

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

The role of breast tomosynthesis in a predominantly dense breast population at a tertiary breast centre : breast density assessment and diagnostic performance in comparison with MRI

Objectives: To compare breast density measured on digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) (BI-RADS-based breast composition and fully-automatic estimation) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (BI-RADS amount of fibroglandular tissue), and to evaluate the diagnostic performance in terms of sensitivity and specificity of DBT and MRI in a predominantly dense breast population. Methods: Between 2015 and 2

Ämnade för restaurangarbete? : Om politisk styrning och lågutbildade ungdomars väg fram till arbetsmarknadens tröskel

Den första januari 2012 sänkte den då sittande alliansregeringen momssatsen för restaurang- och cateringtjänster från 25 % till 12 %. Det övergripande målet med den lägre momssatsen är att stimulera efterfrågan på okvalificerad arbetskraft genom att skapa förutsättningar för lägre priser och därmed ökad efterfrågan på restaurangföretagens tjänster.Under tiden efter genomförandet av den sänkta momsA significant part of the labour market debate is devoted to issues concerning problematic youth. Expressions like “the lost generation” is coined to address the very core of the matter. It captures the difficulties for low-skilled young people to gain a sustainable work life in an education-oriented society. A strategy to increase employment opportunities specifically suited for the latter group

A new and reusable foundation solution for onshore windmills

A new foundation solution using a cellular raft with an active stabilisation system is proposed in this work. A comparative study of the new foundation and a traditional raft is performed. This study focuses on comparing the load capacity of the mentioned foundation solutions. The results illustrate that a cellular raft with an active stabilisation system gives a substantial enhancement of the loa

Pursuing climate resilient coffee in Ethiopia – A critical review

This paper provides a multi-scalar examination of the Ethiopian coffee sector and its pursuit of climate resilience. Concern is growing about the potential impact of climate change on Arabica coffee in Ethiopia and the 25 million livelihoods it supports. Arabica coffee has a relatively narrow envelope of climatic suitability and recent studies suggest that the area of bioclimatically suitable spac

Continuous Experimentation and A/B Testing: A Mapping Study

Background. Continuous experimentation (CE) has recently emerged as an established industry practice and as a research subject. Our aim is to study the application of CE and A/B testing in various industrial contexts. Objective. We wanted to investigate whether CE is used in different sectors of industry, by how it is reported in academic studies. We also wanted to explore the main topics research

The genomic grade index predicts postoperative clinical outcome in patients with soft-tissue sarcoma

Background: Soft-tissue sarcomas (STSs) are a group of rare, heterogeneous, and aggressive tumors, with high metastatic risk and relatively few efficient systemic therapies. We hypothesized that the Genomic Grade Index (GGI), a 108-gene signature previously developed in early-stage breast cancer, might improve the prognostic assessment of patients with early-stage STS. Patients and methods: We col

Convolutional neural network-based cow interaction watchdog

In the field of applied animal behaviour, video recordings of a scene of interest are often made and then evaluated by experts. This evaluation is based on different criteria (number of animals present, an occurrence of certain interactions, the proximity between animals and so forth) and aims to filter out video sequences that contain irrelevant information. However, such task requires a tremendo

Vulnerability of Ghanaian women cocoa farmers to climate change : a typology

Climate change, increasingly recognized as a hurdle to achieving sustainable development goals, has already begun impacting the lives and livelihoods of people around the world, including on the African continent. Vulnerability is a concept often employed in the context of climate change to identify risks and develop policy and adaptation measures that address current and projected impacts. Howeve

Everyday Life, Anthropology of

The study of everyday life is an interdisciplinary field that stands for a special interest in the commonplace and the seemingly trivial routines and activities of daily life as well as a focus on ordinary people as creative actors rather than passive consumers or objects of domination. Like few other similar concepts, the study of everyday life has been used not only as a research perspective or

Deuteration of human carbonic anhydrase for neutron crystallography : Cell culture media, protein thermostability, and crystallization behavior

Deuterated proteins and other bio-derived molecules are important for NMR spectroscopy, neutron reflectometry, small angle neutron scattering, and neutron protein crystallography. In the current study we optimized expression media and cell culture conditions to produce high levels of 3 different deuterated human carbonic anhydrases (hCAs). The labeled hCAs were then characterized and tested for de

Optimized Weighted Averaging of Peak Matched Multiple Window Spectrum Estimates

Periodogram averaging with multiple windows can be used in spectrum analysis of nonstationary data. Usually, however, the windows for the subspectra are equally weighted in the estimate. In this correspondence, a criterion for the optimization of weighting factors is formulated as the average of normalized bias, variance, or mean square error in a certain frequency interval around a predefined pea

Detection and Control of Contact Force Transients in Robotic Manipulation without a Force Sensor

In this research, it is shown that robot joint torques can be used to recognize contact force transients induced during robotic manipulation, thus detecting when a task is completed. The approach does not assume any external sensor, which is a benefit compared to the state of the art. The joint torque data are used as input to a recurrent neural network (RNN), and the output of the RNN indicates w

Bostadsbränder i storstadsområden

Syftet med detta forskningsprojekt är att i samverkan med räddningstjänster, kommuner och andra berörda aktörer i storstadsområden, analysera bakomliggande bestämningsfaktorer till rumsliga, bebyggelse - och befolkningsmässiga skillnader i förekomsten av bostadsbränder. Projektet ska genom samproduktion med berörda aktörer utveckla förslag på hur brandsäkerhetsarbetet kan bedrivas och utvärderas i

Continuous remote monitoring of COPD patients—justification and explanation of the requirements and a survey of the available technologies

Remote patient monitoring should reduce mortality rates, improve care, and reduce costs. We present an overview of the available technologies for the remote monitoring of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, together with the most important medical information regarding COPD in a language that is adapted for engineers. Our aim is to bridge the gap between the technical and medica

High Gain Windmill-shaped CP Antenna Using High-order Mode and Ground-edge Diffraction

In this letter, the high-order mode and ground-edge diffraction of a slot antenna are used to achieve a high gain. To inhibit the multilobes at the high-order mode, ground-edge diffraction is utilized to form a single main lobe by changing the size of the ground plane of the slot radiator. Then, this slot antenna is employed to construct a windmill-shaped array antenna for circular polarization. A