Din sökning på "*" gav 534743 sökträffar
University and Culture: a Phenomenological Analysis of Formal and Informal Discourse on Education and Research at Universities in Sweden and China
I forskningen som presenteras här görs en empirisk undersökning av vetenskap och dess politiska gestaltning, i en analys av vad dessa begrepp betyder i olika sammanhang. Undersökningen är inriktad på en studie av formell och informell diskurs rörande universitet, utbildning och forskning. Den informella diskursen består av 202 skriftliga intervjuer, där elever och personal i båda länderna svarar pIn this research, science and its political appearance are studied through an empirical exploration of their representations in narrative expressions. The field of investigation is allocated to formal and informal discourse on university, education and research in Sweden and China. The analysed expressions were taken from 202 written reports, as students and personnel in both countries answered an
Artificiell intelligens - Om mötet mellan mänskliga behov och tekniska möjligheter: Introduktionsbok för AI i handikappsammanhang
Artificiell Intelligens (AI) är ett förhållandevis nytt område som befinner sig i en närmast explosiv utveckling. Då det dessutom finns mycket inom AI-tekniken som skulle kunna vara till stor nytta för personer med olika typer av handikapp är det kanske d
Molecular Trees for Collecting Sunshine -Monitoring and Controlling Energy Transfer in Dendrimers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett ökade förbrukningen av fossila bränslen kommer att accelerera den globala uppvärmningen med oöverskådlig inverkan på oss och vår miljö. Utvecklingen av alternativa, förnybara och miljömässigt rena energiformer är därför helt essentiell. En möjlig lösning är att skapa artificiell fotosyntes, där solenergi omvandlas till bränsle (till exempel vätgas) i en process där A continuing use of fossil fuels will accelerate global warning and result in severe consequences for the environment and thereby also us. Development of alternative, sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources is therefore crucial. One approach is to create an artificial photosynthetic system that converts sunshine into fuel (e.g. hydrogen gas) by splitting water molecules. However, i
Automated Manufacture of Fertilizing Agglomerates from Burnt Wood Ash
In Sweden, extensive research is conducted to find alternative sources of energy that should partly replace the electric power production from nuclear power. With the ambition to create a sustainable system for producing energy, the use of renewable energy is expected to grow further and biofuels are expected to account for a significant part of this increase. However, when biofuels are burned or
Artificial neural networks classify myocardial perfusion images
Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på svenska Datortolkning av myokardscintigrafibilder Kärlkramp och hjärtinfarkt sammanfattas ibland under benämningen ischemisk hjärtsjukdom, en vanligt förekommande sjukdom i många industriländer. Sjukdomen beror främst på förträngningar i hjärtats kranskärl, dvs. de kärl som förser hjärtmuskulaturen med blod. Sjukdomen går att behaIn the studies of this thesis, a method for automated classification of myocardial perfusion images was successfully developed and evaluated. The results show that the method, based on artificial neural networks, was equally good, or even better than human experts. It was also found that physicians interpreting myocardial perfusion images benefit from the advice of the artificial neural networks.
Algebraic Dependence of Commuting Elements in Algebras
The aim of this paper to draw attention to several aspects of the algebraic dependence in algebras. The article starts with discussions of the algebraic dependence problem in commutative algebras. Then the Burchnall-Chaundy construction for proving algebraic dependence and obtaining the corresponding algebraic curves for commuting differential operators in the Heisenberg algebra is reviewed. Next
Genocide; a background paper
The report is a brief introduction into the field of comparative genocide studies, written for the Swedish giovernment.
Characterization of the Moving Group HR 1614 (CD-ROM Directory: contribs/holmberg)
Modernization and Effeminization: Kerala Cashew Workers since 1930.
Donationen från Stiftelsen Ribbingska Sjukhemmets Minnesfond och Föreningen för Äldrevård och Gerontologi: Avrapportering 2008.
Viktor Rydbergs existentiella val
Active Distributed Power Systems Functional Structures for Real-Time Operation of Sustainable Energy Systems
Present power system will face great challenges in several areas depending on the market economy, extensive global integration and constant need for more electric power, which will force the system to operate much closer to its stability limits. Meeting these challenges may involve improving and complementing or even total restructuring of the power systems.New technologies are emerging such as re
Renässans för regioner - om tekniken och den sociala kommunikationens villkor
Det grundläggande problem som denna bok behandlar är en till synes växande klyfta mellan världsvida relationer och människors behov av geografisk närhet och ögonkontakt. Författaren behandlar frågor som rör tekniken och den sociala kommunikationens villkor, eller uttryckt på annat sätt, människans förmåga och möjligheter att bemästra det geografiska rummet. Europas geopolitiska karta känneteckna
Surprising institutions
This paper introduces the notion of surprising institutions. We often carry incorrect beliefs about the world surrounding us and we are often mistaken about the nature of the institutional structure. The case story in this paper shows that an institution may come as a surprise, even though its origins lies some 500 years back, and that the information we receive as feedback on our actions does not
No title
Supporting internationalisation of higher education : the way to develop – a case study of Vietnam
Oursourcing Advanced Logistics: Shipper's and Provider's Perspective on Risks
Hardware aspects of a real-time surveillance system
This paper presents the implementation of an automated digital video surveillance system on an FPGA platformfor real-time performance. To achieve real-time performance, the system includes hardware accelerators for video segmentation, morphology operations, labeling and feature extraction while tracking is handled in software. By implementing a complete system on a hardware platform, bottlenecks i