Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar
The Multifaceted Impact of Corruption on International Trade
The purpose of this paper is to perform a detailed examination of corruption effects on trade based on corruption characteristics known to affect economic exchange within the corruption research field. These characteristics are the level, prevalence, customs location, function and predictability of corruption. The multifaceted corruption impact on trade is empirically examined using a corrupti
Var får instrumentallärarna sina pedagogiska idéer ifrån? : Om bakgrunden till didaktiska ställningstaganden
During my time as Director of Studies at the Municipal Music School of Lund, Sweden, I have had several discussions with teachers, students, parents, municipality civil servants, and politicians. I have concluded that in general, culture schools and music schools are looked upon as institutions where parents safely can send their children convinced about that they get a qualified education regardi
Väg- och vattenbyggnadsutbildning vid tekniska högskolor i Europa
Designpedagogik utifrån ett vidgat designbegrepp för kunskap, dialog och samhällsutveckling
Saltationist Socialism: Mao Zedong and the Great Leap Forward 1958
Den senaste istidscykeln
On initiation of chemically assisted crack growth and crack propagation paths of branching cracks in polycarbonate
Stress corrosion, SC, in some cases gives rise to stress corrosion cracking, SCC, which differs from purely stress intensity driven cracks in many aspects. They initiate and grow under the influence of an aggressive environment in a stressed substrate. They grow at low load and may branch. The phenomenon of SCC is very complex, both the initiation phase and crack extension itself of SCC is seeming
TQM - Managerial fad or a case of social becoming?
No title
Abstract in Danish Territorier, stater og nationer har stadig stor betydning. Selvom Europa på overfladen kan se ud som en overskuelig politisk geografi af suveræne stater, er der i virkeligheden tale om et kompliceret kludetæppe af formelle og uformelle grænser og overlappende territorier. Nutidens Europa minder på mange måder om middelalderens komplicerede politiske geografi. Territorium, stat o
Geochemical Development of Proterozoic Granites in the SW Baltic Shield
The plutonic rocks in the Western Segment of the Southwestern Swedish Gneiss Complex show a distinct geochemical evolution. The 1.6 Ga Åmål granitoids and Slottsbron migmatites are a quartz dioritic to granodioritic, calc-alkaline rock suite with smooth, but somewhat fractionated, REE and other trace-element patterns. The younger microcline granites of the 1.5 Ga and 1.3 Ga generations are evolved
Laos: Reforming Laos' Economic System
Sweden's Logistics Paradox
Time-dependent fracture of concrete : testing and modelling
From theory based policy evaluation to SMART policy design: Lessons learned from 20 ex-post evaluations fo energy efficiency instruments
Guided waves in nonlinear media
Introduction to Recent Work on Intrinsic Value
The Momentum of Maturity : What to do With Ageing Big Science Facilities
What can Materials Education at university level learn from Nanoscience Education?
Symposium Materials Education
Kvalitetssäkringars översättning - recentralisering av kontroll
Genom att föja kvalitetssäkringar inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården visas hur idén om kvalitetssäkring har tolkats på sin väg i fältet. Kapitlet visar bland annat att kvalitetssäkring i den svenska hälso- och sjukvården kan ses som ett exempel på den revisionstrend (auditing) som sköljt över flera andra verksamheter i västvärlden under 1990-talet.