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Översättning och bearbetning till nederländska av min biografi om drottning Kristina.
Översättning och bearbetning till nederländska av min biografi om drottning Kristina.
Over the past few years, there has been growing research interest in the Internet of Things. Both academics and industrialists have developed and deployed IoT-based applications for transparency and efficiency within the food sector. Some of the IoT applications that have been successfully implemented are related to tracking, tracing, and monitoring food products and other resources, which contrib
SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Periodiseringsbaserad Earnings Management: IFRS 15 - Implementeringens effekt på beslutsnyttan Seminariedatum: 01/11/2023 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i Redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Vinzent Lenander, David Solin och Emma Wall Handledare: Micael Jönsson Fem nyckelord: IFRS 15, Beslutsnytta, Diskretionära Periodiseringar, E
The object of the study is to discuss how methods for increase interaction with communities can contribute to find ways for building relationships between local journalists and publics. Also, the study aims to display how trust can contribute to strategies for social sustainability of local journalism. Exploring new ways of studying communication and interactions in media and journalism is of high interest considering that we live in a constantly transforming media landscape. To build sustainable journalism and media organizations requires a holistic approach of the development involving audience, news producers and other stakeholders.This panel originates from studies applying action research o
Hyperlocal news appears often in discussion about the future of the news media and potential alternative models. There is a strong need to analyse development of hyper-local news initiatives to better understand the needs of this sector, possibilities and challenges of collaboration between the community and media initiatives. It is important to study the phenomena in various cultural and social cHyper-local news appears often in discussion about the future of the news media and potential alternative models. There is a strong need to analyse development of hyper-local news initiatives to better understand the needs of this sector, possibilities and challenges of collaboration between the community and media initiatives. It is important to study the phenomena in various cultural and social
A novel energy management (EM) approach is introduced, integrating core elements of collective intelligence (CI) and reinforcement learning (RL) and called CIRLEM. It operates by distributing a flexibility signal from the energy supplier to agents within the grid, prompting their responsive actions. The flexibility signal reflects upon the collective behaviour of the agents in the grid and agents
Regular exercise leads to widespread salutary effects, and there is increasing recognition that exercise-stimulated circulating proteins can impart health benefits. Despite this, limited data exist regarding the plasma proteomic changes that occur in response to regular exercise. Here, we perform large-scale plasma proteomic profiling in 654 healthy human study participants before and after a supe
Som musiker är instuderingen av nytt stycke musik något vi kommer att ha med oss genom våra hela liv. Att förbereda något nytt kan till tider kännas skrämmande om det har stora utmaningar som vi inte kännas oss bekväma med och gör i några fall att man fastnar i cirkel av frustration som kan vara svår att komma ut ur. Genom mina år som gitarrist har jag ofta känt att vissa musikstycken är för svårAs a musician, the study of a new piece of music is something that we will have with us throughout our whole lives. Preparing something new can at times feel daunting if it has major challenges that we do not feel comfortable with and in some cases make you get stuck in a circle of frustration that can be difficult to get out of. Throughout my years as a guitarist, I have often felt that some pie
One of the major challenges in forensic genetics is being able to detect very small amounts of DNA. Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) enables sensitive detection; however, genotype errors may exist and could interfere with the interpretation. Common errors in MPS-based analysis are often induced during PCR or sequencing. Unique molecular indices (UMIs) are short random nucleotide sequences ligat
Background: C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) is a known target for promoting growth and has been implicated as a therapeutic opportunity for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study aimed to explore the effect of CNP on CVD risk using the Mendelian randomization (MR) framework. Methods: Instrumental variables mimicking the effects of pharmacological intervention on
This book chapter takes an institutional perspective on competing logics in global markets concerned with sustainability values and how market actors in the form of buyers and sellers attempt to solve these conflicting situations. We do this by identifying competing institutional logics in global market contexts aiming for sustainability values, together with techniques for navigating these compet
The importance of ethical practices and a sustainable competitive position is being increasingly emphasised by all types of business and across all industries. The chapters collected in Creating a Sustainable Competitive Position discuss how international firms work with sustainable strategies and their relationship with the society and environment while exploring the different opportunities and c
Precipitation is a major component of the water cycle. Accurate and reliable estimation of precipitation is essential for various applications. Generally, there are three main types of precipitation products: satellite based, reanalysis, and ground measurements from rain gauge stations. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Recent efforts have been made to develop various merging methods
Removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere will be required over the next decades to achieve the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C aiming at not exceeding 1.5°C. Technological and ecosystem-based options are considered for generating negative emissions through carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and several nations have already included these in their Long-Term Low Gree
A fundamental difference between ordinary and leisure time is for many the ability to indulge in extra-ordinary activities of both body and mind. Rooted in antiquity, the renaissance villas were often used as spaces for indulgence of artistic endeavors, be it philosophical discussions, poetry-writing or lavish parties. Of indulgence, Aristoteles wrote: ‘The self-indulgent man craves for all pleasa
Protein stability is a property of high importance and is of interest in a variety of fields. It determines if a protein has its native fold and can be of influence in certain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. It can also be of interest in an industrial setting to optimise the stability of enzymes in certain physicochemical environments. Recent developments in machine l
For me, life in this city begins and ends with artist-initiated networks, where energies and programmes are constantly opening and ending, keeping pace with the rate at which artist’s studios are closed and relocated. These networks establish where work is developed, shown, or both, and they affirm what is missing as much as what is made. The affective affinities that enable these associations als
Start together – then separate.“One is insidethen outside what one has been insideOne feels emptybecause there is nothing inside oneselfOne tries to get inside oneself that inside of the outside that one was once inside once one tries to get oneself inside what one is outside:to eat and to be eatento have the outside inside and to be inside the outside”¹While knots can be complicated to untangle t
Curated by Claudia De la Torre and Gregorio Magnani in collaboration with the participants of the 23th edition CSAV - Artists’ Research Laboratory, the publication reflects on the experiences shared at the laboratory and on its overall theme. Through individual and collaborative contributions it investigates how sound, performance, and language may become tools in the creation of a “we” capable of