

Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar

Offer eller agent? - Om kvinnor som kreatörer i den digitala världen

The aim of this study is to look into in what ways the creators on the site OnlyFans can be perceived as either victims or their own agents. This will be done by looking at it from different perspectives such as economy, digitalization and self image. There are four main sources that have been used for our study. These are two dissertations, one documentary from SVT and an interview with a school

The impact of institutional investors’ ownership on firm’s value and performance

Institutional investors and large investors play a crucial role as a governance mechanism to protect outsiders from excessive rent extraction by insiders. Where institutional investors can serve as a governance mechanism to intervene and discipline management, it also has several drawbacks and imperfections. This thesis investigates the principal-agent problem and empirically investigates how inst

Molecular Characterization of High β-Glucan Lines in Oats

Oats (Avena sativa) are part of the cereal whole grain family, and their production is on the rise for the past few years due to extensive research done on the health benefits it can provide to humans. ScanOats project in Sweden is one of the research groups across the world that has done extensive work on oats. The lines CT-BG-53, CT-BG-21, and CT-BG-37 are mutant lines harvested by Crop Tailor A

Undersökning av luftfuktighetens förändring över tid och dess påverkande faktorer i fjärrvärmekulvert: Analys av mätdata från Öresundskrafts fjärrvärmenät

Fjärrvärmen är en mogen uppvärmningsteknik som under lång tid har byggts ut i Sverige. Stora delar av fjärrvärmebolagens kapital består av ledningarna som är nedgrävda i marken. Att ha kunskapen om statusen på sina fjärrvärmeledningar är viktigt för att kunna undvika kostsamma skador och bedöma förnyelsebehov. För de äldre delarna av fjärrvärmenätet, där ledningarna är förlagda i kulvertar har det

Constituent Human Rights: A Spinozan study of the radical within human rights theories and the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest

The global human rights regime can only recognise rights that are already known and given, what I’m calling constituted human rights. This mantra poses some immediate obstacles: it effectively invisibilises issues of the productivity and antagonism of human rights movements, the unknown and indeterminate future, and human rights that don’t yet exist. This thesis is an effort to disclose, through c

Rethinking Partnerships: Exploring the EU’s Development Cooperation in Central America via Critical Discourse Analysis and Expert Interviews

The European Union (EU) is the largest provider of development aid in the world, considering the funds given by its institutions and Member States. Development cooperation has been a central policy theme since the Treaty of Rome in 1957, thus constituting a significant sphere of the EU’s foreign affairs. In this context, the concept of partnership covers a meaningful role, and has lately gained mo

Sediment Transport and Erosion in Viskan River, South Sweden

This master thesis study presents the results of sediment transport analysis along Viskan, located in south Sweden. The main processes cover building a hydrodynamic model, studying parameters that define sediment transport, modelling sediment transport within the river, mapping out erosive stretches and comparing to observed eroded locations, and finally comparison of different transport functions

Importance Sampling in Wireless Communication Systems with Ultra-Low Error Rates

Simulation mimics the behaviour of real world processes or the system over time. It helps us to understand the impact of modification and the effect of introducing various interventions to a system. One such simulation method is known as Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, which has been utilized to evaluate the performance of digital communication systems over the last 70 years. MC has been the most ex

Effects of plant polar lipids on postprandial appetite sensations, mood, and cognition in healthy humans

Background Dietary intervention is an effective way to prevent pandemic non-communicable diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes which can probably raise the risk of depression and Alzheimer's disease. Although considerable numbers of intervention studies focus on metabolic effects and physiological benefits of the intake of plant lipids, the function in appetite, mood, and cognition modu

The (Mis)alignment between Offline and Online Brand Image

Title: The (Mis)alignment between Offline and Online Brand Image: A Qualitative Study based on Customers’ Brand Associations of the Swedish Beauty Retailer Kicks. Purpose: The purpose is to explore the alignment or misalignment of a beauty retailer’s offline and online brand image based on customers’ brand associations. Theory: To explore a beauty retailer’s offline and online brand image, Kelle

Design of an active orthosis for improved rehabilitation of stroke patients

Är exoskelett framtiden för stroke rehabilitering? Strokepatienter får ofta minskad rörlighet vilken i viss mån går att återfå genom rehabilitering. Exoskelett öppnar dörrar för nya möjligheter inom detta . Tänkt dig att du sitter i soffan med ditt morgonkaffe och gör dig redo för att återigen göra dina arm-övningar. Varför var det just du som skulle få den där stroken i somras? Hela ditt liv väTo regain mobility in an affected limb after a stroke it is important to be consistent with rehabilitation exercises. The purpose of this project was to create an active orthosis for the elbow joint. The intended use of the orthosis is to help stroke patients during rehabilitation and to enable the possibility to use the orthosis at home without the assistance of a physiotherapist or other help. T

Ätstört beteende och kroppsuppfattning hos ungdomar – vilken roll spelar interoception?

Ätstörda beteenden tenderar att öka under tonåren och samexisterar i regel med negativ kroppsuppfattning. Föreliggande studie ämnade undersöka hur ätstört beteende samvarierade med kroppsuppfattning och interoceptiv uppmärksamhet hos tonåringar, att undersöka om interoceptiv uppmärksamhet medierade mellan ätstört beteende och kroppsuppfattning, samt att utröna om könsskillnader förelåg. Till grund

M&A-transaktioner på fastighetsmarknaden - Varför sker de och vilka effekter ger de?

Under 2021 genomfördes ett stort antal M&A-transaktioner på fastighetsmarknaden i Sverige jämfört med tidigare år. Syftet med studien är att studera motiv till M&A-transaktioner på fastighetsmarknaden, hur dessa skapar värde för fastighetsbolagen samt vilka effekter de ger på marknaden. Studien genomfördes genom att läsa litteratur och tidigare forskning på ämnet samt studera M&A-traThis study aims to research the motives for and value creation from M&A transactions in the Swedish Real Estate Market. All transactions in the period 2017-2021 were analyzed in detail. Interviews were conducted with companies that participated in these transactions, the purpose of these interviews were getting official motives and value creating factors from M&A transactions. Finally, 17

Delayed Demographic Transitions - The Natural Resource Curse Extended? A case study for Bolivia 1900--2010

This thesis investigates if dependence on natural resources causes a delayed demographic transition. The Plurinational State of Bolivia is taken as an example as it is a country with a high share of Mining \& Oil activities in its economy. The method of investigation is a time series analysis covering the period 1900--2010. The results suggest that Bolivia's resource-depleting activities d

Increase of biogas production by incorporating residual streams from agriculture

För att utöka biogasproduktionen i Västra Götalandsregionen (VGR) kan restströmmar från jordbrukssektorn fungera som en storskalig leverantör av biomassa. Produktionen av biogas minskar beroendet av fossila bränslen och rötresten som bildas kan också återföras till jordbrukssektorn, vilket skapar ett slutet kretslopp. I detta examensarbete granskades utökningen genom en kartläggning av biogasproduTo expand the biogas production in Region Västra Götaland (RVG), residual streams from the agricultural sector can function as a large-scale supplier of biomass. The production of biogas decreases the dependence of fossil fuels and the digestate that is formed can also be returned to the agricultural sector, creating a closed loop. The expansion was assessed in this thesis by the investigation of

White inside: a critical examination of how structural whiteness in the Dutch climate movement obstructs climate justice

Despite attention for lack of racial diversity in climate movements in the Global North, there is little examination of other manifestations of whiteness. This thesis examines how structural whiteness – as a norm and as a power structure – shapes the Dutch climate movement’s relation to climate justice and how these impacts can be countered. Understanding racial justice as central to climate justi

Exploring improvements of wind power forecasts using Convolutional Neural Networks and Time Series Analysis

Due to environmental considerations, volumes of renewable power production are rapidly growing, and its share of the energy pool is increasing. The inter- mittent nature of wind power, being one of the main renewable energy sources, is a challenge when generating production forecasts. Accurate forecasts are nec- essary for the electrical grid to be kept in balance as the development of wind power

Transgression for Produce Camp 2021 and Nisu Fans

China, as a huge and promising market, has always been largely exposed to and influenced by the Japanese and Korean idol industries. With various attempts trying to adopt the transnational experienced idol production within the challenging Chinese context, numerous reality television talent shows had been introduced in the past few years. After the very first boy group talent show, Idol Producer (

Geometries in Hadronic Calorimeter at LDMX

A cornerstone in particle physics is that of simulation. The ability to test the components of a larger experiment in a safe and cheap digital environment allows modern experiments to have an optimised setup before testing it in an expensive to use particle accelerator. In this study, variations in the configuration of the main Hadronic Calorimeter (HCal) at the Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX)