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Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason: : Why Dynamic or Static Approaches Should be Taken in the Interpretation of Treaties
In the interpretation of treaties, according to Article 31 of the 1969 Vienna Convention, interpreters shall pay primary regard to conventional language and to "relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between the parties". Applying this provision, it is obvious that interpreters will sometimes face questions of an inter-temporal nature. What law or what language should be b
Quasi Resonant DC Link Converters - Analysis and Design for a battery Charger Application
Environmental aspects have during the last years made electric vehicles an interesting competitor to the present internal combustion engine driven vehicles. For a broad introduction of pure electric vehicles, a battery charging infrastructure is deemed necessary. However, to build and maintain such an infrastructure is costly. Active power line conditioning capabilities could be included in the ba
JaCoP - Java Constraint Programming Solver
Code-switching in second language teaching of French
Although code-switching has attracted a considerable amount of attention for quite some time, the issue of linguistic switch in foreign language teaching has not been a major subject of scientific study. Using a qualitative approach to individual examples of linguistic switch among three second language teachers of French in Sweden, this article, although highly preliminary, attempts to highlight
Characterization of Work Environment Aerosols by PIXE
Trade Facilitation and the Extensive and Intensive Margins of Trade
The spherical-solid model: An application to x-ray edges in Li, Na, and Al
In order to treat highly localized excitations in a solid a simple spherical model has been developed. The Coulomb potential from the nucleus at the site of the excitation is treated exactly, while the potentials from the surrounding sites are turned into pseudoion pontentials. Only the spherical average of these potentials is retained and separate self-consistent calculations for the ground state
The Analysis of Duration and Panel Data in Economics
This thesis is divided into two distinct parts. The first part contains three chapters dealing with the analysis of duration data from an econometric perspective and with application to trade durations. The second part, consisting of the final chapter, focuses on the analysis of panel data and proposes a new test for poolability of the slope coefficients in cointegrated panel regressions. Chapter
Fyller en salsskrivning pedagogiska funktioner?
Intracerebral grafting of neuronal cell suspensions. VIII. Cell survival and axonal outgrcwth of dcpaminergic and cholinergic cells in the aged brain.
Neuronal cell suspensions prepared from the ventral mesencephalon and the septal-diagonal band area of rat embryos were implanted into the depth of the intact neostriatum or hippocampus of 21-23 month old female rats. Graft survival, assessed 3-4 months after grafting, was comparable to that seen in our previous studies of young adult recipients. Fibre outgrowth into the host brain was evaluated i
Traffic exposure related to allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis in adults. A cross-sectional study in Southern Sweden
Report for Appointments and Promotions Department, University of Haifa
Självvärdering och självbedömning: en möjlig väg mot en ökad individualisering?
Housing Enabler aer nu i dansk version
Experiences of onset and diagnosis of low-grade glioma from the patient's perspective.
Battlefield Bureaucrats: a Theoretical Analysis of the Potential Political Impact of Tactical-Level Decision-Making
The paper's empirical analysis is based on a comparative approach combining a most different systems design for case selection with within-case analyses based on process-tracing. The selected cases are examples of high-stakes situations in which tactical-level commanders have made decisions with far-reaching political repercussions. Both positive and negative outcomes are studied. A total of four
Human Endogenous Retroviruses: Expression and Evolutionary Relationships
Popular Abstract in Swedish Retrovirus är en typ av virus som finns hos både människor och djur. Detta virus sprider sig genom att en virus partikel tar sig in i en cell och sedan integrerar sin virala arvsmassa in i cellens arvmassa, DNA. Retrovirusets arvsmassa är från början RNA men skrivs sedan om till DNA för att kunna integreras. I molekylärbiologins barndom trodde man att det genetiska flödThe human genome contains genetic elements which are more or less similar to infectious retroviruses. These are called human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) and are thought to be remnants of infections in the primate lineage. Most of them have been inserted 10 to 60 million years ago but have at different time points spread in the genome via intracellular retrotransposition and make up as much as