

Din sökning på "*" gav 536921 sökträffar

Role of SADB Kinase in double strand break repair

Role of SADB Kinase in DNA damage repair In the everyday life our bodies are exposed to environmental insults, such as the sunlight, which damage our genes. In addition, the cells in our body also face constant threats from within that causes damage to DNA. These damage can lead to alteration in genes and changes to the DNA molecule that can affect its ability to maintain healthiness. Luckily, ou

Geographical distribution of the Swedish gasoline tax

This study examines if inhabitants of different municipalities in Sweden are more harshly affected given an increase in gasoline tax. This is done by examining the demand elasticities and consumer surplus loss using a panel Error Correction Model. The results show that inhabitants of rural municipalities are more unresponsive and lose out more consumer surplus from a hypothetical increase in the t

Dynamics of GABA Receptor composition in the recovery phase of stroke – Effect of anti-inflammatory treatment with AMD3100

GABAergic Neurotrasmission – A “cross-talker” between inflammation and neural plasticity in stroke Stroke is a leading cause of disability and no pharmacological treatment is currently available to promote recovery in suffering patients. A major part of research is focusing on finding new biological targets which can be pharmacologically intervened with, providing favorable results in facilitatin


The entrepreneurship ecosystem in Skåne, Sweden is dynamic with many activities and support for new ventures, and it boasts a wide range of actors. However, there is a lack of empirical research on how the process leads to the success of entrepreneurs in terms of how productive ventures are, how beneficial it is to entrepreneurs and whether there is economic and social contribution to entrepreneur


If we think of footwear as a product that our feet when we run, jump and walk bilities that could have in the future? Triggered by the trail running, this project explores the possibilities of footwear that can quickly provide users with different levels of frictional transition under varying road terrains. Through an innovative exploration of the internal structure of the footwear midsole, c

Evaluating structural landscape development in the municipality Upplands-Bro, using landscape metrics indices

The aim of this study was to evaluate and describe the landscape development in an area located in the municipality of Upplands-Bro, Sweden. The main hypothesis was that the landscape patterns in the study area have changed, as I expected to discover that the landscape has undergone structural changes, in form of both changed land use and changed landscape patch composition. The hypothesis was bas

Investigation of potential sources of crime scene touch DNA

Tack vare dagens extremt känsliga kriminaltekniska DNA-analyser kan det räcka med att en person endast vidrör ett föremål eller en annan person för att göra det möjligt att återfå denna persons DNA från den berörda ytan. DNA från enstaka celler som hittats i ett biologiskt spår på en brottsplats kan räcka för att få fram en DNA-profil som kan användas som mycket stark bevisning och slutligen leda Detectable amounts of DNA may be left behind when an individual touches a surface and research in the forensic science field has shown that some individuals have a higher tendency to transfer their DNA to surfaces than others, a phenomenon known as shedder status. However, there is little evidence to support an unconditional shedder status, and the anatomical origin of deposited DNA and what preci

The Role of Urban Planning in Counteracting Segregation: The Case of Pinelands, South Africa

Segregation är ett vanligt fenomen som uppstår över hela världen. De negativa konsekvenserna av boendesegregation har visat sig vara många för de som bor i mindre välbärgade stadsdelar. Bland konsekvenserna finns bland annat hälsorelaterade motgångar, men även sämre förutsättningar under skolgången och i det framtida arbetslivet har konstaterats. Sydafrika lämpar sig väl för att studera segregatioSegregation is a common phenomenon arising worldwide. Residential segregation has been shown to have several negative consequences for people living in less wealthy neighbourhoods, such as health-related setbacks and being less likely to cope with school. South Africa is an especially well-suited country to study segregation and methods to counteract it to achieve better integration and more harmo

Structure-based design of new antiviral substances against the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus

The Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is a highly infectious alphavirus responsible for severe outbreaks and epidemics in the Americas. The nonstructural protein 2 (nsP2) cysteine protease plays a fundamental role in the VEEV replication process, and is therefore, an attractive drug target for structure-based drug design using x-ray crystallography. Generating protein crystals of suffi

Role of Religion in Global Politics - The case of France and Turkey

Despite the fact that a great majority of experts predicted that religion would lose its power and influence, we are currently experiencing a worldwide revival of religious sentiments. The purpose of this study is to investigate how religion, politics, and security impact identity construction in France and Turkey. This study used critical discourse analysis and thematic narrative analysis to exam

Biophysical analysis of Immunotherapy and Cancer modeling

Cancer är en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna och står bakom 10 miljoner dödsfall varje år. De vanligaste och mest studerade behandlingarna av cancer inkluderar kemoterapi och cellgifter, men det finns även andra sätt att behandla cancer. Ponera att kroppen själv kunde ta hand om cancer. Människans immunförsvar kan besegra både virus och bakterier, så intuitivt borde det inte vara mycket svårare föAccounting for 10 million deaths and 20 million new cases every year, cancer is one of the most common causes of death. The interest in trying to understand this lethal disease using mathematical models has increased steadily for many decades. Methods for boosting the immune system to better fight cancer (immunotherapy) have also been long present. However, the full potential of immunotherapy me

Nyttomaximering, ett skuldfyllt begrepp? - Om konkursförvaltarens åtgärder avseende konkursfordringarna

En konkurs syftar till att fördela gäldenärens tillgångar till borgenärerna. Detta sker utefter fordringarnas storlek och prioritet. I varje konkurs utses en förvaltare som har i uppdrag att avveckla tillgångarna och fördela medlen till borgenärerna. I vissa fall kan detta innebära att gäldenärens verksamhet drivs vidare för att utdelningen till borgenärerna ska bli större. Under 2019 och 2020 förThe aim of the bankruptcy process is to distribute the debtor’s assets to the creditors, with regard to the size and priority of the debts. In every bankruptcy, an administrator is appointed, who’s assignment is to liquidate the assets and distribute them between the creditors. In some cases, this can include running the debtor’s business for a while, and thus creating greater value for the credit

Dizziness of Freedom: The influence of maladaptive anxiety on metaphorical meaning-making and the Motivation & Sedimentation Model (MSM)

This thesis investigates and compares metaphors used in the context of psychotherapy by people who experience various forms of maladaptive anxiety and anxiety disorders (anxiety sample, AS) and people who experience stress caused by various events in their lives (stress sample, SS). It is grounded in a cognitive-semiotic theory called the Motivation & Sedimentation Model (MSM), which defines t

Vårdbehov eller straffbehov? En kritisk analys av straffsystemets möjligheter och hinder för psykiatrisk vård

Sedan år 1965 finns i svensk lag inte längre någon särbehandling vad gäller straffansvar för gärningspersoner som agerat vid eller lider av atypiska sinnestillstånd. Lagstiftningen är istället utformad på det sättet att en särbehandling sker vid påföljdsvalet där det föreligger en presumtion för annan påföljd än fängelse. Utgångspunkten är således att gärningspersonen trots sinnestillståndet ska hSince 1965, there is no longer any special treatment in Swedish law regarding criminal responsibility for perpetrators with an atypical mental state. The legislation is shaped in such a way that a special treatment takes place through the choice of sanction where there is a presumption against imprisonment. The starting point is thus that the perpetrator, despite the mental state, must be held cri

Straffskärpning för brott med hatiska motiv - En kritisk granskning av rättssystemets praktiska tillämpning av 29 kap. 2 § 7 p. BrB

I ett försök att kunna straffa brott med rasistiska motiv hårdare infördes den s.k. straffskärpningsregeln, i 29 kap. 2 § 7 p. BrB under 1990-talet. Den ger domstolen möjligheten att skärpa straffet för ett brott, om motivet varit helt eller delvis hatiskt. Lagstiftaren har infört regeln för att skapa ett mer enhetligt och frekvent beaktande av hatmotiv, samtidigt som den ska fungera som ett förläIn an attempt to enable to punish crimes with racist motives the so called punishment harshening rule was added to the Penal Code during the 1990s. It gives the court the opportunity to harshen the punishment for a crime, if the perpetrator have had a hateful motive, competely or partially. The rule is legislated to create a more uniform and frequent consideration of hateful motives throughout the

Att avgöra tvisten, men inte lösa konflikten. Om domstolens bedömning i mål om vårdnad vid föräldrarnas samarbetssvårigheter.

Trots stora insatser från samhället för att förmå föräldrar att nå samförståndslösningar minskar inte antalet vårdnadstvister. Antalet vårdnadsärenden som leder till tvister i domstol har tvärtemot ökat avsevärt. I 2006 års vårdnadsreform angavs föräldrars samarbetsförmåga som en särskilt viktig faktor vid avgörandet av vårdnadsfrågor. Syftet var att domstolen skulle bli försiktigare med att förorDespite great efforts by society to persuade parents to reach consensus solutions, the number of custody disputes is not decreasing. On the contrary, the number of custody cases leading to litigation in court has increased considerably. The 2006 custody reform identified parents' ability to cooperate as a particularly important factor in deciding custody issues. The aim was to make the Court m

En skälig avvägning – Arbetsgivares och arbetstagares intressen vid verksamhetsövergång

Syftet med framställningen är att analysera intresseavvägningen i den arbetsrättsliga regleringen av verksamhetsövergångar. Arbetet har sin grund i en ny inriktning i EU-domstolens tolkning av direktiv 2001/23/EG om verksamhetsöverlåtelser. EU-domstolen har konstaterat att syftet med direktivet inte endast är att skydda arbetstagares rättigheter i samband med en verksamhetsövergång, utan också attThe aim of the thesis is to analyse the balance of interests in labour law regulation concerning transfer of undertakings. The thesis is based upon a new direction in the case-law of the Court of Justice concerning Directive 2001/23/EC on Transfer of Undertakings. The Court has established that the purpose of the directive is not only to safeguard the interests of employees in the event of a trans

Svenska Aktiefonders Prestation

Ett utökat engagemang kring hållbara frågor och investeringar har drivit med sig en ökning av hållbara fonder. Tidigare forskning där jämförelser gjorts mellan miljöfonder, hållbara fonder och traditionella fonder har visat olika resultat i vilken kategori som presterar bäst utifrån avkastning och risk. På grund av ett lågt antal hållbara fonder och framför allt miljöfonder i flera av de tidigare

Competition between Phase Separation and Micellization in a Coarse-Grained Protein Model with Two Components

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are widely believed to play a key role in the for- mation of intracellular biomolecular condensates through liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). Furthermore, it has been shown in vitro that several IDPs are able to phase sepa- rate on their own. Computational modeling offers unique opportunities to investigate the driving forces and sequence-dependence of