

Din sökning på "*" gav 532474 sökträffar

The cloning of a rapidly evolving seminal-vesicle-transcribed gene encoding the major clot-forming protein of mouse semen

Approximately 30 kb of the mouse genome, containing the gene for a major seminal vesicle transcript, has been cloned. The gene was identified by the similarity to members of a family with rapidly evolving genes that includes the gene encoding the major clot protein in rat semen, SVS II, and the human semenogelin genes. The nucleotide sequence of 16.9 kb was determined; this sequence encompasses th

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Iran basically sees ISIS as a military-security threat, but needs to consider it as a social-political problem too and devise its strategy to confront it accordingly, and this is of particular importance in the border areas where the situation can be ripe for ISIS to form sleeper sells and pockets of sympathy.

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Abstract in Uncoded languages Tekst analizira simbole i metafore koji se učestalo ponavljaju i koriste u svim tipovima diskursa o raspadu bivše Jugoslavije, od žurnalističkog do akademskog. U ratovima i opsadama u bivšoj Jugoslaviji 1990-ih, tuneli i pasaži ispod zemlje značili su puteve prema eventualnoj slobodi; veze s labirintima, mostovima, tunelima i “prirodnim katastrofama” ostale su zahvaln

Convex Duality Approach to Robust Stabilization of Uncertain Plants

In this thesis we are study the problem of designing the controllers that are robust with respect to the parametric uncertainty. In Part I "The Rank-One Problem" we consider the class of systems with restriction that the structure of uncertainty is limited to a vector. In Chapter " Canonical Parametrization of the Dual Problem in Robust Optimization: Non-Rational Case" we extend the class of all

Simple Tests for Cointegration in Dependent Panels with Structural Breaks

This paper develops a very simple test for the null hypothesis of no cointegration in panel data. The test is general enough to allow for heteroskedastic and serially correlated errors, unit-specific time trends, cross-sectional dependence and unknown structural breaks in both the intercept and slope of the cointegrated regression, which may be located at different dates for different units. The l