

Din sökning på "*" gav 528298 sökträffar

Stay away from math? Data literacy and math anxiety in seventh-grade students

The term data literacy has been defined as “the ability to collect, manage, evaluate, and apply data, in a critical manner” and the concept speaks for an important skill in today’s information-rich digital landscape. The educational system is a key factor in supporting students in their quest of strengthening this ability. The following thesis aims to investigate how student performance related to

Fallet Åkerberg Fransson

Rättsfallspodd från Juridiska fakulteten.Hur ledde en berusad rysk militärs förehavanden på militärområde till att den norrbottniske fiskaren Åkerberg Fransson undslapp att straffas två gånger för samma gärning i ett skattemål? I det här avsnittet diskuteras Åkerberg Fransson fallet – ett viktigt mål som bl.a. ledde till att det svenska skattetilläggsförfarandet kom att omprövas i ljuset av europa

Fabrication of Au gratings by seedless electroplating for X-ray grating interferometry

High quality gratings are among the key elements for successful imaging with X-ray grating interferometry. Grating fabrication, specifically of absorption gratings, with high aspect ratio and large area, is a great challenge from a microfabrication point of view. In this paper the fabrication of absorption gratings by seedless electroplating of gold in high aspect ratio silicon moulds that are fab

An Ultrahigh‐Density Microneedle Array for Skin Vaccination: Inducing Epidermal Cell Death by Increasing Microneedle Density Enhances Total IgG and IgG1 Immune Responses

Many types of microneedle (MN) arrays have been tested for delivery of vaccines to the skin. However, the effect of MN geometry/array design on antibody production is still unclear. Reports suggest that systemic immune responses may be affected by how MN arrays “mechanically” deliver vaccines, which can induce cell damage and act as an adjuvant. This includes parameters such as MN length/insertion

Investigation of Milled Wood Lignin Extraction Using Enzymatic Hydrolysis for Application in Hydrophobic Barriers in the Food Packaging Industry

Utvärdering av extraktionsmetoder för lignin från malt trä med hjälp av enzymatisk hydrolys för användning som vattenbarriär i förpackningsindustrin. I en värld där klimatkrisen blir allt mer akut är det viktigt att ständigt vara på jakt efter nya, klimatsmarta lösningar som kan ersätta de gamla. Ett exempel är i förpackningsindustrin där plast spelar en viktig roll i att hålla produkterna säkra oThe objective of this report is twofold: to optimise the extraction method of lignin from spruce altering a few process parameters and to investigate the use of lignin as a hydrophobic barrier in food applications. The process used was STEX (steam explosion) pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis and MWL (milled wood lignin) extraction using a mixture of dioxane-water. The lignin was then c

Temporal trends of Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in Swedish Otter (Lutra lutra) and Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus)

Polybromerade difenyletrar (PBDE) och hexabromcyklododekan (HBCDD) är bromerade flamskyddsmedel som har använts i stor utstäckning i olika produkter under lång tid. Dessa föreningar är svårnedbrytbara och fettlösliga vilket innebär att de kan lagras länge i fettvävnaden. Både kemin och egenskaperna hos PBDE og HBCDD liknar det kända miljögiftet PCB, vilket gör at det är intressant att se närmare pPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) are brominated flame retardants. These compounds are lipophilic, persistent and have been shown to bioaccumulate. The Baltic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) are top predators and especially exposed to high levels of lipophilic pollutant in their diet due to biomagnification. In the current

Satanism : A Reader

While never a numerically significant religion, the idea of Satanism is intimately intertwined with a number of broader issues relevant for the study of religion and culture. The notion of devil-worshipping cults has been a surprisingly stable element of conspiracy theories, historically as well as in the present, and accusations of being in league with demonic forces is a recurring motif in relig

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À leur arrivée dans le pays d’accueil, les élèves allophones (EA) peuvent avoir à suivre des cours de mathématiques distincts de l’enseignement régulier. Leurs enseignants doivent s’adapter au double enjeu de soutenir l’acquisition des compétences mathématiques et l’appropriation de la langue seconde (L2) en tant que langue scolaire. Pour tenter de répondre aux besoins d’intégration, différents ch

A starch- and sucrose-reduced diet may lead to improvement of intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms in more conditions than irritable bowel syndrome and congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency

Objectives: A starch- and sucrose-reduced diet has been found to improve gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome, as well as reduce weight and improve psychological well-being. Our hypothesis was that a starch- and sucrose-reduced diet would also be beneficial in other conditions with similar symptoms. The aim of the present research letter was to describe the rol

Dysregulations in hemostasis, metabolism, immune response, and angiogenesis in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome with and without postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome : a multi-omic profiling study

Post-acute COVID-19 (PACS) are associated with cardiovascular dysfunction, especially postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Patients with PACS, both in the absence or presence of POTS, exhibit a wide range of persisting symptoms long after the acute infection. Some of these symptoms may stem from alterations in cardiovascular homeostasis, but the exact mechanisms are poorly understood.

Expanding the lens on child-centered relatedness and parents’ care work in education: reflections from fieldwork in Singapore

This paper aims to initiate a discussion on the meanings and manifestations of child-centered relatedness, with a particular focus on parents’ educational care work and how parents navigate sentiments of uncertainty and risk in relation to their children’s future. By drawing on examples from ethnographic fieldwork in East Asia, I hope to contribute to expanding the lens on the moral and emotional

Immunoreactive endogenous digoxin-like substances : plasma levels are dependent on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis for release and on kidney function for elimination

To identify factors that regulate the levels of immunoreactive digitalis-like substances (irEDLS) in body fluids, two studies were carried out. Plasma and urine levels of irEDLS were measured in uremic and normal subjects. Extracted material was fractionated (12 fractions) and assayed by digoxin radioimmunoassay. In four fractions, higher levels of irEDLS were found in uremic than in normal plasma