Din sökning på "*" gav 534753 sökträffar
The Development of Nursing in the Modern Societies
Spectroscopy of highly charged ions; new studies in the He, Be, N, O, Na and Mg isoelectronic sequences
[abstract missing]
Protein-protein interaction studies using protein chip technology by mass spectrometry
Från CAD till PDM
Ingen gråzon
Numerical simulation of turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer in corrugated ducts
Shaky Constructions
I aim to examine what should be demanded of a constructivistic theory trying to describe the construction of a human belief-system. My claim is that such a theory cannot allow entities in the description of how a human being constructs the world he or she lives, that are not allowed in the act of constructing the life-world. I will argue that the only coherent theories describing this activity are
Constructing error-correcting codes with huge distances
The class of error-correcting convolutional codes is commonly used for reliable data transmission in mobile, satellite, and space-communication. Demanding simultaneously larger capacities and smaller error probabilities, convolutional codes with large free distances are needed. Such convolutional codes are in general characterized by large overall constraint lengths, increasing the complexity of d
A new chamber set-up for studies of health effects, respiratory deposition and characteristics of biomass combustion aerosols
Fastställelse av Skatterättsnämndens förhandsbesked - en lyckad nyskapelse?
Anm. av Spindler, Gerald & Börner, Fritjof (eds.): E-commerce law in Europe and the USA
Teaching Manufacturing Operations and Strategies in Higher Education
Students at higher technical educations e.g., bachelors and masters, are traditionally taught in software programming and factory automation. Students at higher economical and management schools are exposed to different strategies and their economical impacts. However, in many education programs, the larger perspective, of how to combine the technical and the economical aspects is not highlighted.
Curious properties of canonical divisors in weighted Bergman spaces.
Lärare är förebilder
Comparing Ordinal and Ratio Scale Data in Requirements Prioritisation
The importance of prioritising requirements is widely recognised. A number of different techniques for prioritising requirements have been proposed, some based on an ordinal scale, others on a ratio scale. Different scales provide different levels of information, e.g. the ratio scale is richer than the ordinal scale. This paper aims to investigate the difference in information and aim to find ways
Marketing Collaborations of International SMEs: Implications for Performance
The glioma cell edge - winning by engulfing the enemy?
Malignant glioma and glioblastoma multiforme form the largest group of highly malignant brain tumours, for which there is yet no definitive cure. Different approaches to treatment have been tried, in vain or with minimal benefit for the patient. In addition to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, immunotherapy aiming at evoking an inflammatory reaction against the tumour itself has been tried. Imm