

Din sökning på "*" gav 534692 sökträffar

Hanteringen av rättegångskostnader i förvaltningsmål - En analys efter avgörandet HFD 2022 ref. 10

Hanteringen av rättegångskostnader i förvaltningsmål har stundtals varit komplicerad till följd av avsaknaden av uttryckliga kostnadsregler på området. På senare tid har kostnadsfrågorna behandlats genom flertalet rättsfall i förhållande till grundläggande fri- och rättigheter i allmänhet och bestämmelserna om en rättvis rättegång i synnerhet. Rättsläget klargjordes delvis genom HFD 2022 ref. 10 dThe law of litigation costs in Swedish administrative law cases has sometimes been complicated due to the lack of clear legal rules on the topic. In recent years the question of litigation costs has been examined in relation to fundamental rights and freedoms. The legal position was partly clarified in the case of HFD 2022 ref. 10 where the Court established a specific scheme for how claims for co

Rapid Radiations and the Race to Redundancy: An Investigation of the Evolution of Australian Elapid Snake Venoms

Venom is a key evolutionary trait, as evidenced by its widespread convergent evolution across the animal kingdom. In an escalating prey-predator arms race, venoms evolve rapidly to guarantee predatory or defensive success. Variation in venom composition is ubiquitous among snakes. Here, we tested variation in venom activity on substrates relevant to blood coagulation among Pseudonaja (brown snake)

A Screening Tool to Quickly Identify Movement Disorders in Patients with Inborn Errors of Metabolism

BACKGROUND: Movement disorders are frequent in patients with inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) but poorly recognized, particularly by nonmovement disorder specialists. We propose an easy-to-use clinical screening tool to help recognize movement disorders.OBJECTIVE: The aim is to develop a user-friendly rapid screening tool for nonmovement disorder specialists to detect moderate and severe movemen

A final drive device for torque vectoring in small racing cars

En slutväxellåda för individuell styrning av drivhjulsmoment anpassad för små tävlingsbilar Studien visar utvecklingsprocessen för en mekanisk lösning som ger stor frihet i styrningen av drivhjulsmoment och storleksmässigt lämpar sig för små tävlingsbilar. Kärnan i lösningen är att till vardera drivande hjul koppla en slirkoppling som styrs av en hydraulisk pump. I arbetet presenteras en komplett The agility of the car can be improved by distributing the longitudinal tire forces unevenly between the wheels. The resulting yaw moment helps the car to steer in transient driving scenarios, like on a slalom course. The available grip in steady state cornering can also be increased along with stability. The goal in this project is to develop a final drive device for torque vectoring in a small r

Continuous enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose for bioethanol production

Energi från förnybara källor står idag enbart för 13,8% av världens totala energiproduktion. Detta är ett för lågt värde om det ska vara möjligt att nå målet om en klimatneutral ekonomi senast år 2050. En möjlig lösning för att öka mängden förnybar energi är genom att processera en biprodukt som vetehalm för att producera stora mängder bioetanol. Processen inleds med att vetehalmen förbehandlas tiAs of today, renewable energy accounts for only 13.8 % of the total world energy supply. This number must increase if we want to have a climate neutral economy by 2050. One possible way to increase the renewable energy percentage is by processing and using a byproduct such as wheat straw to make bioethanol. This process involves a pretreatment of the wheat straw into a pressed and pulverized mater

”För mycket att göra och för lite tid” En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur nyutexaminerade socionomer upplever sin första tid i rollen som socialsekreterare på ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of the study is to examine and gain an understanding of newly graduated social workers' experiences during the establishment phase as new social workers in social assistance. The study is based on a qualitative interview study where 6 newly graduated social workers on financial assistance from three different municipalities in southern Sweden have been interviewed. The results have

Optimization of Aeration Diffuser System Design : A Simulation Study

The influence of aeration diffuser system design on electricity usage, effluent water quality, and life-cycle cost in biological wastewater treatment was investigated. A plant-wide model was implemented, and simulations were carried out with different process configurations and aeration systems. Model-aided design of new aeration diffuser systems could significantly decrease electricity usage and

Lignin recovery from cocoa bean shell using microwave-assisted extraction and deep eutectic solvents

Lignin is the second most abundant natural polymer after cellulose, and valorisation of lignin-rich streams has attracted increasing attention recently. This paper presents a novel and sustainable method to recover lignin from Cocoa Bean Shells (CBS) using Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) and microwaves. A DES containing p-toluenesulfonic acid, choline chloride and glycerol (2:1:1 M ratio) was selecte

Isothiazolinone inhibition of soil microbial activity persists despite biocide dissipation

Soil microbial growth and activity are generally assumed to recover rapidly after dissipation of organic toxicants. We studied the effects of four readily degradable isothiazolinone biocides (benzisothiazolinone, BIT; methylisothiazolinone, MIT; octylisothiazolinone, OIT; 4,5-dichloro-2-octyl-isothiazolinone, DCOIT) on bacterial growth, fungal growth, basal respiration, and substrate-induced respi

Uptake and use of biodiversity offsetting in urban planning – The case of Sweden

Globally, biodiversity offsetting is used to balance negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services caused by exploitation. In Sweden, there is an increasing interest in biodiversity offsetting in urban planning. However, there is limited understanding about the use of the concept in a municipal context. This study aims to examine and critically reflect on the uptake and use of biodiversi

Asylkommissionens plattform : Kommissionen för granskning av lagstiftning, lagtillämpning och rättssäkerhet för människor som sökt asyl i Sverige under perioden 2015-2017

Asylkommissionen har bildats av forskare och personer med omfattande kunskap om migration och asylsökandes liv och villkor i Sverige, med syfte att initiera en granskning som utgår från asylsökandes levda erfarenheter och perspektiv. Bakgrunden till kommissionen är de återkommande rapporterna om en svår situation bland barn, unga och vuxna asylsökande, såsom oförutsägbara och inhumana beslut, ökanThe Asylum Commission has been formed by researchers and people with extensive knowledge of migration and asylum seekers’ living conditions in Sweden, with the aim of initiating enquiries based on asylum seekers’ lived experiences and perspec-tives.The background to the Commission is recurring reports of a difficult situation among children, adolescents and adult asylum seekers, such as unpredicta

Education as Hospitality

This essay considers the relationship between education and hospitality, illustrated in a case that sparked a highly politicized debate on the topic. In 2012, several schools in Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city, excluded students from the regular process governing access to school as well as special support otherwise normally provided, based on the students’ unauthorized legal status. The contro

A Radial Velocity Study of the Planetary System of π Mensae : Improved Planet Parameters for π Mensae c and a Third Planet on a 125 Day Orbit

π Men hosts a transiting planet detected by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite space mission and an outer planet in a 5.7 yr orbit discovered by radial velocity (RV) surveys. We studied this system using new RV measurements taken with the HARPS spectrograph on ESO's 3.6 m telescope, as well as archival data. We constrain the stellar RV semiamplitude due to the transiting planet, π Men c, as

Skapa en bättre vardag: Träning och dess intensitets relation till emotioner, fokus samt prokrastinering

Människor upplever universellt emotioner dagligen som påverkar deras beteende. Syftet med studien är därför att se hur träning och träningsintensitet relaterar till emotioner och hur träning fungerar som ett verktyg för att ta sig an emotioner. Forskningsfrågan var därför ”Hur ser sambandet ut mellan akut träning och träningsintensitet med känsloavlastning, problemfokus samt prokrastinering?”. DärPeople universally experience emotions daily that affect their behavior. The purpose of this study is to see how exercise and exercise intensity relate and how exercise acts like a tool to manage their emotions. The research question was therefore: “Is there a connection between exercise and exercise intensity with emotional relief, focus and procrastination?”. The study’s hypothesis is that acute

Consequences of gaining olfactory function after lifelong anosmia

We present a rare case in which a patient has gained her smell after lifelong anosmia. The patient was objectively tested and diagnosed with functional anosmia at age 13 and reported they were experiencing a new sensation of smell at age 22. Our results show an electrophysiological signal for two unimodal odorants. The patient had a retronasal score in the hyposmic range and self-reported the abil