

Din sökning på "*" gav 529155 sökträffar

Towards a resilient and resource-efficient local food system based on industrial symbiosis in Härnösand : a Swedish case study

The endeavour to align the goals of the Swedish food strategy with the national environmental quality objectives and the 17 global SDGs, presents an extraordinary challenge that calls for systemic innovation. Industrial symbiosis can potentially provide the means for increasing sustainable food production, using locally sub-exploited resources that can reduce the need for land, agrochemicals, tran

Towards visual strategic communications : an innovative interdisciplinary perspective on visual dimensions within the strategic communications field

The purpose of this paper is to explore how a visual perspective can be applied to strategic communication research. First, the term visual communication will be examined from various perspectives with an attempt to develop a foundation for this new academic territory. Second, this study summarises how visual approaches are applied in strategic communication research during 2005-2015, this is donePurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore how a visual perspective can be applied to strategic communication research. First, the term visual communication will be examined from various perspectives with an attempt to develop a foundation for this new academic territory. Second, this study summarises how visual approaches are applied in strategic communication research during 2005-2015, this

Study and validation of modelling for planned evacuation in Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)

This thesis studied the recording methodologies of conducting unannounced evacuation drills to enhance the understanding of evacuation behaviours and performance within the Complex Muon Solenoid (CMS) cavern at CERN. The primary objective was to validate the CMS underground evacuation simulation model for planned evacuation and compare various data collection methods. An unannounced evacuation dr

Från kritik till förändring: EU-rättens inverkan på dygnsviloreglerna i Sverige - En rättsvetenskaplig analys av hur EU:s regler om dygnsvila och veckovila har påverkat Sveriges arbetstidslagstiftning och den svenska modellen

Arbetstidsdirektivets (2003/88/EG) regler om dygnsvila och veckovila har visat sig vara komplexa för medlemsstater, som bland annat Sverige, att tolka korrekt. Detta mot bakgrund av att Sverige dömdes för fördragsbrott av EU-domstolen år 2005, på grund av avsaknaden av reglering om dygnsvila i svensk arbetstidslagstiftning. Under det senaste året har en kraftig debatt gällande reglerna om dygnsvilThe thesis discusses the complexity of interpreting and applying the EU Working Time Directive (2003/88/EC) in Sweden, particularly the rules on daily rest and weekly rest. In 2005, Sweden was found guilty of a treaty violation by the European Court of Justice due to the lack of regulation on daily rest in Swedish labour legislation. Over the past year, there has been a significant debate in Swedi

Artificiell Intelligens i arbetslivet - Kan användningen av AI i rekryteringsprocesser minska risken för diskriminering?

Användningen av Artificiell Intelligens har ökat de senaste åren och många arbetsgivare väljer att integrera AI i rekryteringsprocessen i syfte att vara kostnads- och tidseffektiva. Men användningen av AI medför betydande nackdelar såsom oavsiktlig diskriminering. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka den rättsliga reglering inom diskrimineringsrätten när AI används i rekryteringsprocesser. Vidare kThe use of Artificial Intelligence has increased in recent years and many employers choose to integrate AI into the recruitment process in order to be cost and time efficient. But the use of AI brings significant disadvantages such as unintentional discrimination. The essay aims to investigate the legal regulation within discrimination law when AI is used within recruitment processes. Furthermore,

När mobbning drabbar: strategier för hur föräldrar hanterar skol- respektive nätmobbning

Att under sin uppväxt bli utsatt för mobbning av jämnåriga kan innebära långtgående negativa konsekvenser för hälsa och mående för den utsatta. Fortfarande är det många barns vardag att vara utsatta för mobbning. Mobbningen sker idag inte enbart i skolmiljö utan även på nätet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka föräldrars syn på deras möjlighet att agera vid sitt eget barns utsatthet för skol- eDuring childhood and adolescence, being subjected to bullying by peers can have far-reaching negative consequences for the health and well-being of the victim. Unfortunately, many children continue to experience bullying, which now occurs not only in school environments but also online. The purpose of this study was to explore parents' perspectives on their ability to respond when their own ch

Bonusföräldrar i familjeterapi: erfarenheter från terapeutisk praktik och behandling

Den här studiens syfte är att undersöka hur familjeterapeuter resonerar om hur bonusföräldrar involveras i familjeterapi. De övergripande frågeställningarna är 1) vilka avvägningar som görs gällande bonusförälderns delaktighet, 2) hur bonusförälderns roll i terapin framstår, 3) vilka arbetsmodeller som används i familjeterapi med bonusföräldrar 4) familjeterapeuters erfarenheter kring bonusföräldeThe aim of this study is to investigate how family therapists reason and reflect on the involvement of bonus parents (also known as stepparents) in family therapy. The research questions are 1) what considerations are made regarding the involvement of bonus parents? 2) what kind of role does the bonus parent have in the therapy? 3) What working models are used in family therapy with bonus parents?

“Tidsfråga innan någon dör” Personals hantering av vardagligt hot och våld inom statlig ungdomsvård

This study aimed to explore staff's experiences of handling threats and violence by youth clients within The National Board of Institutional Care (Statens Institutionsstyrelse). The method chosen for this study was six different semi-structured qualitative interviews with staff working on the floor with youths. Our empirical material was analyzed using Arlie Russell Hochschild’s theory on emot

Socialarbetares arbete med flyktingungdomars integrationsprocess - En kvalitativ studie med hjälp av “mixed methods”

This study aims to explore and analyze the efforts of social workers to facilitate the integration of refugee youth within a municipality's labor market unit. With a mixed methods approach, consisting of semi-structured interviews and shadowing, this study has engaged in a meticulous exploration of the topic at hand. The selection of respondents has been crafted through a combination of conven

Det svenska alkoholmonopolet och den fria rörligheten för varor - Om gårdsförsäljning blir tillåtet i Sverige - hur ser framtiden ut för Systembolaget?

Uppsatsen behandlar den fria rörligheten för varor i relation till det svenska alkoholmonopolet samt hur Systembolagets framtid ser ut om gårdsförsäljning införs i Sverige. Art 34, art 36 och art 37 FEUF är tre fördragsbestämmelser som har varit av relevans för uppsatsens undersökning. Frågeställningarna som uppsatsen syftar till att besvara är för det första hur det svenska alkoholmonopolet förhåThe essay addresses the free movement of goods in relation to the Swedish alcohol monopoly and how Systembolaget's future looks if on-farm sales are introduced in Sweden. Art 34, art 36 and art 37 TFEU are three treaty provisions that have been relevant to the essay's examination. The questions that the essay aims to answer are, firstly, how the Swedish alcohol monopoly relates to the prov

Penningtvättslagen och dataskyddsförordningen - förhåller de sig till varandra?- En studie om sambandet mellan regleringarna om penningtvätt och dataskyddsrätt

Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera förhållandet mellan bestämmelser om penningtvätt och dataskyddsrätt, med fokus på huruvida företags förpliktelser enligt penningtvättslagen påverkas av reglerna i dataskyddsförordningen. Den tekniska utvecklingen har bidragit inte bara till att underlätta för individer och företag utan också för den ekonomiska brottligheten. Genom utnyttjande av The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyse the relationship between regulations on money laundering and data protection law, with a focus on whether companies' obligations under the Money Laundering Act are affected by the rules in the data protection regulation. Technological developments have contributed not only to making it easier for individuals and companies, but also for fina

Weights of Evidence Predictive Modelling in Archaeology

Predictive archaeological modelling is a complex analytical process that requires the understanding of how complex environmental and anthropogenic spatial phenomena relate to the selection of archaeological site location and knowledge of the requirements and potential biases inherent in the method of modelling and the raw data itself. This paper aims to demonstrate the utility of the weights of ev

Äntligen kände jag en tillhörighet... - en kvalitativ studie om individers syfte och anledningar till kriminalitet utifrån självbiografier

Criminality has always been a problem within society. During the last couple of years, we have seen an increase in young people's involvement in crime, which could indicate that the ongoing preventive work is not successful enough. The aim of this study was therefore to explore how people, who have been involved in illegal activities, describe the purpose of criminality and its reasons. We cho

Inget vi utan dem- En socialantropologisk studie om skvallers påverkan på gruppskapande under novischperioden på Lunds Tekniska Högskola

Skvaller sägs stå för två tredjedelar av all informell kommunikation människor utbyter, ändå anses det som moraliskt fel att skvallra. Trots dess negativa rykte har skvaller en positiv påverkan på skapande av tillit och gemenskap inom en grupp. Genom intervjuer har jag analyserat hur skvaller påverkar gruppbildningsprocessen. Detta genom att undersöka hur phusknollor under novischperioden på Lunds

Efter Blåkulla: en socialantropologisk studie om häxkonst och nyandlighet i det senmoderna sverige

Denna studie undersöker häxkonst och nyandlighet i Sverige ur en senmodern kontext. Baserat på empiri från sju semistrukturerade intervjuer som har analyserats utifrån ett teoretisk ramverk i form av flytande modernitet, resonans, grupptillhörighet och liminalitet besvaras frågor kring hur människor som arbetar med spirituella krafter och förkristen naturinriktad religiös magi förhandlar sin ident

Bringing the edges to the core

When a course is designed, it is common to do it for a typical group of students, considered to represent “the majority”, the “norm” or the “average”. The concept of “edges” challenges this view: given the multiple dimensions that teaching and learning encompass, there will always be students who do not belong to a norm and will end up on an edge if they are not included in the course design. In t

Forest policy in Nordic countries : Expert opinions on future needs, uncertainties, and recommendations

There are broad calls in national and international forest policy processes for basing decision-making on the best obtainable scientific knowledge. Simultaneously, there is also a need to accommodate plural values and objectives people and society in general have associated with forests. An essential step for building an evidence base that accommodates pluralistic understandings is to capture info

Tips for creating inclusive classrooms at LTH

All people are different. All teachers are different. All students are different. They have different life situations, different study situations, and different preferences, conditions, and abilities. How can we take this diversity into account when we plan our teaching and exams? What situations should we prepare for? How can we help students focus on their learning and not on unnecessary obstacl

Design and evaluation of non-planar material extrusion on A3-axis printer

The use of material extrusion (MEX) has increased rapidly due to the affordability of 3D printers. This has led to a growing demand for improved print quality, high fidelity, strength, or fast print times. In this study, a non-planar approach for better surface quality is investigated. The hardware of a 3-axis MEX printer was developed together with testing new software for non-planar slicing. The

Combined genetic-pharmacologic inactivation of tightly linked ADAMTS proteases in temporally specific windows uncovers distinct roles for versican proteolysis and glypican-6 in cardiac development

Extracellular matrix remodeling mechanisms are understudied in cardiac development and congenital heart defects. We show that matrix-degrading metalloproteases ADAMTS1 and ADAMTS5, are extensively co-expressed during mouse cardiac development. The mouse mutants of each gene have mild cardiac anomalies, however, their combined genetic inactivation to elicit cooperative roles is precluded by tight g