

Din sökning på "*" gav 533724 sökträffar

Flood risk assessment under population growth and urban land use change in Matola, Mozambique

Matola, a major Mozambican city, has witnessed flooding, mainly caused by rainfall. The study aims to produce flood-hazard and flood-risk maps for Matola using the hydrological model TFM-DYN. For 2000, 2020, and 2040, the modeled extent of medium-risk area is 50.6 km2 (13.7%), 44.8 km2 (12.2%), and 39.0 km2 (10.6%) and of high-risk area is 43.3 km2 (11.8%), 31.8 km2 (8.6%), and 28.9 km2 (7.8%), re

Tractography indicates lateralized differences between trigeminal and olfactory pathways

Odorous sensations are based on trigeminal and olfactory perceptions. Both trigeminal and olfactory stimuli generate overlapping as well as distinctive activations in the olfactory cortex including the piriform cortex. Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), an integrative center for all senses, is directly activated in the presence of olfactory stimulations. In contrast, the thalamus, a very important midbra

Subtle Differences in Brain Architecture in Patients with Congenital Anosmia

People suffering from congenital anosmia show normal brain architecture although they do not have functional sense of smell. Some studies in this regard point to the changes in secondary olfactory cortex, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), in terms of gray matter volume increase. However, diffusion tensor imaging has not been explored so far. We included 13 congenital anosmia subjects together with 15 co

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and diabetic retinopathy : nationwide cohort and Mendelian randomization studies

BACKGROUND: The ability of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) to decrease certain microvascular events has called for the investigation of GLP-1 RAs against diabetic retinopathy (DR), but the evidence is limited. By combining data from observational and Mendelian randomization (MR) studies, we aimed to investigate whether GLP-1 RAs decrease the risk of DR.METHODS: We combined da

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L’accord sujet-verbe (SV) en nombre en français parlé (e.g. la fille dit X vs. les filles disent X) est un trait grammatical difficile à apprendre pour les apprenants suédois de français L2 (Bartning & Schlyter 2004). Dans ce domaine, ces apprenants commettent souvent des erreurs du type Les filles *dit X (Ågren 2014). Dans cette étude, nous posons la question de savoir si ces erreurs sont par

A difference scheme for a triangular system of conservation laws with discontinuous flux modeling three-phase flows

A triangular system of conservation laws with discontinuous flux that models the one-dimensional flow of two disperse phases through a continuous one is formulated. The triangularity arises from the distinction between a primary and a secondary disperse phase, where the movement of the primary disperse phase does not depend on the local volume fraction of the secondary one. A particular applicatio

En analys av tio barnfamiljers asylutredningar

Anna Lindberg, Anna Lundberg och Mehek Muftee har läst och analyserat barnfamiljers asylakter. I denna artikel visar de med hjälp av olika exempel hur tid ges en central roll i Migrationsverkets utredningsarbete, som närmast låter sig beskrivas som en frenetisk jakt på kronologiska berättelser. Glapp i tidskronologin och tveksamma svar på frågor som rör tid resulterar i att den asylsökande misstän

Virtual monoenergetic images by spectral detector computed tomography may improve image quality and diagnostic ability for ischemic lesions in acute ischemic stroke

Background: Acute ischemic lesions are challenging to detect by conventional computed tomography (CT). Virtual monoenergetic images may improve detection rates by increased tissue contrast. Purpose: To compare the ability to detect ischemic lesions of virtual monoenergetic with conventional images in patients with acute stroke. Material and Methods: We included consecutive patients at our center t

Reliability of using vegetation optical depth for estimating decadal and interannual carbon dynamics

Vegetation optical depth (VOD) from satellite passive microwave sensors has enabled monitoring of aboveground biomass carbon dynamics by building a relationship with static carbon maps over space and then applying this relationship to VOD time series. However, uncertainty in this relationship arises from changes in water stress, as VOD is mainly determined by vegetation water content, which varies

Flicker : a technological overview

Flicker can be annoying, but above all it can have a negative effect on human health; causing irritation, headaches, eye strain and migraines. With the introduction of LED lamps, flicker has once again become a problem. In addition to the unnecessary suffering caused to individuals, the negative consequences create an obstacle to the wide and rapid adoption of new LED technology and thus also an oFlicker can be annoying, but above all it can have a negative effect on human health; causing irritation, headaches, eye strain and migraines. With the introduction of LED lamps, flicker has once again become a problem. In addition to the unnecessary suffering caused to individuals, the negative consequences create an obstacle to the wide and rapid adoption of new LED technology and thus also an o

The diagnostic value of dopamine transporter imaging and olfactory testing in patients with parkinsonian syndromes

The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of olfactory testing and presynaptic dopamine imaging in diagnosing Parkinson's disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonian syndromes (APS); to evaluate if the combination of these two diagnostic tools can improve their diagnostic value. A prospective investigation of 24 PD patients, 16 APS patients and 15 patients with non-parkinsonian syndromes was per