

Din sökning på "*" gav 528193 sökträffar

Correlation between Surface and Tumour Motion in Lung Cancer - including Deep Learning Perspectives

Av de 70 000 personerna som blev diagnoserade med cancer i Sverige 2021, fick runt 4000 lungcancer. Lungcancer är vanligen elakartade celler som utgår från lungans slemhinna. Behandling innefattar oftast operation eller strålterapi, ibland i kombination med cellgifter eller immunterapi. Inför strålbehandling gör patienten en röntgenundersökning som ger bilder i tre dimensioner, en så kallad datorPurpose: The purpose of this master thesis was to retrospectively investigate correlation between surface and tumour motion in lung cancer patients, alongside deep learning applications of the results. Additional correlations such as age, tumour volume and anatomical placement of the tumour were also investigated. Materials and Methods: 48 lung cancer patients treated with Stereotactic Body Radia

A tale about facts and opinions : The impact of a drama intervention on middle-school students´ information literacy

Today, huge amounts of data are produced, collected, and presented in all kinds of contexts. The ability to critically examine and evaluate information and arguments in relation to empirical evidence is often referred to as information literacy. It is of utmost importance that students are adequately scaffolded to develop this ability, to be able to become democratic citizens. The study presented

Teaching Heterodox Economic Magazine : Collection of Stories. Classroom and Real-World Engagement

This special edition magazine is a collection of short essays aiming to empower students and teachers who advocate for heterodox economics teaching. The magazine presents innovative ways to introduce heterodox content in the classroom and shares exercises that incorporate real-world issues. It is also a collective thinking exercise on how to strategize for needed curriculum changes, notably throug

Väveriets Spa - Arkitektur i Tid och Rum

Det här arbetet är gjort i kursen Tid och Rum där vi har besökt ett gammalt fabriksområde utanför Eslöv. Arbetet undersöker möjligheten att transformera en del av fabriksområdet till spa. Projektet utforskar allt ifrån de tekniska utmaningarna till hur den arkitektoniska upplevelsen kan te sig utifrån de givna förutsättningarna.

Serial dependence in facial identity perception and visual working memory

Serial dependence (SD) refers to the effect in which a person’s current perceptual judgment is attracted toward recent stimulus history. Perceptual and memory processes, as well as response and decisional biases, are thought to contribute to SD effects. The current study examined the processing stages of SD facial identity effects in the context of task-related decision processes and how such effe

Neurofilament light chain on intensive care admission is an independent predictor of mortality in COVID-19 : a prospective multicenter study

BACKGROUND: Neurofilament light chain (NfL), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and total-tau protein (tau) are novel blood biomarkers of neurological injury, and may be used to predict outcomes in critical COVID-19.METHODS: A prospective multicentre cohort study of 117 consecutive and critically ill COVID-19 patients in six intensive care units (ICUs) in southern Sweden between May and Novem

Transformative innovation policy in practice in Austria, Finland and Sweden. What do the Recovery and Resilience Plans tell us about linking transformation and innovation policy?

Governments are increasingly utilising research and innovation (R&I) policy to foster economic and societal change. Yet, the empirical correlation between these policies and socio-technical transformations remains under-explored. The report investigates this relationship by comparing the Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) of Austria, Finland and Sweden, initiated under the NextGenerationEU f

Safety and Security in Sudan: Humanitarian Aid Workers’ Risk Perception

Protection of humanitarian aid workers (HAWs) is a challenging task. There are various reports on the topic where much research seems to focus on traditional physical attacks and intentional violence against HAWs (security) rather than the accidental event risks (safety) or discussing it separately. These risks are usually defined by the organization’s security risk management holding the power in

New opportunities of membrane processes for protein recovery

Proteins are important for our daily diet and thus, one of the most important food ingredients. Currently, the global protein market was valued at over 72 billion U.S. dollars and is projected to reach 114.6 billion U.S. dollars by 2030. The success story of membranes in the food sector is closely tied to their ability to effectively recover proteins.A milestone for the adoption of membrane techno

Physicians’ Lived Experience of Breaking Bad News in Clinical Practice: : Five Essentials of a Relational Process

The purpose of this study was to develop deeper knowledge about physicians’ lived experiences of breaking bad news by identifying their common meanings and inter-relatedness along with their potential alignment with process-oriented and relational aspects. Based on the methodology of descriptive phenomenology, in-depth interviews were conducted with 22 physicians from a wide variety of specialties

Breaking the barriers to interdisciplinarity: Contributions from the Environmental Research Infrastructures

As science and technology evolve, interdisciplinary targets are anything but static, introducing additional levels of complexity and challenging further the initiatives to break the barriers to interdisciplinary research. For over a decade the community of the Environmental Research Infrastructures, forming the ENVRI cluster, has been building strong foundations to overcome these challenges and be

ENVRI-FAIR Project brief on implementation of Open Science and EOSC targets

In the ENVRI-FAIR project brief on implementation of Open Science and EOSC targets the current achievements and planned activities in ENVRI-FAIR are summarised with regard to a) Integration with the EOSC infrastructure b) FAIR principles implementation and repositories c) Technical, semantic, legal and organisational interoperability d) Stewardship of data and e) Cross-cluster collaboration activi