabilitation responsibilities regarding physical occupational injuries and chronic alcohol disease. When focusing on employers’ rehabilitation responsibilities we have chosen to do this from a civil law perspective. In order to

Relationen mellan anställdas motivation och syn på hållbar utveckling i företag

Människans nuvarande sätt att leva utgör ett stort hot mot mänsklighetens fortsatta existens på jorden. För att skydda de återstående ekosystemen spelar näringslivet en avgörande roll. Därmed kommer individers sätt att driva hållbarhetsutveckling inom företag att påverka hur stora klimatförändringarna blir. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan anställdas motivatThe current way of life poses a major threat to humanity's continued existence on earth. In order to protect the remaining ecosystems, business plays a crucial role. Thus, individuals' ways of driving sustainability development within companies will affect how large the climate change will be. The aim of this study is to investigate whether employees´ motivation correlates with their views

En progressiv berättelse om hårda tag: En studie av legitimeringen av den brottspreventiva modellen Boende Integration Dialog i Sofielund i Malmö

Business Improvement District (BID) har blivit en alltmer förekommande modell för att utveckla utsatta områden i Sverige. BID-modellen är relativt outforskad i svensk kontext, men har sedan dess första inträde i USA och Kanada både blivit hyllad och kritiserad. Trots att tidigare forskning är oeniga om modellens förtjänster så råder det i princip samstämmighet angående modellens auktoritära inslag

User consumptions behavior of interactive video platform - A reflective study of Douyin as an E-commerce Platform

Because of the versatility of technological influence and the rapid development of digitalization, interactive social media, such as Tik Tok and Douyin, have brought more consumption possibilities to the market. These social media are merging to innovate some new consumption behaviors by using interactive content to save costs and give users more value. Tik Tok and Douyin also satisfy user-centric

Geometry studies of high energy 16O collisions

In this project a model of oxygen, 16O, nuclei, where the nucleons are organised in α-clusters, was implemented in the Pythia Monte Carlo event generator. To study the effects of the new model, some observables, such as the distribution of the number of the wounded nucleons, charged particle multiplicity in the forward and central pseudorapidity region, and the pseudorapidity distribution for diff

Vårt eget märke?

Vårt eget märke? - En kvalitativ studie av lojaliteten till dagligvaruhandelns egna märkesvaror Forskningsfråga: Förekommer någon form av lojalitet gentemot EMV i svensk dagligvaruhandel, och vilka orsaker finns till detta? Syfte: Att undersöka vilka orsaker som ligger bakom konsumenters lojalitet till EMV inom svensk dagligvaruhandel. Som ett led i detta undersöks även konsumenternas benägenhet Our own brand? - A qualitative study of loyalty to the grocery trade's private labels Research question: Is there any form of loyalty to private labels in the Swedish grocery trade, and what are the reasons for this? Purpose: To investigate the reasons behind consumers' loyalty to private labels in the Swedish grocery trade. As part of this, consumers' tendency for variety-seeking aga

Climate change: Information, beliefs and action. Can new information affect Swedes’ climate change mitigation efforts?

Due to the steep requirements of the 1.5°C goal, there is an urgent need to better understand what measures can be used to strengthen climate mitigation efforts. This study illuminates which factors drive climate mitigation efforts in the Swedish public and how such efforts are affected by new information. Using data gathered in an online survey experiment (n=372), this study finds that a wide ran

Wastewater treatment with nanofiltration in pilot-scale

Två studenter, Safa och Jane, från kemiteknikprogrammet LTH har undersökt möjligheten att hantera hela reningsprocessen av spillvatten på Dow Chemical site i Landskrona genom att installera en pilotanläggning för nanofiltrering i anslutning till den redan befintliga ultrafiltreringsanläggningen. Dow i Landskrona framställer olika vattenbaserade bindemedel från akrylmonomerer och stora mängder vatDuring the spring semester 2018, an investigation about supplementary cleaning of the waste water at Dow Chemical site in Landskrona was done. Different water-based binders from acrylic monomers are produced by Dow and large amounts of water is used for such processes. The wastewater, that is treated currently by ultrafiltration (UF), contains different chemical residues such as surfactants, resid

Filtering with spatial parameters in B-format audio streams

The B-format is an audio format capable of reproducing full spherical surround audio, meaning sounds can appear as if coming from any direction around the listener. This thesis investigates an approach to quantify and manipulate the spatial information carried in B-format audio signals. It describes an analysis method and a corresponding model for quantifying the spatial data. Two types of appli

Everyone’s a housewife: labour division in same-sex households

Previous research shows that gender is a strong predictor of household labour division in heterosexual households. Same-sex couples cannot use gender and social norms associated with them as a starting point for initial household labour allocation. Although literature on household labour division is extensive, it does not elaborate enough on same-sex households. The aim of this study is to fill th

Questionable Research Practices, Preregistration, and More – Exploring Self-Report Opinions of Swedish and Dutch PhD Students

For this exploratory study, I reached out to all 302 individuals that were listed as PhD students at the psychology departments of all Swedish and Dutch “Top 100” universities. The final 111 participants (37.9% response rate) were asked to indicate how often they encountered questionable research practices (QRPs) and replied to items asking about the impact of QRPs on themselves and their environm

Recognizing the Role of Networks in Market Entry Mode Decisions of SMEs

Following the network perspective on internationalization, this study focuses on the entry mode decisions of SMEs during their foreign expansion. The study conceptualized six network-related factors from existing literature about networks and network theory, and integrated them to the previously recognized internal and external factors in entry mode frameworks. Empirical research design of multipl

The Meaning of Origin: A Cultural Analysis of Consumers’ Perspectives on Food Origin

This thesis is based on the results of a consumer-based research project carried out with the Swedish anthropological consultancy firm Inculture. By investigating the material retrieved from the project, the researcher aims to uncover the cultural and social processes behind consumer choices and more specifically what meaning the culture-based idea and beliefs about food origin bares in Swedish so

Developing Strategic Thinking

The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of an educational intervention’s impact on the development of strategic thinking. To get a better understanding, this study examined the impact of the one-year Master’s programme International Strategic Management (ISM) and a metacognitive awareness module, on business students’ ability to think strategically. To comprehend this impact, thi

Invisible leadership - Does it exist and what does it do?

Syftet med studien är att nyansera och fördjupa förståelsen med ledarskap i en entreprenörisk kunskapsintensiv firma. Studien kommer att fokusera på hur olika individer, såsom arbetstagare och grundare, uppfattar ledarskapThe purpose of this study is to nuance and deepen the understanding of leadership in an entrepreneurial knowledge-intensive firm. The study will focus on how different individuals, both employees and founders, interpret leadership

Near-local density approximation approach to one-dimensional lattice systems

Describing many-body quantum systems has been an analytically and computationally challenging task since the advent of quantum mechanics. However, in the past 50 years as a result of our technological advancement and the emergence of methods such as density-functional theory (DFT), we have taken crucial steps forward regarding our ability to study and understand large quantum systems. In this work

Diffusion of wind energy, a case of the Netherlands

Wind energy has not been able to diffuse widely in the Netherlands, despite the great history of harnessing wind power. To understand the factors responsible for the slow diffusion of wind energy in the Netherlands, a qualitative study has been performed through semi-structured interviews. Drawing on insights from regime influences, this study has applied the multi-level framework by Geels (2012)

Impacts of increased plastic recycling in Sweden - A quantitative study of the environmental, social and economic impacts of increased plastic recycling in Sweden

Miljörelaterade, sociala och ekonomiska effekter av en ökad plaståtervinning i Sverige Dagens plastproduktion är förknippad med åtskilliga miljöproblem. En av de största utmaningarna är att en betydande del av den plast vi konsumerar hamnar i världshaven. År 2050 förväntas plastproduktionen vara fyra gånger större än vad den är idag. Om vi inte agerar kommer det snart finnas mer plast (i vikt) änThe rapidly growing, global plastic production and the waste generated as an effect of this is associated with countless environmental problems. As this sector continues to expand, so will the problems. Further complicating is the fact that currently only a small proportion of plastic is being recycled or re-used. A majority of the recyclable plastic in the EU and in Sweden is instead being incine

Robotisering av produkthantering vid produktion av gummilist

Bostik AB has long had a production where parts of the production are done manually. These parts include that an employee needs to lift a rubber pulp from a conveyor belt, twist and put the rubber pulp into a pallet. The employee should then put on a plastic patch between each layer. This process can in the long run be unhealthy for the employees who will carry out the movement because repeated li