Din sökning på "*" gav 526186 sökträffar
The meaning making process in learning - a developmental perspective
D1.1 User Needs Assessment Methodology
Modelling prehistoric land use and carbon budgets: A critical review.
Nöjd kund index ur ett beställarperspektiv
Developing project-based Learning to Fit Entrepreneurship Education
Inskränkningar i besvärsrätten - en rättssociologisk studie
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Limit Cycles in Relay Feedback Systems
Characterization and Enhancement of Antenna System Performance in Compact MIMO Terminals
Popular Abstract in Swedish I dagens nya cellulära kommunikationssystem betraktas användandet av multipla mottagarantenner i kompakta användarterminaler som en nödvändighet för att kunna utnyttja fördelarna med diversitet och MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) teknik och därmed uppnå god celltäckning och hög dataöverföringshastighet. Den senaste utbyggnaden av det cellulära kommunikationssystemCo-band multiple-antenna implementation in compact user terminals is necessary for harvesting the full potential of diversity and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology in cellular communication systems. The recent worldwide deployment of Long Term Evolution (LTE), which requires the use of MIMO technology in the downlink, adds to the urgency of achieving both practical and optimal multi
InN Quantum Dots on GaN Nanowires Grown by MOVPE
Synthesis of Conditional Behaviours Using Hierarchical Conditional Dependency Graphs and Constraint Logic Programming
Abstract not available
Spelade äganderätten någon roll? Om friköp av frälsejord i Skåne under 1800-talet
Design of a Thermo-hydraulic Model Library in Modelica
Consumption of probiotics: A strategy to keep fit
Libraries in the digital age
Financing renewable energy systems (Final report)
The writer and the reader : advanced writers’ cognitive processes during writing
AMS Collection Efficiencies of dry smog chamber aerosols, dependence on (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3 and SOA fractions
On the dependence of the laser-induced incandescence (LII) signal on soot volume fraction for variations in particle size
“The laser-induced incandescence (LII) signal is proportional to soot volume fraction” is an often used statement in scientific papers, and it has – within experimental uncertainties – been validated in comparisons with other diagnostic techniques in several investigations. In 1984 it was shown theoretically in a paper by Melton that there is a deviation from this statement in that the presence of