

Din sökning på "*" gav 528221 sökträffar

The influence of thermal processing on structural and electrical properties of WxSi1−x/Si multilayers

Thermal stability of WxSi1−x/Si multilayers (MLs) with x varying from 1 to 0.11 is studied by TEM and LAXS. The structure of the prepared samples is amorphous. Doping of W sublayers with silicon affects the interdiffusion process as well as the crystallization in these sublayers. We investigated these two processes (which have a detrimental influence on e.g. X-ray mirror stability) by annealing ou

GP-zones in Al-Zn-Mg alloys and their role in artificial aging

The structure of GP-zones in an industrial, 7xxx-series Al–Zn–Mg alloy has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy methods: selected area diffraction, conventional and high-resolution imaging. Two types of GP-zones, GP(I) and (II) are characterized by their electron diffraction patterns. GP(I)-zones are formed over a wide temperature range, from room temperature to 140–150°C, indepen

Instituting: Space-making, refusal and organising in the arts and beyond

This edited collection proposes instituting as a potentially critical methodology in curating, art making and social organizing today, and seeks to discuss forms and structures that take place inside and outside institutions. Rethinking of collective artistic and social practices through and beyond the “waves of institutional critique” this books discusses instituting as a process in continuous cr

How Can I help? : A less-is-more-approach to responsible, supportive and sustainable, doctoral supervision

The significance of writing for PhD students, particularly at faculties of Humanities, cannot be overemphasized; the written manuscript is the final product to be publicly discussed by external examiners. This article takes as its starting point a “quick & dirty” study of a student-initiated writing group at a humanities department (HD) and the assumption that thesis supervisors nowadays need

IMF Fairness : Calibrating the policies of the International Monetary Fund based on distributive justice

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) provides financial assistance to its member countries in economic difficulties but at the same time requires these countries to reform public policies. In several contexts, these reforms have been at odds with population health and material living standards. While researchers have empirically analyzed the consequences of IMF reforms on health, no analysis has

Formation of polyhedral voids at surface cusps during growth of epitaxial TiN/NbN superlattice and alloy films

Epitaxial TiN/NbN(001) superiattice thin films with periods A between 0 (alloy) and 9.6 nm have been grown by ultrahigh vacuum reactive magnetron sputter deposition on MgO(OOl) substrates in mixed Ar/N2 discharges. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy was used for characterizing layer and defect structure. Coherency strain relaxation close to the film/substrate interface resulted in no

Evaluating the Clinical Rank Model for Detection of Rare Variants from Whole Genome Sequencing

Utvärdering av Variantrankmodellen vid Genetiska Sjukdomar Vid misstänkt genetisk sjukdom kan en person få remiss till helgenomsekvensering, vilket är en teknik där näst intill hela DNA-uppsättningen (genomet) hos patienten blir avläst. Detta kan användas till att hitta skillnader, eller varianter, mellan patientens genom och ett friskt genom. Alla människor har väldigt många små ofarliga genetisIn this master’s thesis, different options to update the variant rank model used at the University hospital in Lund are presented. The variant rank model filters genetic variants from whole genome sequencing. This is done to identify potential causative variants in patients. Since the knowledge concerning these variants and rare genetic diseases grows rapidly, the model which filters said variants

Performance and Militant Curating: Rehearsing democratic imaginaries through critical spaces and publics : Rehearsing democratic imaginaries through critical spaces and publics

During the last couple of decades in Europe we have witnessed a proliferation of artistic practices -what we might call the “political turn” - that sought to experiment with models of democracy and participation, as well as forms of intervention in socio-political realities. At the same time, in Southern Europe and beyond a series of social collective practices emerged in the face of an ongoing ec

10 Thoughts on Care

This text is a performative talk that took place in the context of the conference “Handlewith Care: Culture for Social Well-being” organised by Culture Action Europe in Elefsina2023 EU Cultural Capital. It brings together different speculations on care, caring andspaces of care as starting points for further discussions on care and surroundings, social and ecological interdependencies. “Thoughts”

After Embros: 12 Thoughts on the rise and fall of performance practices on the periphery of Europe

On the 11th November 2011, Mavili Collective – a group of artists and theatre makers – occupied the disused theatre building of Embros, in Athens, Greece. The occupancy installed itself as a “re-activation” and proposed an intense twelve-day programme of activities bringing together artists, theoreticians, dance/theatre makers, architects and the general public. The activities were devised out of

Microstructure of amorphous C:H and metal-containing C:H films deposited on steel substrates

Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM), including high-resolution microscopy (HREM), was employed to characterize the interface between different amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) films and steel substrates. Additional analyses using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were also performed. Films were deposited both by high-energy (50 keV) nitrogen ion

Sequential School Choice with Public and Private Schools

Motivated by school admissions in Turkey and Sweden, we investigate a sequential two-stage admission system with public and private schools. A sequential notion of truthfulness, called straightforwardness, is introduced. Contrary to one-stage systems, sequentiality leads to a trade-off between the existence of a straightforward equilibrium and non-wastefulness. We identify the unique set of rules