Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar
Självvärdering och självbedömning: en möjlig väg mot en ökad individualisering?
Housing Enabler aer nu i dansk version
Experiences of onset and diagnosis of low-grade glioma from the patient's perspective.
Battlefield Bureaucrats: a Theoretical Analysis of the Potential Political Impact of Tactical-Level Decision-Making
The paper's empirical analysis is based on a comparative approach combining a most different systems design for case selection with within-case analyses based on process-tracing. The selected cases are examples of high-stakes situations in which tactical-level commanders have made decisions with far-reaching political repercussions. Both positive and negative outcomes are studied. A total of four
Human Endogenous Retroviruses: Expression and Evolutionary Relationships
Popular Abstract in Swedish Retrovirus är en typ av virus som finns hos både människor och djur. Detta virus sprider sig genom att en virus partikel tar sig in i en cell och sedan integrerar sin virala arvsmassa in i cellens arvmassa, DNA. Retrovirusets arvsmassa är från början RNA men skrivs sedan om till DNA för att kunna integreras. I molekylärbiologins barndom trodde man att det genetiska flödThe human genome contains genetic elements which are more or less similar to infectious retroviruses. These are called human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) and are thought to be remnants of infections in the primate lineage. Most of them have been inserted 10 to 60 million years ago but have at different time points spread in the genome via intracellular retrotransposition and make up as much as
Semiconductor nanowires from materials science, physics and device perspectives
Tunable spin polarization in a two-dimensional electron gas modulated by a ferromagnetic metal stripe and a Schottky metal stripe
Tooth Deviations of an Involute Helical Gear Manufactured in a Simulated Hobbing Process with Introduced Errors
External involute helical gears are usually manufactured through hobbing, commonly with a subsequent grinding or skiving operation. One way towards the industrial pursuit of more competitive and sustainable manufacturing is to reduce the number of processes, while retaining functionality and quality. In the hobbing of gears, the manufacturing errors are most often connected to the tool and/or the
Real time efficiency of Ada in a multiprocessor environment
Predictable non-linearities in U.S. inflation
Economic Cost Function Design and Grade Change Optimization for a Gas Phase Polyethylene Reactor
Gas phase polyethylene reactors are able to produce several different grades of polymer. Adapting to market conditions requires grade transitions, associated with costs in terms of raw material and temporary production of lower priced off-specification products. In this paper, both stationary production and dynamic grade transitions are optimized to maximize profit, i.e., economic process optimiza
Programvägen: om ökade möjligheter att se och bli sedd
Syftet med denna utvecklingsplan är att med utgångspunkt i forskning om studentgenomströmning, relevant lagtext samt medelstilldelning föreslå struktur och innehåll i ett kandidatprogram i språk och språkvetenskap vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum (SOL), Lunds universitet. Fokus ligger på programmets första studieår, eftersom forskning visar att flest avhopp sker under det första året. Programmet s
Estimating anthropogenic carbon release in north-western Europe during the Holocene – integrating pollen-based land use reconstructions with a dynamic vegetation model
Victor Sjöström's Ingeborg Holm
Broad capability through variation in emergency exercises
Using RFID technology captured data to control material flows
RFID technology can improve inventory and pipeline visibility. However, there is scarce research on how to tactically and operationally make use of RFID-captured data. The purpose of this paper is thus to explore the advantages and characteristics, from a material control perspective, of keeping track of goods in real time in a supply chain. A framework regarding the potential gains of tracking u