

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Allozyme diversity and geographic variation in the widespread coastal sedge, Carex arenaria

Allozyme electrophoresis was used to investigate the structure of genetic variation in the rhizomatous coastal sedge, Carex arenaria, throughout its European range — from the SW Iberian peninsula to the Baltic region. Material was sampled from 77 sites in five geographic regions. Nine of the 13 investigated loci were polymorphic in the total material and there were interregional differences in the

Hyperhomocysteinemia in cyclosporine-treated renal transplant recipients

Moderate hyperhomocysteinemia, an independent cardiovascular risk factor, has been reported in renal transplant recipients. In the present study, plasma concentrations of total homocysteine were significantly increased in 120 renal transplant recipients as compared with 60 healthy controls (19.0 +/- 6.9 vs. 11.6 +/- 2.8 mumol/L, P < 0.0001) and as compared with 53 patients without a transplant but

Distribution of preproatrial natriuretic peptide mRNA in rat brain detected by in situ hybridization of DNA oligonucleotides: enrichment in hypothalamic and limbic regions

The expression and distribution of mRNA encoding preproatrial natriuretic peptide (ppANP) in rat brain has been investigated by in situ hybridization of two 35S-labeled synthetic DNA oligonucleotides, based on a cDNA clone sequence that encodes rat ppANP. The highest relative concentrations of ppANP mRNA were detected in the medial preoptic hypothalamic nucleus ("anteroventral/third ventricle regi

Geriatrik är ett försummat ämne i svensk läkarutbildning "Äldreparadoxen" kräver rejäl satsning

A survey at all six medical faculties in Sweden in the spring 2004 showed that basic medical schooling (Medical School) only included an average of 59 full hours of geriatrics, with a fivefold variation between universities (19 to 106 hours). This is despite the fact that the need for geriatric skills in the health care sector is steadily increasing. A test of general knowledge in geriatrics just

Methodologies for model calibration to assist the design of a preparative ion-exchange step for antibody purification

This work proposes methodologies using a model-based approach to gain knowledge on and assist the development of an ion-exchange step in a protein purification process; the separation of IgG from a mixture containing IgG, insulin and transferrin. This approach is suitable for capture and intermediate steps in a process. Both methods involve four consecutive steps. Firstly, the retention of the dif

Nationella diabetesregistret 1996-2003. Kvalitetsvärdering visar att diabetesvården har forbättrats

The Swedish National Diabetes Register presents results during the period 1996-2003. Quality of care data from more than 75,000 diabetic patients (2003) treated at medical departments and primary health care centres are evaluated concerning national goals of HbA1c < 6.5% and BP < 140/85 mm Hg, the prevalence of lipid treatment, smoking etc. The national goals of HbA1c and BP were reached with incr

Voluntary agreements - a measure for energy-efficiency in industry? Lessons from a Swedish programme

Voluntary agreements represent a policy instrument for applying new knowledge, routines or technology to specified issues. The traditional role of an authority when using information, and taking economic, or administrative measures is that of an initiator and controller. Voluntary agreements, on the other hand, represent a communication process between an authority and a partner where relations of

Residual insulin secretion is not coupled to a maintained glucagon response to hypoglycaemia in long-term type 1 diabetes.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the influence of residual beta-cell function on glucagon secretion and glucose counter-regulation following hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: The hormonal counter-regulatory responses to standardized insulin-induced hypoglycaemia were investigated, 18 patients with type 1 diabetes of long duration and 12 healthy subjects were investigated. Nine of the d

MFA for overdetermined systems reviewed and compared with RNA expression data to elucidate the difference in shikimate yield between carbon- and phosphate-limited continuous cultures of E. coli W3110.shik1

The present contribution focuses on the mathematical techniques used to solve steady state metabolic models for the case of an overdetermined system. Even when parts of the system are underdetermined it is possible to solve the model partially and obtain statistically meaningful results. This is illustrated with data gathered from a set of E. coli W3110.shik1 phosphate- or carbon-limited continuou

Atomism About Value

Atomism is defined as the view that the moral value of any object is ultimately determined by simple features whose contribution to the value of an object is always the same, independently of context. A morally fundamental feature, in a given context, is defined as one whose contribution in that context is determined by no other value fact. Three theses are defended, which together entail atomism:

Prediction of temperature-insensitive molecular absorption lines in laser-assisted combustion diagnostics

In laser-assisted combustion diagnostics it is a recurring task to predict molecular transitions whose signal strength depends only weakly on variations in temperature. The signal strength is proportional to the Boltzmann fraction of the level probed and the amplitude of the absorption line profile. In the past investigations have been presented in which this task was attack by detailed numerical

Typification and emendation of Seirophora Poelt to include species segregated from Teloschistes Norman

The type material of Physcia magara Kremp., which is the type species of Seirophora Poelt (Teloschistaceae), is shown to be heterogeneous. It is a mixture of Teloschistes villosus (Ach.) Norman and Ramalina maciformis (Delile) Bory. Physcia magara Kremp. is typified on the T. villosus-part. Teloschistes species with multiseriate hairs, spores with short septa, thick and strongly conglutinated cort

Symmetry of magnetoconductance fluctuations of quantum dots in the nonlinear response regime

We investigate the symmetry of magnetoconductance fluctuations of phase-coherent, two-terminal quantum dots in the nonlinear regime of transport. Specifically, we consider open, ballistic quantum dots (electron billiards) with and without symmetry axes parallel and perpendicular to the current direction and formulate a set of novel symmetry relations not observed in devices with lower symmetry. We