Correlation between Surface and Tumour Motion in Lung Cancer - including Deep Learning Perspectives
Av de 70 000 personerna som blev diagnoserade med cancer i Sverige 2021, fick runt 4000 lungcancer. Lungcancer är vanligen elakartade celler som utgår från lungans slemhinna. Behandling innefattar oftast operation eller strålterapi, ibland i kombination med cellgifter eller immunterapi. Inför strålbehandling gör patienten en röntgenundersökning som ger bilder i tre dimensioner, en så kallad datorPurpose: The purpose of this master thesis was to retrospectively investigate correlation between surface and tumour motion in lung cancer patients, alongside deep learning applications of the results. Additional correlations such as age, tumour volume and anatomical placement of the tumour were also investigated. Materials and Methods: 48 lung cancer patients treated with Stereotactic Body Radia