

Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar

Lime modification of clay till - A case study

Detta är en artikel om kalkmodifiering av lermorän och är baserad på examensarbetet ”Lime modification of clay till – a case study” (Westesson, 2015). Med kalkmodifiering menas att jordens packningsbarhet förbättras genom inblandning av kalk. Metoden att använda sig av kalk för att förbättra de geotekniska egenskaperna av leror och lermoräner är en nygammal metod och har främst använts till vägproThis report deals with lime modification of clay till. Lime modification means that the compaction properties of the soil are improved by the addition of lime. The report consists of three main parts: 1) Description of the geotechnical properties of clay till and how lime modification affects the properties; 2) Description of the implementation of lime modification and the tests conducted at a con

När disruptiva innovationer förändrar marknadsstrukturer – modell för att identifiera möjliga hållbara positioner.

Purpose: To identify strategies that can be applied to achieve a sustainable position when the equilibrium state has changed. Problem: Research question 1: What factors should be analyzed to predict how disruptive innovations change market structures? Research question 2: What strategies can an innovator apply to achieve a sustainable position at a new equilibrium? Research question 3: How are the

The Key Drivers and Barriers towards Big Data Usage Adoption in the Automotive Industry

Big data usage is an often-hyped phenomenon within industry and academia. The automotive industry commonly employs BI technology to improve the quality of their decision-making. However, recent developments within the automotive industry such as the connected car and advanced manufacturing make big data usage increasingly important. Since the adoption of new technologies in organizations turns out

Prometheus on the Fortunate Isles - A Human Ecological Study on Environment, Culture and Identity in Samoa

The thesis is centered around an eight week long minor field study conducted on the Polynesian Islands of Samoa in 2010. Samoa is one of the worlds least developed countries according to the UN. However; people do not starve in Samoa. In Samoa, most land is still communaly owned, and every Samoan has through family ties access to so called customary lands. Moreover, customary land is inalienable i

Strategier för att bemästra livssituationen efter amputation av en nedre extremitet

Personer som genomgått amputation av en nedre extremitet kan använda sig av en mängd olika strategier för att hantera sin nya livssituation. I tidigare forskning har strategier inte fått något större fokus utan den har inriktat sig på den fysiska återhämtningen. Syftet var att beskriva vilka strategier vuxna personer som amputerat en nedre extremitet kan använda för att bemästra sin nya livssituat

Cultivating a Social Neighbourhood

As urbanisation continues throughout the world, issues of sustainability have been raised. Discussing ecological sustainability is becoming increasingly common, where green space in urban planning, has been given a particular function. At the same time, this sustainability goes beyond the environment and nature, since it also relates to social interaction and trust between people. The city of Malm

En studie med case series design av Unified Protocol, en transdiagnostisk och känslofokuserad KBT- behandling i gruppformat

Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka det transdiagnostiska och känslofokuserade KBT-behandlingsprogrammet Unified Protocol i gruppformat på en allmänpsykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning. Studien använde sig av case series design på tre patienter med en ångestproblematik som primärdiagnos. Studien följde förändringar i symtom av depression, ångest och upplevd livskvalitet samt känsloregleringThe present study aimed to investigate the transdiagnostic and emotion-focused CBT treatment program Unified Protocol in a group format in a general psychiatric outpatient clinic. The study used case series design on three patients with anxiety problems as primary diagnosis. The study followed changes in symptoms of depression, anxiety and perceived quality of life and emotion regulation skills du

Capability Development in the Biotech Industry

The purpose of this thesis is to identify relevant relations between dynamic capabilities and operational capabilities inside a biotech company and their development throughout the years, as well as to analyze the effects of those on the market offering. The intention is to draw valid implications for future empirical research on capability relations in the biotech sector.

Utgivning av populärhistorisk litteratur i Sverige : en studie ur ett genusperspektiv

Bara en liten del av vår historia ryms i historieböckerna. Vad hittar vi på hyllor i bokhandeln idag? Fokus i den här uppsatsen ligger på utgivningen av populärhistorisk litteratur i Sverige år 2014. Det är 208 titlar som ingår i undersökningen. Utgivningen analyseras utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Hur stor andel av den senaste populärhistoriska utgivningen i Sverige är skriven av kvinnor och handla

"Det räcker inte med en spakurs"- utmattningssyndrom ur psykodynamiskt och existentiellt perspektiv

Den stressrelaterade ohälsan i Sverige ökar och däribland utmattningssyndrom. Syftet med denna studie var att vidga förståelsen av utmattningssyndrom genom att belysa det ur ett psykodynamiskt- samt ett existentiellt perspektiv. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tio erfarna psykoterapeuter kring deras sätt att förstå och arbeta med utmattningssyndrom. Materialet analyserades med tematisStress-related illness in Sweden is on the increase and notably, cases of stress-related exhaustion. The aim of this study was to widen the understanding of stress-related exhaustion and to shed light on it from a psychodynamic and an existential perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten experienced psychotherapists about their way of understanding and working with stress-rel

Expectations of Sport Event Tourism Experiences

Purpose: This research aims to study potential tourists’ expectations of sport event tourism experiences and discuss whether having past sport event tourism experiences influence tourists’ expectations for future trip experiences. Methods: This research combines a literature study, a qualitative study and a quantitative study. The literature review aimed to define a framework of sport event touri

Celebritetsförfattare : en undersökning av tre svenska författares varumärke

This study assesses the projection of self and of the personal trademarks of three Swedish authors in three different areas of media. In this composition, the chosen authors are evaluated and examined on the basis of television interviews, the author’s websites and various selected book covers, all through two main perspectives: celebrity studies and branding studies.

Time Adaptive Implicit Methods for Solving Initial Value Problems in CFD

In modeling unsteady compressible viscous flow problems with the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, time adaptive implicit methods are needed to solve the initial value problems that arise when discretizing the equations in accordance with the method of lines. The methods most used in industrial code today are a family of multistep methods called BDF-methods. Because BDF-methods with higher ord

Att översätta en trend

Att översätta en trend – En studie av institutionaliseringsprocessen av content marketing Denna studie undersöker hur ett nytt begrepp inom kommunikationsbranschen sprids och börjar etableras. De få studier inom strategisk kommunikation som beskriver spridning av nya idéer handlar nästan uteslutande om hur de har anammats av efterfrågesidan. Denna studie studerar därför hur aktörerna på produktionTranslating a trend – A study of the intstitutionalization process of content marketing. This study explores how a new term in is diffused and established. The few studies on diffusion of ideas in Strategic communication that exists have mostly been focused on the adoption. This study is therefore an exploration over how actors act on the production field of communication ideas in an institutional

Farming on the Fringe : Enhancing China’s Food Security through Community Supported Agriculture

Amid the many food safety scandals and rapid urbanization, China’s peri-urban areas have recently witnessed the emergence of alternative food systems (AFSs). Situated in a context different from that of the West, their impact has remained poorly understood and under researched. This paper explores how Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) can enhance food security in China’s cities. Based on Polan

Välgörenhetsorganisationers utveckling i Kina från dåtid till framtid

Välgörenhet har en lång historia i Kina och välgörenhetsorganisationer har länge spelat en betydande roll för utövandet av välgörenhet. Redan under Qin-dynastin (221-207 f.Kr) talas det om välgörenhetsorganisationer som formats av vanliga människor men främst av överklassen i samhället. Denna uppsats undersöker välgörenhetsorganisationers utveckling från dåtid till nutid. Uppsatsen berättar först

Governing for Sustainability: Between Post-political Participation and Apathy in an Argentinian Neighbourhood

Despite the increased focus on sustainable urban development both within academia and in urban planning practices, authors seem to agree that we are mostly continuing business as usual and are not embarking on different socio-environmental trajectories. On the contrary, such urban sustainability practices can often lead to processes of displacement and gentrification, thus worsening the conditions

Perception of perfection

In this project I discuss perfection and perfectionism. The ideals in our society are challenging and sometimes impossible to live by. This goes for everything from social life, to looks and career. I based the research both on readings, talks, experiments and a own observations. In a survey I found that most of the participants that was in design school felt a lot of performance anxiety, and tha