

Din sökning på "*" gav 534700 sökträffar

Gut Microbiome Composition in Dystonia Patients

Dystonia is a movement disorder in which patients have involuntary abnormal movements or postures. Non-motor symptoms, such as psychiatric symptoms, sleep problems and fatigue, are common. We hypothesise that the gut microbiome might play a role in the pathophysiology of the (non-)motor symptoms in dystonia via the gut-brain axis. This exploratory study investigates the composition of the gut micr

Impact of silencing eEF2K expression on the malignant properties of chordoma

Background: Eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase (eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase, eEF2K) is a calcium calmodulin dependent protein kinase that keeps the highest energy consuming cellular process of protein synthesis under check through negative regulation. eEF2K pauses global protein synthesis rates at the translational elongation step by phosphorylating its only kown substrate elongation

Certec : en udda fågel

När LTH hade hunnit ungefär till halvtid, det vill säga för 25 år sedan, uppkom en liten centrumbildning för rehabiliteringsteknik med akronymen ”Certec”. Nu år 2011 ingår Certec i Institutionen för Designvetenskaper med sitt forskarutbildningsämne ”rehabiliteringsteknik” som en av institutionens sju forskningsinriktningar.Namnet ”Certec” behövs alltså inte längre, men det finns kvar som vårt posi

JFeature : Know Your Corpus

Software corpora are crucial for evaluating research artifacts and ensuring repeatability of outcomes. Corpora such as DaCapo and Defects4J provide a collection of real-world open-source projects for evaluating the robustness and performance of software tools like static analysers. However, what do we know about these corpora? What do we know about their composition? Are they really suited for our

Improving colour computations in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO and exploring a 1 / Nc expansion

In this paper, we present an extension of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO which is able to evaluate tree-level QCD matrix-elements up to 2 → 6 (one more particle than before). To achieve this, we implemented Berends–Giele-like recursion, and re-implemented the way colour is computed such that we can now expand the colour matrix in powers of 1 / Nc and truncate this expansion to a chosen order. For high multipli

Current advancements of modelling schizophrenia using patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells

Schizophrenia (SZ) is a severe psychiatric disorder, with a prevalence of 1–2% world-wide and substantial health- and social care costs. The pathology is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, however the underlying cause still remains elusive. SZ has symptoms including delusions, hallucinations, confused thoughts, diminished emotional responses, social withdrawal and anhedonia. The

Evaluation of evidence supporting NICE recommendations to change people's lifestyle in clinical practice: cross sectional survey

Objectives To assess whether recommendations of individually oriented lifestyle interventions (IOLIs) in guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) were underpinned by evidence of benefit, and whether harms and opportunity costs were considered.Design Cross sectional survey.Setting UK.Data sources NICE guidelines and supporting evidence.Eligibility criteria All NI

The Cognitive Semiotics of Pictorial Evolution and Development

The study of meaningful artifacts, such as pictures, has traditionally been caught between the humanities, which only take an interest in a selection of individual pictures, and psychology, which attends more to the majority reaction to pictures than to the nature of the pictures themselves. Some parts of semiotics, and, more, in particular, cognitive semiotics, endeavor to make use of all possibl

The European Union and the Value of Gender Equality

This chapter explores the value of gender equality in two areas of EU external relations: enlargement to include the accession countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and development policy with an emphasis on health, AIDS, and population policies. First, we will analyse the origins, history and institutionalisation of gender equality mechanisms in the European Union. Second, the impact of this v

Sex-specific lesion pattern of functional outcomes after stroke

Stroke represents a considerable burden of disease for both men and women. However, a growing body of literature suggests clinically relevant sex differences in the underlying causes, presentations and outcomes of acute ischaemic stroke. In a recent study, we reported sex divergences in lesion topographies: specific to women, acute stroke severity was linked to lesions in the left-hemispheric post

Preventing environmental injustice: literature review of the transboundary effects of the radioactive waste repository construction, Čerkezovac

Identifying potential indications of inequal distribution of environmental burdens and/or benefits in the case of radioactive waste repository construction at the border between Republic of Croatian and Bosnia and Hercegovina were the aim of this thesis. To answer it the question Can environmental injustice be detected and prevented before the environmental pollution and negative impacts it bring,

Bee and non-bee pollinator importance for local food security

Pollinators are critical for food security; however, their contribution to the pollination of locally important crops is still unclear, especially for non-bee pollinators. We reviewed the diversity, conservation status, and role of bee and non-bee pollinators in 83 different crops described either as important for the global food market or of local importance. Bees are the most commonly recorded c

E-handelsföretag och den fysiska butiken - ett smart varumärkesdrag eller fåfänga?

Forskningsfråga: Vad finns det för motiv för e-handelsföretag inom sällanköpshandeln att etablera fysiska butiker? Hur använder e-handelsföretag den fysiska butiken för att skapa brand experience och brand image? Hur påverkar fysiska butiker e-handelsföretagens lönsamhet? Syfte: I denna studie har vi som avsikt att redogöra för varför renodlade e-handelsföretag inom sällanköpshandeln öppnar fysiResearch question: What are the motives for e-commerce companies in the consumer goods trade to establish physical stores? How do e-commerce companies use the physical store to create brand experience and brand image? How do physical stores affect the profitability of e-commerce companies? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of why pure e-commerce companies in t

A comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of di-isobutylene isomers : Part 2

A wide variety of high temperature experimental data obtained in this study complement the data on the oxidation of the two di-isobutylene isomers presented in Part I and offers a basis for an extensive validation of the kinetic model developed in this study. Due to the increasing importance of unimolecular decomposition reactions in high-temperature combustion, we have investigated the di-isobuty

Copper nanoparticles on the surface of ultradispersed polytetrafluoroethylene nanograins

Nanosized copper-containing particles stabilized on the surface of polymer nanograins were obtained by thermal decomposition of copper-containing precursors in a fluidized bed of ultradispersed polytetrafluoroethylene. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the average size of nanoparticles is 10-12 nm. The structure of the particles was determined by EXAFS, EPR, and X-ray powder diffraction

Method of Moments and T-Matrix Hybrid

Hybrid computational schemes combining the advantages of a method of moments formulation of a field integral equation and T-matrix method are developed in this article. The hybrid methods are particularly efficient when describing the interaction of electrically small complex objects and electrically large objects of canonical shapes such as spherical multilayered bodies where the T-matrix method