

Din sökning på "*" gav 533893 sökträffar

Essays in Political Economy and Economic Sociology

This thesis consists of four self-contained papers within political economy and economic sociology. The first paper studies how the 2015 refugee wave impacted the vote share of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats (SD) during the 2018 Swedish parliamentary elections. I find that while there is an overall positive effect of immigration on the SD votes, the magnitude of the effect differs considera

Superposition of induced polarization signals measured on pyrite–sand mixtures

Induced polarization (IP) is a common method in ore exploration. IP spectra measured over a wide frequency range can be used to characterize material properties of ores, slags and other residual material from mines and processing facilities. Previous studies have shown that IP parameters are sensitive to type, content or grain size of electronically conductive or semi-conductive minerals. Up to no

Tillämpning av en ny vätskekromatografi-tandem masspektrometri metod för analys av metylmalonat

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Vid kemiska analyser på laboratorium är det ofta nödvändigt att separera olika molekyler i en blandning med hjälp av vätskekromatografi. Vätskekromatografi är en separationsmetod där man använder sig av tvåfassystem. Masspektrometri är en teknik där joner separeras i gasfas baserat på deras massa i förhållande till laddning (m/z). En kombination utav dessa metoAbstract Introduction: this study is about optimization and application of a new liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method with reversed phase instead of HILIC column for analysis of methylmalonate. Background: methylmalonate cannot be broken down if there is a low level of cobalamin. Therefore, the investigation of lack of cobalamin is supplemented with, among other things, methyl

Promoting individualism under the guise of uniformity : A bishop's instructions in late eighteenth-century Sweden

The ways in which a bureaucratic model of oversight could be turned into a vehicle of individualizing religious practices in late-eighteenth-century Sweden is the central concern of this chapter. It focuses on how bureaucratic measures could be used to implement enlightened reform, thereby offering a different perspective on ‘pastoral Enlightenment’ in the rural European North. By examining how Ol

Ska vi öppna Pandoras ask? En studie om avtalslagens behov av reformering

Med utgångspunkt i avtalslagen syftar denna uppsats till att utreda och analysera argumenten för och emot behovet av lagreglering inom avtalsrätten och därmed få en ökad förståelse för lagstiftningens och prejudikatets betydelse. Uppsatsens frågeställning är: Utifrån vilka aspekter och argument kan det hävdas att avtalslagen behöver reformeras alternativt bevaras som den är? Metoden för uppsatsenBased on the Swedish Contract Law (avtalslagen) this essay aims to investi-gate and analyze the arguments pro and contra the need for legal regulation within contract law and thereby gain an increased understanding of the im-portance of legislation and precedent. The question of the thesis is: Based on which aspects and arguments can it be argued that the contract law needs to be reformed or prese

Comparison between CISG II, Swedish and Chinese Contract Law

Kina har under flera års tid varit en av världens snabbast växande ekonomier och utgör därmed en enorm potentiell marknad för svenska företag. Den ökande handeln och transaktionerna med Kina kräver förståelse för kinesisk kontraktsrätt, som ännu inte är särskilt välkänd eller studerad i resten av världen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra och analysera likheter och skillnader mellan svensk och China has for many years been one of the world's fastest growing economies and has enormous potential for Swedish companies. The increase in trading and transactions with China requires an understanding of Chinese Contract Law, which is neither widely studied nor well known to the world. The purpose of this study is to compare and analyse the similarities and differences between Swedish, Chin

Design flexibility of prefabricated housing systems

With the growing global demand for affordable housing, the housing deficit needs to be addressed with building solutions that are fast to build while less expensive to operate and construct. As most prefabricated systems are targeted to mess production, individuality and option for customization has become highly limited. Looking into what is currently available in the market, reviewing these off

Plastic turbulence: illusions of containment, clean-up, and control, and the emergent promise of diverse economies

Global ecosystems are currently buckling under the weight of “plastics turbulence:” the condition of ubiquitous plastic entanglement within all human and non-human natural systems. This chapter argues that “global plastics governance” - the fragmented and variable political and institutional response to the plastics crisis - suffers from strategies that are doomed to fail because they miss what is

Medical Diplomacy in the Persian Gulf- Could health collaboration improve intergovernmental relations and public health in the Gulf- region?

Introduction: International cooperation is essential for public health, as countries need to access medical equipment, combat health crises, and strengthen health capacities. Medical Diplomacy is a concept and practices that combines the goals of improving intergovernmental relations and health, by initiating and facilitating intergovernmental health cooperation. Objectives: This study specificall

Aggrecan governs intervertebral discs development by providing critical mechanical cues of the extracellular matrix

Aggrecan (ACAN) is localized in the intervertebral disc (IVD) in unique compartment-specific patterns where it contributes to the tissue structure and mechanical function together with collagens. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the IVD undergoes degenerative changes during aging, misuse or trauma, which inevitably alter the biochemical and biomechanical properties of the tissue. A deeper underst

The effects of individual and organizational interventions on space tourism : applying EMGB and fsQCA

There is limited theoretically informed research on sustainability in the space tourism market. An extended model of goal-directed behaviour (EMGB) is created and verified with individual and organizational interventions, comparing space tourism experienced and non-experienced travellers. Results revealed that individual intervention has fully significant effects on all MGB constructs, while organ